La Salle County is the second largest county in Illinois, with an area of
1135 square miles. It contains 37 townships.
- Adams
- Allen
- Brookfield
- Bruce
- Dayton
- Deer Park
- Dimmick
- Eagle
- Earl
- Eden
- Fall River
- Farm Ridge
- Freedom
- Grand Rapids
- Groveland
- Hope
- La Salle
- Manlius
- Mendota
- Meriden
- Miller
- Mission
- Northville
- Ophir
- Osage
- Ottawa
- Otter Creek
- Peru
- Richland
- Rutland
- Serena
- South Ottawa
- Troy Grove
- Utica
- Vermillion
- Wallace
- Waltham
- Blakes
- Cedar Point "from a high hill at the mouth of Cedar Creek"
- Dana "in honor of the general superintendent of the railroad built
through that place"
- Danway
- Dayton "in rememberance of the early settler's home, Dayton, Ohio"
- Dimmick
- Earlville "after the village of Earl, New York"
- Eagle
- Farm Ridge
- Garfield "in honor of Gen. Garfield, who afterward became president"
- Grand Ridge "in recognition of the two adjacent townships, Grand
Rapids and Farm Ridge"
- Harding "complimentary to the first pastor, Rev. Chas. Harding"
- Kangley "in honor of the owner of the first coal mine there"
- Kernan
- LaSalle "in honor of the French explorer, LaSalle"
- Leland "complimentary to the first postmaster, John Leland Adams"
- Leonore
- Lostant "in honor of the Countess of L'Ostant, wife of a French
minister to the United States"
- Marseilles "by the president of the first waterway company"
- Mendota "an Indian name meaning the junction or crossing of trails,
because two of the ioneer railroads intersect here"
- Meriden "after Meriden, Connecticut"
- Milla
- Millington "because of the mill sites on the Fox"
- Naplate
- North Utica
- Oglesby "in honor of Richard Oglesby, governor of Illinois"
- Ottawa "name of a tribe of Indians in Michigan"
- Peru "meaning wealth in the language of the Inca Indians"
- Prairie Center
- Priscilla
- Ransom "in honor of Col. Ransom of Civil War fame"
- Richards
- Rutland
- Seneca "name of a tribe of Indians in New York"
- Serena "same as township in which it is located"
- Sheridan plat map
- Somonauk on the borderline with Dekalb county
- South Ottawa map (historical)
- Sheridan "in honor of Gen. Phil Sheridan"
- Stavanger "after a noted seaport in Norway"
- Streator "in honor of Dr W. S. Streator president of the coal mining
company organized in that city"
- Sulphur Springs
- Ticona
- Tonica "after a chief of an Indian tribe in Massachusetts"
- Troy Grove "after Troy, New York"
- Utica "after Utica, New York"
- Vermilionville
- Waltham
- Wedron
- Welland
- Wilsman
Additional Places
- Altmar
- Bailey Falls (historical)
- Baker
- Catharine
- Culton (historical)
- Deer Park
- Delbert Egan Housing Project
- Evans Heights Housing Project
- Fitchmoor
- Freedom Centre (historical)
- Hitt
- Homer
- Jonesville
- Lake Holiday
- Leeds
- Little Rock (historical)
- Lowell "after Lowell, Massachusetts"
- Mount Palatine
- Munson (historical)
- Newark
- Northville
- Norway "in honor of the native country of the first setllers"
- Otter (historical)
- Peterstown
- Reed Crossing
- Rutland "after Rutland, Vermont"
- Stoneyville
- Sunrise
- Tomahawk Bluff
- Triumph "named by the post office department"
- Waverly
- Woodland Addition
- Worthville
Source of the above quoted name origins: A brief survey of LaSalle County, Illinois, Its
Resources, Industries and Growth, published in 1933.
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