Administrator's Notice. The Subscriber, having been appointed
Administrator, &c. of Horace Knowland, deceased, gives notice to all persons
having claims against the estate of said deceased, to present the same to
him, or to the Probate Justice of LaSalle county, for settlement, within 9
months from the 11th of May, 1840. John S. Mitchil, Administrator. June 6,
Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims against the
Estate of Pliney Bliss, dec'd, are hereby notified and requested to attend
before the Probate Justice in and for La Salle county, at his office in
Ottawa on the 24th day of August next, for the purpose of having the same
adjusted; that being the day fixed upon by the subscriber, in pursuance of
the Statutes, for the purpose of settling and adjusting all claims against
such decedent. Erastus G. Nichols, Administrator. May 23d, 1840
Administrator's Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of
Ezra Ackley, dec'd., are hereby notified and requested to present the same
to the subscriber, …
Administrator's Notice. All persons having
claims against the estate of James G. Higgins, deceased, are hereby notified
Notice. Is hereby giving, that, on the 8th day of August next, I
will proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder the …, as the property
of the late Samuel R. Aldrich, dec'd. …
Notice is hereby given to the
said David N. Terheun and Henry Matson, that a Writ of Attachment issued out
of the Clerk's office of the said Circuit Court of said county of La Salle,
dated the 9th day of April, A. D. 1840, at the suit of Samuel Mackey,
against the estate of the said David N. Terheun and Henry Matson, for the
sum of …
Notice. My wife, Sarah Ann, has left my bed and board
without any just cause or provocation; all persons are, therefore, hereby
cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no
debts of her contracting. Timothy Horrom. Ottawa, July 3, 1850.
Notice is hereby given, that the above named petitioner, Timothy Horrom, has
filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county his
petition, praying to be divorced from the said Sarah Ann Horrom; that a
summons has been issued in this case, …
Died – In this place, on Wednesday, last, Charles E. only child of Dr. H.
Hurlbut, aged 9 months.
Died – At Covel Creek, La Salle county, on
the 6th instant, of a short but severe illness, Mr. James C. Edgecombe, in
the 33d year of his age. The deceased has left a widow and four children to
mourn his loss.
Married – At Prophetstown, Ill. by the Rev. Allured Plympton, Mr. Sidney Barbour to Miss Sophia Martin.
Died - At Peru, La Salle county, Ill., on the 28th inst., Christian H.
In the death of Mr. Charles, his widow has lost an affectionate
husband, a kind protector, and his children (four in number) a dutiful
father. The citizens of Peru have sustained an irreparable loss, in the
death of Mr. C., but the Lord has seen fit to take him from among us and we
must obey his will.
Died - At Palestine Grove, of inflammatory
disease, on Tuesday the 28th inst., Mrs. Olive Goodell, aged about 46 years.
Her funeral sermon will be delivered on Sabbath next, in the forenoon, by
the Rev. J. M. Clark, in this place.
Died - At Troy Grove, on the
24th inst., Wm. Vetrous, son of Levi and Emma S. Kelsey - aged 2 years.
Married – at this place, on Sunday evening last, by J. O. Glover, Esq.
Mr. William Hihcklin to Mrs. Adeline Clark, all of this place.
Died –
At this place on Monday last, Mr. Joseph True, son of William True, formerly
of Boston, Mass.
Mr. True was a graduate of Harvard Colle Massachusetts,
and was recently admitted to the bar in this state. He was a young man of
exemplary habits, and much esteemed by a large circle of acquaintances. His
sudden departure from our midst admonishes all, and most forcibly his young
associates, that "in the midst of life we are in death," and should deeply
impress on our minds the admonition of the Apostle, "be ye also ready."
Died - On the evening of the 19th inst., at his residence in South
Ottawa, James Glover, Esq. in the 73d year of his age.
Died – At this place on the 27th inst. Mrs. M. Weatherford, consort of Col. Jefferson Weatherford, in the 31st year of her age.
Obituary. Died – On the 29th ult., at this place, Lucius Woodruff,
formerly of Broome co., N. Y. Mr. Woodruff was an enterprising young man
esteemed by all who knew him, and by his death we have lost a good citizen.
On Sunday his remains were coveyed to the village cemetery, accompanied by a
procession of the Ottawa Masonic Society, of which he was a member, and a
large number of citizens. Peace to his manes!
Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of James C. Edgecombe,
deceased, are hereby notified …
Administrator's Notice. All persons
having claims against the estate of William Conway, deceased, are hereby
notified …
Notice. The heirs of Norton Gum, deceased, late of the
county of La Salle, …
Married – At the City Hotel, in this place, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Bishop Waugh, Mr. John G. Jones to Miss Nancy Burnett, all of Peru, La Salle county.
Died - On Tuesday Evening, Sept. 22d, of chronic gastritis, .Miss Sarah
Willi, formerly of Pennsylvania. Painful and lingering as was her complaint,
she bore it with Christian fortitude. Aware of its ultimate issue, her mind
was fully prepared for it. In another and a better world she will join in
sweet communion with those who have left earth before her. Her loss will be
long deplored by those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.
Kind-hearted and amiable us she was, she is lost to us, and has gone to add
one more to the good and virtuous, in the mansions above "not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens."
Died - At this place, on Sunday the
13th inst. Sarah Jane, infant daughter of Matthew Cawker, aged 3 months.
Notice – The heirs of Ezra Ackley, late of Lasalle county, deceased, are hereby notified, … Leman Ackley, Administrator.
Married – At Dayton, Ill., on the 5th ultimo, by W. L. Dunavan, Esq., Mr.
Madison Madison to Miss Mary Miller, all of this county.
Married – On
the 29th ultimo, at the same place, by the same, Mr. Amos G. Cook to Miss
Diana Gunn, all of this county.
Died – In this place on Sabbath last,
James, infant son of Lorenzo Leland, Esq., aged 19 months.
Died – On the 3rd inst., William Sebring, of this place.
Died – At this place, on Sunday last, Mary Catharine, an interesting daughter of John and Eliza Shuler, aged 3 years and 6 months.
Died – In this place this morning, Doct. J. G. Armstrong. His funeral will take place on Sabbath next, at 12 o'clock, M. in Masonic order. The members of the Fraternity are requested, and the citizens generally respectfully invited to attend the funeral.
Married – At Syracuse, N. Y. by the Rev. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Henry Hurlbut,
merchant of this place, to Miss Oril B. Hovey, of Syracuse.
Died – On
Friday Evening last, Sarah Lousia, daughter of Mrs. E. C. Morey of this
place, aged 3 years and 3 months.
Married – At Aberdeen, Ohio, on the 1st inst., by Thomas Shelton, Esq., Mr. Daniel S. Ebersole, of this place, to Miss Mary Jane McKenney, of Maysville, Ky.
Married – At Dayton, in this county, on the 31st inst. (New Year's Eve)
by the Rev. David Newton, Mr. John Stadden to Miss Ann Maria Miller, both of
Accompanying the above notice, was that which always gladdens the
poor printer's heart – a bountiful supply of Miller's workmanship, in the
shape of delicious wedding cake. The happy couple have our best wishes for
their future happiness, hoping that the evening of their days will be as
pleasant as the first dawn of 1841 met them agreeable and happy.
Married – At Newark, in this county, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr.
Smith, Mr. F. McDiarmid, formerly of Peru, to Miss Huldah F. G. Merrill, of
Portland, Maine.
We congratulate our friend Mr. M. upon the favorable
auspices under which he commences the New Year. He carries with him, to his
new place of residence (Quincy, Ills.) our best wishes for all future
comfort possible, resulting from a cheerful companion through life.
Married – At Dayton, in this county, on the 31st ult. by W. L. Dunnavan,
Esq., Mr. Ovee Rosdail to Miss Gertude Jacobs, all of this county.
the 24th ult. by Elder Thomas Powell, Mr. Albert Myers, of Lyons, to Miss
Emily J. Whitcomb, of Magnolia.
On the same day by the same Mr. Jesse
S. Roberts to Miss Louisa Myers, both of Lyons.
At Lowell, on the
31st ult. by the same, Mr. Bailey Barrows to Miss Annie Balley, both of
Business Cards
Theophilus L. Dickey & Lorenzo Leland,
Geo. H. Norris, attorney
J. J. Holt, attorney
S. B.
Farewell, attorney
Milton H. Swift, attorney
John V. A. Hoes, attorney
John C. Champlin, attorney
Wm. Chumasero, attorney
J. O. Glover & B.
C. Cook, attorneys
Dr. O. M. Clark, physician and surgeon
G. L.
Thompson, druggist
A. O. Crosiar, merchant
For Sale or Rent
farm, recently occupied by Jesse A. Clark, situated in the county of La
Salle, one mile south of Ottawa. …
Died – In Ottawa, Ill. of palsey, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Harriet Cushman,
wife of W. H. W. Cushman, aged 22 years.
Mrs. Cushman was the eldest
daughter of the late Rev. R. W. Gridley, formerly of Williamstown, Mass. Her
living character was a lovely exemplification of the Christian virtues.
