ALLEN, Edwin P. * Ottawa * wd. l. thi. * 18.00 * - * 25,181
ALLEN, John * LaSalle * ophthalmia * 12.00 * - * 64,703
ALLEN, Wm. * Streator * chr. diarr. * 6.00 * - * 141,149
ARMSTRONG, Wm. S. * Ottawa * ophthalmia * 4.00 * - * 105,705
BAENTER, Savilla * Mendota * widow * 8.00 * Dec 1882 * 198,156
BAGLEY, Benton W. * Earlville * wd. of face * 12.00 * - * 41,587
BAGLEY, Martha * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * Nov 1867 * 44,929
BAILEY, John * Ottawa * wd. l. hip * 6.00 * - * 30,275
BAKER, Andrew J. * Streator * inj. back, dis. kidneys * 4.00 * June 1882 *
BAKER, John * Ottawa * injury to abdomen * 4.00 * Sept 1882 * 218,490
BAKER, Joseph * Ottawa * dis. eyes * 4.00 * Nov 1882 * 220,614
BAKER, Martin * Utica * wd. r. arm * 4.00 * - * 73,268
BAKER, Thomas A. * Mendota * dis. of eyes * 6.00 * Mar 1882 * 204,439
BALDWIN, Elijah * Tonica * total loss hearing l. ear * 1.00 * June 1881 *
BALE, Edw. E. * Streator * dis. of abdominal viscera * 8.00 * June 1882 *
BANE, Jacob * Ottawa * loss r. arm * 24.00 * - * 29,300
BARACKMAN, Milan * Streator * loss r. eye & partial left * 14.00 * - *
BARKER, Edith * LaSalle * dep. mother * 8.00 * Feb 1870 * 139,730
BARNETT, Harrison * Leland * wd. r. thi. * 6.00 * - * 163,141
BARRELL, Mary A. * Peru * widow * 8.00 * - * 26,725
BARTON, Maria L. * Mendota * widow * 8.00 * - * 88,047
BARTRAM, Reubin W. * Streator * wd. l. hand, with loss of index & mid.
finger * 6.00 * Apr 1879 * 159,076
BEAUBIEN, Eliz'th S. * Ottawa * widow * 10.00 * - * 164,360
BEERS, Hannah * Freedom * dis. of heart * 8.00 * May 1879 * 23,941
BELL, Benj. F. * Streator * wd. l. shr. * 4.00 * Dec 1867 * 87,760
BIGNALL, Geo. B. * Marseilles * wd. r. hip * 4.00 * June 1882 * 213,272
BLACKMORE, John * Streator * inj. to abdomen * 6.00 * - * 89,193
BLISS, Lydia J. * Marseilles * widow * 8.00 * May 1881 * 192,150
BOLLMAN, Eliz'th * Ottawa * widow * 10.00 * - * 172,506
BORDEN, Sniffer R. * Tonica * inj. l. foot * 6.00 * - * 66,892
BRADFORD, Missouri * Streator * widow * 8.00 * - * 31,352
BRAMBLE, Elizabeth * Serena * widow 1812 * 8.00 * June 1879 * 24,961
BRANNAN, John W. * Ottawa * ch. diar., var. both legs * 8.00 * Mar 1880 *
BRENT, Robert S. * Marseilles * g. s. w. rt. thigh * 4.00 * Oct 1866 *
BRIGGS, Mary A. * Mendota * widow 1812 * 20.00 * June 1874 * 165,309
BROOKS, Rizpah E. * Serena * widow * 10.00 * Mar 1866 * 791
BROWN, Adelbert * Streator * minor of * 10.00 * Jan 1881 * 191,035
BROWN, Albert T. * Marseilles * ch. bronchitis * 4.00 * Dec 1882 * 222,091
BROWN, Cyril J. * LaSalle * sury . 1812 * 8.00 * Mar 1872 * 13,588
BROWN, Esther E. * Earlville * widow * 12.00 * Mar 1880 * 187,489
BROWN, Harriet * LaSalle * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Mar 1879 * 20,778
BRUMLEY, Herman * Streator * inj. to abdomen * 4.00 * - * 58,404
