Surnames: HAYS HAYES
Submitter: S. Kuhn (
Date: 31 Aug 1999
Researching the family of John B. HAYS (a.k.a. HAYES). He was born in
Massachusetts, c. 1804. Wife, Eliza COOK, born in Harpers Ferry (West)
Virginia, 22 Feb. 1821.Their children were born in Pennsylvania: Cameron
HAYS (14 Dec. 1843), Cornelia Jane HAYS (24 May 1846), James Gilbert HAYS (8
Aug. 1849), Ann Eliza HAYS (4 Oct. 1851),and Henrietta HAYS (20 Oct. 1853).
They went to LaSalle Co., IL sometime after about 1855. John B. HAYS died
there, sometime between 1863 and 1870.
Submitter: judy weber (
Date: 28 Aug 1999
I am looking for information on William Frederick Weber (b.1845,Germany) and
Anna Wortman (b.1854 in Peru, IL). According to my info William Weber and
Anna Wortman were married in LaSalle County in 1875. I am trying to find
more infomation on both of them, including parents, place of birth for
William, siblings, etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated.Thank
you,Judy Weber
Submitter: Roger Thiemann (
Date: 27 Aug 1999
I am looking for information regarding the following surnames: THIEMANN,
additional information, please contact me at my email address or see any of
the following web pages:
AUGUST RUD0LPH THIEMAN(N) (April 26, 1863 - September 4, 1930) PARENTS: Carl G. and Wilhelmine Thiemann (Page 1-1). MARRIAGE: Married April 28, 1887, to Ernestine Wilhelmina Ristau (September 26, 1868 - July 22, 1926). SYNOPSIS: Both Rudolph and Ernestine were born in Germany. Rudolph, born near Dresden, came to the United States in 1866 with his parents and lived at LaSalle, Illinois. Ernestine, born at Guenthergust, came to Ripon, Wisconsin, at age 15 or l6 to live with a brother. Her mother had died when she was a year old, her father had remarried, and she considered her stepmother very cruel and left home without consent. Rudolph had little education and worked in the coal mines at LaSalle, Ill. In 1903 they moved to a farm which lies about four miles southeast of Fairmont, Minnesota. The farm was given them by Father Carl Thiemann, but the land was not totally developed. In 1916 they bought a house in Fairmont although Rudolph continued to farm with his sons. Rudolph lived in town until 1922 at which time he returned to the farm. He remained on the farm with his son Hugo and family until his death in 1930. He was 67 plus and believed to have died of a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage). It is believed Ernestine was well educated in Germany as her father was a high official in the Department of Immigration. Upon her arrival in the United States, she took a job as housekeeper and immediately entered night school. It is said she had a broken romance and married Rudolph on the rebound. The union was not a particularly happy one. Ernestine was strong-willed, highly intelligent, and ruled the roost whereas Rudolph was more passive and also had a drinking problem. She was a strict disciplinarian; he was more compassionate. Ernestine stayed in Fairmont until 1924 when she moved to LaSalle, Illinois. In February 1928 she was struck by a taxi and suffered a broken hip. The bones did not knit and she remained in the hospital until her death in July. She had surgery the Friday before her death but never rallied. Believed she died of Pneumonia, age 59 years 10 months. ERNESTINE'S OBITUARY (Fairmont, MN - 1928): "Chicago Taxi Victim Dies; Mrs. Rudolph Thieman, Martin County Resident Succumbs To Injuries. Mrs. Rudolph Thiemann, 35 year resident of Martin county, died Sunday at the Chicago Hospital, following an operation last Friday. She never regained consciousness after going under the anesthetic. Mrs. Thieman's death was indirectly the result of an accident occurring February 14, 1928, when she was run down by a Yellow Cab as she was crossing one of the downtown streets of Chicago. Following the accident, she was rushed to the Chicago hospital and has never been in condition to leave. The operation which was performed last Friday was in the nature of a last attempt to save her life. Born in Germany. Ernestine Welhelmina Thieman was born at Guenthergust, Germany, Sept. 26, 1868. At the age of 16 she came to the United States, making her home with her brother at Ripon, Wis. Here she was married to Rudolph Thieman who moved to La Salle, Ill where they made their home for 15 years. In 1893 the Thiemans moved to Martin county making their home on the farm until 1916 when they took up their residence in Fairmont. In 1926 she moved to Chicago and was living with her son, Emil, when the accident which caused her death occurred. Gold Star Mother. Mrs. Thieman was active in social and church work. She was a good wife and mother, one whose character made her hosts of friends who greatly regret her tragic death. She was a Gold Star Mother and an active member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband and nine children, one son, Walter, having been killed in the World War; George and Ginter of Fairmont ,Emil and Elsie of Chicago. Mrs. Selma Wallner of La Salle, Ill., Mrs. Erna Koehler of Peru, Ill., Mrs. Irene Carlson of Chicago, Mrs. Laura Pahlman of Prairie View, Ill., and Mrs. Sadie Bicknase of Welcome, (MN). She is also survived by a brother and sister and 14 grandchildren. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the home in Fairmont and at the German Evangelical church at 2 o'clock. Burial will be at Lakeside cemetery. The Rev. E. J. Stech will have charge of the services." ERNESTINE'S OBITUARY (Fairmont, MN - 1928): "Mrs. E. Thiemann. Gold Star Mother, Dies in Chicago - Well Known Fairmont Woman Passes Away as Result of Accident - Nine Children Survive. Mrs. Ernestine Thiemann, mother of George and G.E. Thiemann of this city, died Sunday at Chicago hospital, following an operation on Friday, from which she never rallied. On February 14 Mrs. Thiemann was run down by a cab on the streets of Chicago, suffering a broken leg and other severe injuries from which she suffered greatly and has been in the hospital ever since. The broken bones refused to unite and it was for this reason that the operation on Friday was resorted to. The body is being brought to Fairmont by several of her children who live in or near Chicago and the funeral will be held Wednesday from the home of her son, 410 North Park street. The home service will be at 1:30, and followed by services at St. John's Evangelical church at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in Lakeside Cemetery, Fairmont,MN. Mrs. Thiemann was a gold star member of the Fairmont American Legion Auxiliary, and until her removal to Chicago two years ago one of the most interested and active members. Her son, Walter H., a private in Co. A 119th Inf., was the first Martin county man to be killed in battle in the World War. He met his death on July 22, 1918. Two other sons of Mrs. Thiemann were also soldiers in this war. Moved to Chicago 2 Years Ago. Ernestine Wilhelmina Thiemann, nee Ristau, was born at Guenthergust, Germany, Sept. 26, 1868. She came to America at the age of sixteen, her first home being with her brother at Ripon, Wis. At the age of nineteen she was married at La Salle, Ill., to Rudolph Thiemann, April 28, 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Thiemann made their home at La Salle for fifteen years, then moved to a farm near Fairmont where they lived until 1916, then they moved to this city. Two years ago she went to Chicago to assist in the homes of her children there. Mr. Thiemann remained here, living on the old farm with his son George. Mourned By 9 Children. Of the ten children born to Mr. and Mrs. Thiemann all but the son who lost his life in the war remain to mourn with the bereaved husband the loss of a devoted wife and mother. The children are George of Fairmont; Emil, Chicago; Ginter, Fairmont; Mrs. Selma Wallner, La Salle, Ill.; Mrs. Erna Koehler, Peru, Ill.; Mrs. Irene Carlson, Chicago; Mrs. Laura Pahlman, Prairie View, Ill.; Mrs. Sadie Bicknase, Welcome, Minn.; Elsie, Chicago. She leaves also fourteen grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Henrietta Plagens, Pittsburgh, Kansas; a brother, August Ristau, Ripon, Wis. (Fon du Lac County) and a brother and sister in Germany."
Submitter: Ronald Lewis (
Date: 26 Aug 1999
Looking for ancestors of Warren F. Dodge. Hemarried Rebecca Stout. Their
dau. Anna Dodgem. James W. Turner abt. 1890. Anna was born atEarlville. Is
anyone researching either of thesefamilies? Would like to share information.
Surnames: ADAMS
Submitter: David L. McMonigle (
Date: 25 Aug 1999
I would like to communicate with anyone who has researched the surname of
"Adams" in LaSalle County, Illinois, particularly the family of Charles P.
Surnames: CURTIN
Submitter: Marilyn (
Date: 18 Aug 1999
I would like help finding the ancestors of the Timothy Curtin family. They
are found on the 1860 (Dayton) and 1870 (Wallace) census in Lasalle county.
Timothy's wife is Hannorah, and their children are Catherine, Mary,
Hannorah, John T, Eliza (Lizzie), Margaret (Maggie), Bartholomew, Timothy,
Michael, and Johanna. Father, Mother, and Catherine are shown as being born
in Ireland, and all other children born in Illinois. I am trying to document
whether the daughter Hannorah is the Hannah Curtin I have been searching, my
grandmother. She married Daniel Cavanaugh and moved to Sadorus, IL by 1878,
and on other census and papers she listed her name as Hanora, Honara, and
Nora. I would appreciate any information on any Curtins in Lasalle County.
Submitter: Julia Joaquin (
Date: 15 Aug 1999
Noah LITTLEFIELD, Alex LITTLEFIELD both in the Civil War from Mendota
LaSalle IL. Are these sons of Mary Emma WARREN and Edwin LITTLEFIELD?Would
like to correspond with desc.Thank you. Julia
Submitter: Dana Kapp (
Date: 15 Aug 1999
Looking for information on the desendants of Nancy J. Templin (b. 1806 in
Ohio d. 1888 in Indiana) m. Benjamin Adair (b. 1815 d. March 17, 1854 in
LaSalle Co., IL). They had atleast three children; Eliza Jane Adiar m.
William H. Patterson, Rowena Melvina Adiar m. Joseph Kingery and Lyle
Garrison Adair M. Josephine Temple.
Submitter: Jill Collins (
Date: 13 Aug 1999
Looking for parents & siblings of JOHN JOSEPH BRAUN b. March 16, 1858 in
Henry,Marshall Co., IL d. Jan. 16, 1925 in McCook, Red Willow Co., NE. md.
April 22, 1883 inRutland, LaSalle Co., IL to MONICA (MINNIE) ENGLEBRECHT b.
May 4, 1865 in Frankfurt,Hesse, Germany. 2 of their 13 children were
supposedly born in Henry, Marshall Co.,IL....Anna Marie b. 1884 and George
Mathias b. 1886. Any connections to this family wouldbe most appreciated.
Submitter: Terence Buckaloo (
Date: 09 Aug 1999
Seeking info on James Darby ( 1835). Was in Leland, LaSalle Co., IL
1870 & 1880,he m. Mary Glenn (d. 1872). Was he son of James (b. 1805/06) &
Catherine (b. 1810/11)who came to NY in July 1851? Their ch.- Bridget (b.
1833/34), James (b. 1834/35),Catherine (b. 1836/37), Eliza (b. 1841/42),
Mary (1843/44), Thomas (1845/46). Some of thefamily may have settled here
besides James-a Thomas Darby is here, his brother? Doesanyone know where the
Leland Catholic Church records are?
Submitter: Debbie Wolfe Braun (
Date: 04 Aug 1999
I am looking for information on a William David Wolfe and Pluma Case, who
were married in1885 or 1886. They then lived in Ottawa and had two children
Josephine born in Dec 1886and Lloyd Wolfe Sept 23, 1892. I do know Pluma's
parents were Joel Case and ElizabethJohns. She also had brothers Horace,
Thomas, William,charles, and Hurley. Sisters Mary andhalf sisters Caroline
Elmanette and Emma. Any information about William D Wolfe would
beappreciated. His dob is stember 1, 1857 and I believe he was born in Avis
PA. His parentsalthough I have no name according to census info were born in
Submitter: Kathy Burnham (
Date: 29 Jul 1999
I will be visiting LaSalle next month and would like to find the grave of
John BURNHAM,his father Thomas and sister Hannah Perkins BURNHAM. They were
buried at Oakwood Cemetery,in LaSalle. Can anyone tell me where the cemetery
is located in LaSalle? Thank you. Kathy
Surnames: DEVINE
Submitter: Isabel M. Devine (
Date: 29 Jul 1999
My great great grandfather died in LaSalle in 1854. He had just arrived in
America and wason his way to Iowa. Is there anyway I can find out where he
is buried? His name is JamesDevine, Sr. Would any of the funeral homes in
the area have records that go back that far?Any help would be appreciated.
Submitter: Jake Blitsch (
Date: 26 Jul 1999
Looking for the surname BLITSCH. Not many of them in the US. I know my
G-grandfatherJohn Blitsch came to Peru Ill from Germany (Prussia) in 1866
with his brother. He (John)then moved to Blackhawk County, Iowa, without his
brother. Looking for information on anyBlitsch anywhere. Jake Blitsch,
Oelwein IA
Submitter: Allen Singletary (
Date: 24 Jul 1999
I am seeking historical/genealogical information about John Thomas Porter,
his wife PhebeJane Finley, and their children. John was born 30 May 1836 in
PA. Phebe Jane was born 25Jul 1840, also in PA. John and Phebe were married
Sep 1858 in Junietta Co., PA. beforemoving to Grand Ridge, IL. They were
both devout Presbyterian Church members. They had atleast one son, Albert
"Bert" L. Porter born Jul 1863, in Grand Ridge, IL, Ithink. There might have
been other children. Albert's will mentioned E. F. Porter and WillJ. Porter.
John, his wife Phebe, and their children moved to Jackson Co., FL, to a
smallfarming community about 15 miles east of Marianna, FL. After a while,
they developed thecommunity into a town and named it Grand Ridge, Florida
after the town where they hadlived in Illinois. John and Phebe helped start
a Presbyterian Church in Grand Ridge, FL.John and Phebe both died in Grand
Ridge, FL, and are together buried in Grand Ridge, FL inan above-ground tomb
beside the church building they helped erect. John died 13 Apr 1918and Phebe
died 30 Nov 1917. Their son Albert married my great aunt Minni L. Singletary
6Nov 1895, in Marianna, FL. Albert and Minnie had no natural children but
were fosterparents to Minnie's niece, Edna Porter Singletary. Albert and
Minnie lived in the housewith or near the one owned by their parents. I do
not know were Albert and Minnie wereburied. I wonder if there are church
records of John and Phebe in a Presbyterian Church inGrand Ridge, IL?
Submitter: Arlene Crawford (
Date: 22 Jul 1999
Families lived in Peru from ca 1865 to 1878.Seek obit for John Knipp
1870-1975; OtilleBerma Kienlen 1876; marriage and/or death for Magdalena
Waldvogel Kienlen Loeffler;birth/death for any Freitag
Submitter: Stein Auestad (
Date: 20 Jul 1999
Looking for descendants of Ole and Lars T. Strand. They were brothers, and
emigrated fromNorway to Ottawa, LaSalle around 1860, where they both joined
Henshaw's Artillery Dec 3rd1862.They were the brothers of my ggg-father Sam
Thompson, whose whereabouts in the US are unknown. Sincerely, Stein Auestad
Submitter: Mary Ann (
Date: 19 Jul 1999
Looking for person in LaSalle County, IL who is a descendant of George
Washington Taylor,b. 1857, and who is a son of Sarah Bird-Taylor. I have
information to exchange. He is theyoungest child and I am descended from his
oldest brother. Please contact me
Submitter: Lori (
Date: 17 Jul 1999
Looking for families of Daniel Smalley b 1837 Fayette Co., PA and his third
wife, EmmaElizabeth (Rankin? Ellaway? McElwee). They lived in Streator, Ill.
from1876-1913/16.Associated to the Morse, Cote, King families of the same
Submitter: Russ Czaplewski (
Date: 17 Jul 1999
Seek info on La Salle County church. When was St. Stephen Catholic church
founded atStreator? Did its congregation include a large proportion of
Polish families?
Submitter: Bill Hull (
Date: 15 Jul 1999
Seek any info on Dr. Ai Ooo, who moved from DeKalb, St. Lawrence County, New
York, toMendota, Illinois, about 1865. Dr. Ooo was married to Angelia
Hitchcock, daughter ofJerrah Hitchcock and Abigail Wilson of DeKalb, New
York. She later lived at Tangerine,Orange County, Florida, where she was
Mrs. A. Myrtle Foster.
Submitter: Kathleen Rizer (
Date: 14 Jul 1999
Lulu Morris Weathers, wife of Dr. William H. Weathers, died in 1944 and is
buried inFairview Cem. LaSalle Co., Illinois. Lulu Morris was born June
1885, the dau. of HerveyMorris and Mary E. Kays. I did not find Lulu andDr.
William H. Weathers in the 1900Illinois census. Did they leave LaSalle
Co??Would like dates on him, and where there anychildren?
Submitter: Kathleen Rizer (
Date: 14 Jul 1999
Leola C. Morris , wife of Ralph Hall, died in 16 Dec 1918 and is buried in
Fairview Cem.LaSalle Co., Ill. Leola Morris was born 25 Sep 1890, the dau.
of Hervey Morris and Mary E.Kays. I did not find Leola and Ralph Hall in the
1900 Ill census. Did they leave LaSalleCo.?? Leola may have died in Lee Co,
Illinois. Would like dates on him and where there anychildren?
Surnames: DOLL
Submitter: VAM (
Date: 13 Jul 1999
I'm looking for information on Ben Doll. He was born in Germany in 1845 and
died inLasalle,ILon 5/2/1893. He married Eva Henry on Dec 25,1866.This was
his second marriage.They had 4 childrenEma, Louisa, Ben, and Rudolph. He
owned and operated a soda waterfactory in Lasalle, IL onthe corner of Ninth
and Tonti streets. I need parents andsiblings names.
Submitter: Iris Avery Phelan (
Date: 07 Jul 1999
My grandmother, Ruth Ardis or Ardis Ruth Knevittwas born in Streator,
LaSalle Co.,IL toJames Clifford Knevitt and Minnie Patch Knevitt on July 11,
1899. I would appreciate anyavailable. Also, I am interested in Mary
Knevittwhose last SS benefit was to Streator, IL.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |