George Edward Stricklin
Date of Death - February 3, 1935
G. E. (George Edward)
Stricklin, 79, died at 8 o'clock last evening at the home of his daughter Mrs.
Daisy (George) Bruck, 1502 Phelps Street. Death was due to plural pneumonia.
He had been ill for two weeks. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Bruck residence by Rev. F. Arthur Render
pastor of the First Evangelical Church, intermittent Ottawa Ave. Cemetery.
Mr. Stricklin was born January 20th 1856, (death certificate states born
12-2-1855) (as does tombstone at Ottawa Cemetery). he was born in Wheeling,
West Virginia. (Although West Virginia did not become a state until much
later). He was united in marriage with Clara Day of that city, December 3,
1875, She died here ten years ago. ((*IGI states a marriage date January 16,
1876 , Ohio, West Virginia. Batch # M541185, source 0863799.)) Surviving
are 4 daughters Mrs. Daisy (George) Bruck, Mrs. Ora (William) Angel.
and Mrs. Margaret (Everett) Bagley of this city. And Mrs. Clara
(Clayton) Skidmore of Freeport; a son Edward Stricklin of this city ; 25
grandchildren: four great grandchildren: a daughter in law, Mrs. Lillian I.
Gore w/o(Walter Charles Marshall) Stricklin of Joliet; a brother in law Edward
Day of Gas City Indiana, a sister in law Mrs. Sara Day of this city. Three
sons preceded him in death. Howard, George, and Walter.
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