Habitually cheerful, with a heart ever ready to sympathize with the
distressed, and to afford relief so far as was in her power, she was greatly
endeared to a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances, who are left to
mourn her early departure, but not as those who mourn without hope. In the
days of her youth she remembered her Creator, and by a public profession of
her faith in the Saviour, consecrated herself to the service of him who had
redeemed her to himself. Her days have been few, but enough. She sleeps with
Jesus, and in the morn of the Resurrection will rise to a glorious
immortality beyond the grave.
Died – On Sunday the 10th inst., Eliza
Williams, infant daughter of Benj. and Margaret Thompson, aged 7 weeks.
Administrators Notice
The subscribers … on the estate of Samuel
Morrison, deceased, … Persis Morrison, Administratrix. Samuel Morrison,
Died – In this place, on the morning of the 19th instant, at the residence of her son-in-law, W. H. W. Cushman, Mrs. Eliza B. Gridley, aged 46 years, widow of the late Rev. Ralph W. Gridley, formerly of Williamstown, Mass.
Married – On the 25th inst. by Lewis W. Link, Esq., Mr. Anthony Lindey to
Mrs. Mary Chapin, all of this place.
Notice is hereby given to Ira
Holderman, Jacob Holderman, Allen Holderman, Martha Sowdar, Rachel McQuown,
Hannah Holderman, Sarah Holderman, and Eliza Holderman, heirs of John
Holderman, deceased, …
Married – At Sunbury, Ills., on the 31st ult. by John W. Reynolds, Mr.
Enos Pembrook, of La Salle county, to Miss Martha Chew, of Livingston
Married – At the Norway Settlement, on the 23d ult. by L. W.
Donavan, Esq. Mr. Mitchell Olson to Miss Ann Goodman, all of La Salle
Married – At Point Republic, in this county, on the 8th inst., by Elder
Thomas Powell, Mr. Henry Kingsley to Miss Charlotte Newton, all of Point
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims against
the estate of Hiram Bishop, deceased are hereby notified to present the same
before the Probate Court of Livingston County, on or before the first Monday
in April next, at which time I shall be present to attend to the
adjudication. Collins Bishop, Administrator
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims or demands against
the estate of James G. Armstrong, deceased, are herby notified and requested
to present the same to the undersigned or to the Probate Justice of La Salle
county, … E. P. M. Armstrong, Administratix. W. R. Maclay, Adm'r.
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the
thirteenth day of March next, at the late residence of James G. Armstrong,
deceased, will be sold the personal effects of said deceased, consisting of
Drugs, Medicines, &c., &c. …
The public are hereby
cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife, Eliza Ann Levins, on my
account. As she has left my bed and board without any just cause, I am
determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. James Levins.
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims against the estate of
Jedediah Beckwith, dec'd, are hereby notified … Horace Beckwith,
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims
against the estate of William Sebring, deceased, are notified …
Elizabeth L. Morey vs. Benjamin M. Morey
In Chancery, Libel for a
Matthew O'Farrell vs. Thomas Golden
Attachment. $616.00
Notice is hereby given to the said Thomas Golden, that a writ of attachment,
issued out of the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of said county of La
Salle, dated the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1840, at the suit of Matthew
O'Farrell, against the estate of the said Thomas Golden, …
Died – On the 24th ult., Milton G., eldest son of George M. and Catharine
Dunavan, aged 2 years and 8 months.
Died – On the 1st inst., at
Sunbury, Ill., Mrs. Mary Oberdorf, widow of Jacob Oberdorf, formerly of
Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., - aged 71 years and 11 months.
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims against the estate of
Ezra Ackley, deceased, are hereby notified … Leman Ackley, Administrator.
Administrator's Notice
All persons having claims against the estate
of John Augurbright, deceased, are hereby notified …
Notice is hereby given to Sarah Richey, widow of William Richey, deceased, James Hair and Polly, his wife, Peace Walker and Rebecca, his wife, John Richey, Ira Baker and Margaret, his wife, Alexander Stephenson and Rhoda, his wife, George Richey, James Richey, Emily J. Richey, and Harriet Richey, children and heirs at law of the said William Richey, deceased, … William W. Richey
Married – At the residence of her father, near Dayton, on Thursday
evening last, by the Rev. Mr. St. Clair, Jefferson Weatherford, Esq., to
Miss Mary Stadden, all of this county.
Married - At this place, last
evening, by the Rev. D. Newton, Mr. Cornelius Weston to Miss Isabell A.
Andrews, both of Greenville [possible error, might have been Granville],
Putnam co., Ill.
Died – On Indian Creek, on Saturday last, Mr. Hugh M. Griggs – aged 43 years.
Married – On Monday morning the 5th inst., at the residence of Gen. H. L.
Stuary, near Lockport, by the Rev. Mr. Porter, Mr. James Y. Sanger, merchant
of this place, to Miss Mary Catharine McKibben, formerly of St. Joseph,
Died – At Newark, Kendall co., on the 3d inst., James
Southworth, Esq. in the 46th year of his age.
Married – Near Ottawa, on the 20th inst. by A. Halsy, Esq. Mr. Levi
Zeluff to Miss Mary Jane Milliken.
Married – On the 4th of March
last, at Dayton, Illinois, by W. L. Dunavan, Es . Mr. William Lewis to Miss
Eliza Ann D. Holdman, all of this county.
Married – On Wednesday, the 6th inst., by John Downey, Esq. Mr. John Hillan to Miss Sarah Patterson, all of Livingston county.
Married – In Marshall county, Ills., on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr.
Chase, Mr. C. Bysby to Miss Eliza Postern.
Married – On Sunday last,
Mr. Isaac Todd to Miss Eliza Bascomb, of Putnam co. Ills.
Married – On the 8th inst. at Paupau Grove, by the Rev. Mr. Harding, Mr. Horace A. Pine to Miss Harriet R. Town.
Married – On Thursday last, at Paupau Grove, Mr. Joel Carter, of Indian
Creek, to Miss Lydia Town, of the former place.
Died – In this place,
on Wednesday last David Franklin, youngest son of Dr. W. A. Sanger, aged 16
At Hamilton, Ohio, on the 3d inst. by the Rev. A. W. Elliott, Mr. J.
Smith McKenny, Printer, of Burlington, Iowa, to Miss Susan E. daughter of
Judge O'Connor, of that place.
Died - At the farm called "Ransom
Hall," near Peru, in this county, on the 4th inst., Rev. James Whitehead, in
the seventy-second year of his age. For more than thirty years, Elder
Whitehead had been a preacher of the Gospel; and during the last twenty
years of his life, of the order called Christians. His whole life, from the
period of his manhood, was one of "Godliness and Honesty." Although much
restricted in the means of early education, yet, he was distinguished
wherever known, as a clear and able expounder of the Sacred Scriptures;
still more, for his stable, mild, and uniform piety -- his strict virtue and
moral deportment, and his charitable and tolerant principles and
disposition. Much of his life was devotedly engaged in the earnest
inculcation of rational Religious faith and moral goodness. Ever himself
presenting a striking example of these virtues. He was ardent in his
affections of kindness towards his family and friends, and of sympathy in
the afflictions of all. But all his affections were restrained and guided by
great strength of mind and discriminating judgment; and few there are
indeed, who in proportion to the extent of his acquaintance, have been more
universally respected and esteemed than Elder Whitehead.
Married – At Chicago, on the 17th inst. by the Rev. H. Crews, Mr. Philo B. Tuttle of this place, to Miss Phebe Ann Smith, of Rochester, New York.
Married – On the 1st inst., by Elder Thos. Powell, Mr. Joshua Cushing, of Mount Palatine, Putnam co., to Miss Sarah Penniman, of Clear Creek Point.
Married – On the 12th inst. near Marseilles, by Amos Halsey, Esq., Mr.
Robert M. Dow to Miss Ann W. Bennett, all of this county.
Died – At
Boon's Point, Livingston county, on the 8th inst., Mr. Thomas Moon, aged
about 26 years.
Married - At Grafton, Mass., at the residence of her father, on the 5th
inst., by the Rev. Mr. Palfrey, Lorenzo Leland, Esq., of Ottawa, Ills., to
Miss Martha H. Holbrook, of the former place.
Married - At Somanauk,
De Kalb county, Ills., on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Kimball, Mr.
Neverson Newton, of Lasalle Co. to Miss Emily, daughter of Avery and Nancy
Townsend, of the former place. Long may they live to enjoy The matrimonial
state, And in each other find, A friend thats lovely, dutiful and kind.
Married - On the 14th inst., by Elder Thomas Powell, Mr. Nathaniel
Averill, of Hennepin, to Miss Nancy D. A. Rice, of Granville, Putnam Co.
Married - On the 26th ult., in Granville, Putnam county, by Elder Thomas
Powell, Mr. Lewis W. Weston to Miss Theodosia Eames, both of Granville.
Died - In Ottawa, on the 2d ult., of congestive fever, Ann Rowena
Terheun, aged 14 years and 8 months.
Died - On the 6th inst., Julia
Amelia Terheun, aged 8 years and 5 weeks.
Married – At Dayton, on the 19th inst., by W. L. Dunavan, Esq., Mr. Ole Johnson to Miss Sarah Ann Andrew, all of the Norwegian Settlement, La Salle county.
Married - At Somanank, De Kalb co., on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Martin, Mr. A. J. Roon to Miss Hopee Townsend, both formerly of Massachusetts.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |