Died--At the residence of his son-in-law, Samuel E. Parr, 714 Chapel
street, at 8 o'clock Friday evening, Hon John S. Armstrong, aged 89 One of
the earliest settlers in LaSalle county was John S. Armstrong. He was born
in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, May 29, 1810. His parents removed to Ohio
a year or two later, locating in Hicking county. His early education was
secured in the log school house in Ohio, and in his younger days he did
teaming across the Alleghany mountains. In August, 1829 he came to Illinois,
locating first in Marshall county, where he built a cabin and blacksmith
shop, which he sold two years later and located in what is now Deer Park
township. He resided there until 1834, when he located in Mission township,
on the farm that he resided upon continuously until he retired from active
work and finally came to live with his son-in-law, S. E. Parr.
Mr. Armstrong was married on New Year's day, 1834, to Miss Margaret Trumbo,
who died some three years ago. There were ten children born to them, but
only three are now living-------- Mrs. S. E. Parr, of this city, and Mrs. H.
D. Barber and Joseph Armstrong, of Sheridan. Besides his children, Mr.
Armstrong leaves three brothers, Hon. G. W. Armstrong, of Brookfield, Hon.
Perry A. Armstrong, of Morris, and Isaiah Armstrong, who lives near
Sacramento, California.
LaSalle county had few better known men than John S. Armstrong. He was one
of her earliest settlers and was known in all corners of the county. He
became identified with the grange movement, was its treasurer for three
years and for years was one of the leading men in it in Illinois. He took an
interest in politics though he never held any office except in his own
township. Since he removed to Ottawa he has lived very quietly at home. He
was ill but a short time, not being considered ill at all until nearly
midnight Thursday, when he was attacked by a sinking spell, from which he
recovered sufficiently to recognize his relatives yesterday morning, but
soon relapsed and sank gradually to the end.
The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 1:30 at the residence of S. E.
Parr. The interment took place at Millington, the remains being taken up on
the Burlington train at 2:10.
Contributed by Bertha Emmett
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