BUCKLEY, Margaret * Ottawa * widow * 20.00 * - * 71,915
BUMGARDNER, Isaac B. * Ottawa * chr. rheu. * 4.00 * - * 26,459
BUNKER, Betsey * Streator * dep. mother * 8.00 * Sept 1869 * 101,387
BUNKER, David * Mendota * wd. abdomen & back * 3.00 * Nov 1881 * 198,435
BUNKER, Patrick H. * Streator * dis. of throat, chr. diarr. & dis of
abdominal viscera * 20.00 * Jan 1882 * 200,371
BURGESS, Sidney W. * Tonica * wd. thorax * 4.00 * - * 87,829
BURROWS, Elijah * Sheridan * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Oct 1872 * 19,407
BUTTERFIELD, Wm. H. * Mendota * dis. throat & lungs * 4.00 * Dec 1882 *
CAIN, James * Ottawa * wd. l. thi * 24.00 * - * 38,254
CAMPBELL, Chas. C. * Ottawa * ch. diarr * 25.00 * Jan 1866 * 55,219
CARTER, Joel * Earlville * frac. r. ankle * 8.00 * - * 18,333
CASS, Francis M. * Earlville * wd. head, chr. diar. * 8.00 * - * 21,267
CASSIDY, Fedelia * Tonica * dep. mother * 8.00 * Nov 1868 * 121,664
CAVARLY, Sarah Ann * Ottawa * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Mar 1879 * 20,781
CHAPIN, Alvin W. * Utica * dis. of liver * 8.00 * - * 108,231
CLARK, Geo. * Streator * hyp. heart * 8.00 * - * 25,173
CLARK, John T. * Mendota * wd. r. leg * 4.00 * - * 110,057
CLARK, Orren W. * Streator * wd. r. leg * 18.00 * - * 36,480
CLERK, Thos. * Ottawa * wd. l. thi. * 17.00 * - * 48,190
CLIFFORD, Franklin * Serena * dis. lungs * 4.00 * Apr 1882 * 207,016
CLINCH, Thos. * Peru * dis. eyes from prinson * 4.00 * Feb 1882 * 202,823
COFFEEN, Hannah J. * Marseilles * dep. mother * 8.00 * June 1866 * 76,385
COGSWELL, Wm. * Ottawa * paralysis * 20.00 * Mar 1879 * 157,754
COLE, Nathaniel * Serena * loss sight r. eye, aff. left * 24.00 * - *
COLEMAN, Edward * Mendota * loss sight r. eye, aff. left * 18.00 * - *
COLLINS, Andrew * Rutland * rheu. * 6.00 * May 1882 * 209,428
COLLINS, Ann * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * July 1881 * 192,986
COLLINS, Daniel * Marseilles * dep. father * 8.00 * Nov. 1880 * 190,407
COMBS, James B. * Ottawa * loss r. arm * 24.00 * - * 72,123
COMMOENISH, Daniel * LaSalle * wd. r. breast * 8.00 * - * 85,041
CONANT, Horace G. * Ottawa * g. s. w. head, part. paralysis lft. arm * 4.00
* - * 42,510
CONARD, Wm. H. * Ransom * g. s. w. rt. shoulder * 4.00 * Aug 1881 * 194,147
CONGER, Dorothy M. * Prairie Centre * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Feb 1879 * 17,634
COOK, David A. * Ottawa * wd. r. leg * 5.00 * - * 28,503
COOLE, Elizabeth * Streator * dep. mother * 8.00 * Dec 1879 * 186,277
COOPER, Mary * Mendota * dep. mother * 8.00 * Dec 1869 * 137,361
COTTEN, James * Sheridan * inj. spine * 72.00 * - * 97,331
COURTNEY, John C. * Streator * inj. r. ankle * 4.00 * Mar 1882 * 204,590
COVET, Hiram B. * Sheridan * l. rib fractd from fall of tree * 18.00 * - *
CRASMER, Jacob * Dana * partl. deafness * 4.00 * June 1878 * 154,033
CRAWFORD, Martin * Earlville * wd. r. leg * 6.00 * - * 37,849
CROOKER, Chas. A. * Mendota * dis. of abdominal viscera * 24.00 * Dec 1863 *
CUDDIGAN, Thos. * Marseilles * gen. debility * 8.00 * - * 45,659
CUMLEY, John J. * Ottawa * dis. heart * 6.00 * - * 123,062
CUNNINGHAM, Mary * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * July 1869 * 131,266
DEAN, Maynard H. * Utica * wd. both legs * 4.00 * May 1881 * 188,871
DEAN, Susie * Lostant * widow * 16.00 * Mar 1879 * 183,227
DEER, Jacob * LaSalle * g. s. w. lft. thigh * 8.00 * - * 40,142
DENER, Deborah C. * Lostant * dep. mother * 8.00 * Oct 1874 * 147,288
DENNY, Fred'k J. * Peru * loss r. leg * 18.00 * - * 41,395
DEWEY, Russell M. * Mendota * wd. l. hip * 24.00 * - * 58,767
DHELO, Chas. * Mendota * wd. r. arm & shr. * 18.00 * - * 50,065
DIBBLE, Catharine * Utica * widow 1812 * 8.00 * May 1879 * 23,482
DICK, John * LaSalle * wd. l. leg * 4.00 * - * 86,924
DICKMAN, John F. * Utica * wd. l. leg * 6.00 * - * 50,794
DINGMAN, John M. * Utica * g.s.w. lft. forearm * 18.00 * - * 57,249
DOANE, Robt. C. * Earlville * chr. diarr * 3.00 * - * 32,949
DODGE, Henry F. * Tonica * scurvy * 4.00 * - * 137,707
DONAGHHO, Mary * Streator * dep. mother * 8.00 * May 1866 * 73,030
DONOHUE, Mahlon C. * Streator * loss r. foot * 18.00 * Feb 1864 * -
DORAN, Albertus J. * Ottawa * wd. l. thi. * 2.00 * Oct 1880 * 175,587
DORNBECK, Henry * LaSalle * wd. mouth & face * 8.00 * - * 64,704
DRUITT, John H. * Ottawa * chr. diarr., dis. liver, heart, & dropsy * 24.00
* Oct 1880 * 177,331
DUCKWORTH, Wm. * Ottawa * ch. diarr. * 12.00 * - * 71,607
DUFFY, Joseph * LaSalle * wd. r. hip * 8.00 * - * 53,409
DUMMETT, Nancy * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * - * 40,987
EASTABROOK, Annie S. * Ottawa * widow * 24.00 * Nov 1882 * 197,731
EBERSOL, Albert H. * Ottawa * injury to abdomen * 4.00 * June 1878 * 153,509
EBERSOL, Joseph W. * Ottawa * wd. l. arm * 18.00 * - * 28,161
EBNER, Jackson * Tonica * wd. l. lung & arm * 8.00 * - * 126,202
EDGECOMBE , Rich E. * Ottawa * chr. diarr. * 12.00 * - * 136,534
EGENESS, Rachel * Leland * widow * 8.00 * - * 66,949
EHLY, Adam * Ottawa * wd. l. hand * 2.66 2/3 * - * 69,567
EVERETTS, Thos. * Rutland * ch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. * 8.00 * June
1881 * 192,106
EVERHART, James S. * Serena * ulcer r. leg * 2.00 * Apr 1881 * 59,985
FAIRFIELD, Sam'l S. * LaSalle * injury to abdomen * 7.30 * - * 104,548
FARRELL, John W. * Ottawa * dis. eyes * 8.00 * - * 122,837
FERGUNSON, Peter * Earlville * dis. of kidneys * 4.00 * Jan 1881 * 181,499
FERLEER, George W. * Marseilles * abdomen and back * 8.00 * - * 40,065
FLANNERY, Thos. * Marseilles * wd. l. arm * 8.00 * - * 28,321
FLEMING, Roger * Mendota * dis. eyes * 72.00 * Oct 1873 * 125,476
FLICK, John * Ottawa * rheu., heart dis. * 24.00 * Oct 1880 * 175,163
FLICK, Michael * Streator * wd. l. forearm, loss little finger l. hand, eye
dis. * 10.00 * - * 103,230
FOGG, Charles D. * Earlville * dis. heart & lungs * 4.00 * - * 106,944
FORSTER, Christian * Ottawa * wd. l. shr. * 6.00 * - * 143,833
FRARY, Caroline W. * Seneca * dep. mother * 8.00 * Mar 1880 * 187,349
FREDENBURGH, Isaac H. * Ottawa * ch. diarr. * 4.00 * Feb 1882 * 203,707
FUCHS, Geo W. * Ottawa * otorrhea, vertigo, deafness * 12.75 * June 1865 *
FUCHS, John * LaSalle * wd. r. hand 2d & 3d fingers * 3.00 * - * 146,108
FUNK, Joseph * Tonica * wd. r. thi. * 4.00 * - * 112,488
GAGE, Rich. J. * Marseilles * wd. l. foot * 8.00 * - * 41,585
GALVIN, Wm. H. * Ottawa * frac. l. leg * 8.00 * - * 40,020
GANT, Geo. * Streator * wd. shr. & head * 8.00 * - * 39,925
GATCHELL, James M. * Marseilles * wd. r. groin, atroph. r. leg * 18.00 * *
GATHE, Emily * Peru * dep. mother * 8.00 * June 1864 * 25,310
GIBSON, Theodore C. * Ottawa * ch. diar. * 12.50 * - * 85,734
GODFREY, Harriet * Earlville * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Oct 1875 * 6,691
GOFF, Sherman H. * Mendota * injury to abdomen * 8.00 * Feb 1880 * 164,977
GOHEEN, Hugh * Lostant * anch. r. elbow joint * 18.00 * - * 10,064
GRAF, Samuel * Sheridan * wd. r. side * 6.00 * - * 86,455
GRAHAM, Catharine * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * - * 97,267
GRANT, Orin B. * Marseilles * wd. l. ankle * 6.00 * - * 95,826
GREASER, Andrew * LaSalle * dis. of eyes * 14.00 * - * 16,552
GREEN, Oliver W. * Ottawa * wd. l. thi. * 4.00 * Dec 1881 * 198,672
GREEN, Wm. J. * Garfield * wd. r. thumb * 1.00 * - * 146,403
GREGG, David R. * Ottawa * anch 1. wrist * 4.00 * - * 92,210
GREGG, John B. * Ottawa * ch. diarr * 8.00 * - * 86,158
GRIFFITH, Wm. * Streator * chr. diarr. * 4.00 * - * 116,218
GROTY, Henry * Streator * dep. father * 8.00 * Mar 1874 * 164,326
HALL, Robert * Streator * wd. r. shr. * 10.00 * - * 80,509
HALLESEY, Timothy * Streator * wd. knee joint * 6.00 * - * 28,748
HAMILTON, Duncan * Lowell * wd. l. lung * 15.00 * - * 35,166
HAMMOND, Mary * Ottawa * dep. mother * 8.00 * Aug 1871 * 153,003
HANNA, Amanda * Marseilles * widow * 8.00 * Aug 1880 * 189,473
HANNEY, Christian * Streator * aneurism of aorta * 12.00 * - * 80,670
HARDY, Elizabeth * Mendota * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Aug 1879 * 26,588
HARRINGTON, Robt. * Ottawa * ch. diarr. & paraly. * 18.00 * - * 13,179
HARRIS, Herman F. * Meriden * wd. rt. leg * 4.00 * - * 84,931
HARRIS, John * Ottawa * wd. l. band * 3.00 * - * 111,131
HARTIGAN, James * LaSalle * chr. bronchi. * 18.00 * - * 11,643
HATTIS, Eber * Marseilles * chr. diarr., inj to abdomen * 4.00 * * 53,410
HAYES, Ezekiel T. * Marseilles * rheu., heart dis. * 8.00 * Oct 1880 *
HAZEL, John P. * Utica * wd. of head * 4.00 * Sept 1880 * 173,002
HERRON, Joseph M. * Freedom * wd. r. lung * 18.00 * - * 37,855
HERZNER, Rosina * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * - * 54,042
HETRICK, Nicholas * Peru * wd. l. foot * 5.00 * - * 10,866
HICKLING, Rebecca * Ottawa * widow * 8.00 * - * 126,023
HINDMAN, John S. * Streator * loss rt. arm above elbow * 24.00 * Oct 1874 *
HITT, Daniel F. * Ottawa * inj. to spine * 20.00 * - * 36,987
HOESSEL, John A. * Streator * heart dis. * 8.00 * - * 114,377
HOFFMAN, Herman * Troy Grove * chr. ophthalmia, loss sight * 31.25 * - *
HOFFMAN, Jas. R. * Mendota * injury to abdomen * 12.00 * Oct 1880 * 176,973
HOLLAKER, Donat * Ottawa * ch. rheum. * 8.00 * July 1880 * 171,633
HOLMES, Henry * Ottawa * wd. l. leg * 6.00 * - * 90,569
HOMER, John W. * Ottawa * wd. r. leg * 8.00 * - * 43,460
HORGAN, Michael * LaSalle * wd. l. hip * 2.00 * - * 217,810
HOSNER, Ann * Deer Park * widow * 8,00 * - * 97,238
HOUSER, Lepold * Streator * partial paral. l. side fr. diarr. * 6.00 * Jan
1873 * 121,268
HOWARTH, Geo. * Streator * wd. r. foot * 4.00 * - * 21,153
HOWE, Geo. W. * Tonica * dis. kidneys * 10.00 * June 1882 * 214,435
HOWE, Orion P. * Streator * g.s.w. rt. thi, breast & arm * 6.00 * Dec 1881 *
HUBBARD, Albert * Marseilles * injury to abdomen * 8.00 * Feb 1881 * 182,701
HULL, Sabrina * Ottawa * act March 9, 1878 * 8.00 * Mar 1878 * 23,612
HUPP, Geo. C. * Northville * inj. to back & deafness * 5.00 * - * 113,740
HUSS, Jacob B. * Sheridan * rheu * 4.00 * - * 164,628
JACKSON, Joseph * Dana * chr. diar., dis. liver, debil * 4.00 * May 1881
* 188,949
JENNINGS, James * Sheridan * wd. l. shr. * 4.00 * June 1882 * 210,279
JOHNSON, Mary A. * Ottawa * widow * 12.00 * July 1879 * 185,005
JONES, Adeline * Marseilles * dep. mother * 8.00 * July 1877 * 178,039
JONES, Mary C. * Streator * widow 1812 * 8.00 * Dec 1880 * 30,950
KARNES, Stephen * Streator * wd. r. thigh, l. foot * 4.00 * July 1881 *
KELLY Isaiah W. * Serena * frac. r. leg * 18.00 * - * 61,549
KENNEDY, Jane * LaSalle * dep. mother * 8.00 * Sept 1864 * 29,435
KENNEDY, Julia * Ottawa * widow * 16.00 * June 1881 * 192,737
KERKENDALL, Harvey * Streator * chr. diarr. * 6.00 * - * 93,939
KERON, Maurice * Ottawa * vari. veins * 18.00 * - * 17,748
KETCHUM, Chas. A. * Streator * wd. both legs * 12.00 * - * 92,032
KILDAY, Peter * LaSalle * wd. r. arm & chest * 4.00 * Mar 1882 * 204,518
KING, Francis G. * Ottawa * wd. r. shr. * 10.00 * - * 62,397
KLINGER, Henry P. * Streator * dis. lungs * 18.00 * - * 27,569
KNICKERBOCKER, M. J. * Sheridan * wd. r. leg * 2.00 * June 1880 * 169,016
KNICKERBOCKER, Nelson * Ottawa * amaurosis both eyes, cerebro spinal
meningtis * 72.00 * - * 132,850
KNOESEN, Cyrus A. * Rutland * wd. head * 4.00 * Jan 1879 * 157,311
LANE, Herbert L. Ottawa wd. back 8.00 July 1869 92,587
LANGLEY, David B. Ottawa injury to abdomen 4.00 - 102,301
LARABEE, James W. Meriden wd. rt. arm & neck 4.00 Mar 1878 152,015
LARKIN, Sarah A. Streator widow 10.00 - 197,001
LARKIN, Thos. Ottawa rheu 15.00 - 87,786
LARNED, Martin D. Utica wd. rt. foot 18.00 May 1866 64,591
LATHROP, Francis Rutland wd. both legs 2.00 Apr 1882 207,433
LEAHY, Ellen Ottawa widow 20.00 - 15,642
LEE, John N. Seneca dis. lungs 8.00 - 94,672
LEVENS, Thos. Peru sunstroke 4.00 Oct. 1880 176,639
LEWIS, Hannah Ottawa widow 1812 8.00 May 1874 6,149
LEWIS, Nelson Mendota wd. l. leg 2.00 - 151,354
LEY, Wm. L. Streator wd. l. arm 4.00 - 136,411
LINDLEY, Cordelia Ottawa widow 17.00 - 61,293
LITCHFIELD, Barstow W. Marseilles result of measels 4.00 - 70,591
LIVERS, John A. Mendota amp. l. arm 24.00 - 18,448
LOVEJOY, Elijah B. Ottawa ch. rheu. 8.00 Nov 1865 52,818
LOVITT, John Peru inj. to abdomen 8.00 - 20,519
LYNN, Samuel Earlville loss r. foot 18.00 - 33,621
MAHER, Jerry Ottawa wd. l. shr. 4.00 - 62,382
MALLAMY, Nancy Serena dep. mother 8.00 Mar 1877 176,678
MALLON, John LaSalle amp. r. thi 24.00 - 45,091
MALONEY, Ann LaSalle widow 8.00 - 97,676
MARKEL, Peter Streator g.s.w. lft. hip, inj. to abd. 11.25 May 1872 116,886
MARTIN Shelton F. Dana dis. of eyes 24.00 Mar 1881 112,990
MARTIN, Mathew LaSalle wd. l. leg & conjunctivitis 12.00 - 43,841
MASON, Daniel Serena loss r. leg 24.00 - 50,791
MASON, Stephen Streator vari. ulcers l. leg. 8.00 - 34,492
MASON, Thos. M. Ottawa wd. r. thi 1.00 - 147,412
MASON, Wm. W. Danway heart dis. 18.00 - 102,783
MASSEY, Jesse Streator loss finger l. hand 3.00 - 124,535
MATEER, Alfred Rutland wd. l. thi. 6.00 - 62,516
MAURER, Frank Peru injury to abdomen 8.00 - 92,971
MCBRATNEY, Clarence Utica wd. rt. knee 8.00 May 1866 63,788
MCCANN, Hugh Serena loss r. leg 18.00 - 25,310
MCCOMBS, Henrietta Streator widow 12.00 Apr 1880 187,724
MCCORMICK, Nich. M. Utica wd. l. forearm & wrist 18.00 - 88,924
MCCULLOUGH, Elizabeth Oglesby dep. mother 8.00 Mar 1864 15,867
MCCURE, Rebecca Earlville dep. mother 8.00 June 1869 130,006
MCCUTCHEON, James Marseilles wd. hip, arm & body 4.00 116,742
MCDONALD, Wm. N. Rutland ch. bronchitis 4.00 Sept 1880 173,219
MCHUGH, Martin Ottawa dep. father 8.00 Nov 1882 197,716
MCKABIN, John D. Marseilles wd. r. leg 7.50 Aug 1882 216,537
MEAGHER, John Seneca loss part l. middle finger 1.00 Mar 1878 151,826
MELLON, Michael Peru phth. pul. 4.00 - 92,490
MENDENHALL, A. L. Garfield chr. diarr 4.00 Dec 1882 223,343
MERRILL, John Ottawa wd. l. shr. & arm 30.00 - 64,546
MESSENBACK, Anton Peru inj. r. foot, l. shr. 2.00 Dec 1882 222,943
METCALF, Thomas Dayton chr. diarr 4.00 Dec 1880 179,939
METZGER, Ernst Peru hep. r. lung 4.00 - 24,259
MILLIKEN, Oscar B. Mendota injury to ab domen 4.00 Sept 1880 173,861
MOORE, Henrietta LaSalle dep. mother 8.00 Jan 1869 123,956
MOORE, Mary Northville widow 1812 8.00 Sept 1880 30,310
MORGAN, Wm. H. Streator wd. r. thigh, wd. l. leg 6.00 - 131,760
MORRELL, Mathew Streator g.s.w. r. forearm 8.00 May 1878 153,125
MORRISON, James Streator inj. l. hand 4.00 - 143,414
MORRISSEY, Lawrence LaSalle wd. of back 2.00 Mar 1886 165,952
MULLIN, Ner. H. Rutland wd. r. leg 2.00 - 28,505
MURPHY, Ellen Ottawa dep. mother 8.00 Mar 1878 180,320
MURRAY, Thos. C. LaSalle paral. l. side 8.00 - 47,989
MUSCHBERGER, Geo. Streator wd. r. shr. 6.00 - 117,200
NATTINGER, Edw. A. Ottawa ch. diarr., dis. of abd. vis., dis kidneys 4.00
May 1882 210,075
NEFF, Daniel Rutland dis. liver & spleen 6.00 Nov 1881 197,816
NEWTON, Newton Earlville rheu. 8.00 - 21,364
NICKERSON, Freeman Tonica impaired vision 8.00 - 29,829
NOEL, Wm. Streator inj. r. hand 3.00 - 125,961
NOLAN, James Mendota total blindness 72.00 Aug 1878 146,020
NORTHRUP, Mina L. Seneca widow 10.00 Mar 1882 194,696
NUSTBAUM, Valentine Ottawa dis. eyes & ears, partl. deaf 5.00 - 110,116
OCONNER, Catharine Seneca widow 8.00 - 145,759
OKANE, Patrick LaSalle vari. ulcers both legs 18.00 - 104,498
OLMSTEAD, Silas Serena abdominal dropsy 6.00 - 24,957
OLSON, Jacob Marseilles wd. both arms 4.00 - 145,633
OTOOLE, Bridget Mendota dep. mother 8.00 May 1864 21,535
PAINE, Fayette M. Earlville wd. both legs, r. side, & hip 10.00 - 66,562
PATRICK, Wm. M. Mendota inj. to spine, & c. 18.00 - 74,897
PENFIELD, Electa Streator widow 8.00 - 52,319
PERRY, John Streator inj. to abdomen, wd. r. hand 14.00 Mar 1880 165,105
PERSONS, Uriah Marseilles dis of lungs 8.00 - 50,069
PHILIPS, Jacob Marseilles hyp. breast 8.00 25,347
PHILLIPS, Melville D. Earlville rheu 4.00 Nov 1881 197,261
POOLER, Rheubin Serena wd. l. foot 2.00 - 148,248
PORTER, John B. Tonica inj. back & r. shr. 2.00 Mar 1881 184,251
POWELL, Evans LaSalle loss r. eye & inj. to abdomen 8.00 - 119,397
PRENTICE, Cynthia Utica widow 1812 8.00 Mar 1879 21,364
PRINDLE, Chas. T. Streator wd. l. hand 6.00 - 100,152
PRITCHETT, James Dana wd. foot 8.50 - 112,990
PUTNEY, Wm. G. Prairie Centre inj. to abd. & conjunctivitis 8.00 - 75,311
RAFFERTY, Patrick Ottawa var. veins r. leg 2.00 Feb 1880 164,873
RAFTER, Michael Oglesby wd. l. hip & body 4.00 - 82,652
RAMBERGER, Geo. Troy Grove dis. eyes 4.00 - 92,830
RAYMOND, Geo. W. Serena syphilitic vaccina. pharyngitis 7.50 Dec 1882
REESE, David D. Peru dis. heart 12.00 Dec 1880 180,197
REINMANN, Adam Garfield wd. head 24.00 - 79,613
RIBEAU, Sophia Ottawa dep. mother 8.00 Aug 1871 153,288
RICHARD, Geo. L. Streator wd. r. thigh 6.00 - 34,308
RICHARDS, Henry Mendota wd. l. breast 18.00 - 12,531
RINKER, John Marseilles effect wd. r. leg 4.00 100,617
RIORDON, Carathine Ottawa dep. mother 8.00 - 9,502
ROBERTS, Alfred Ottawa wd. hip & legs 2.66 2/3 - 16,615
ROBERTS, Giles H. Ottawa dis. lungs & eyes, inj. to ab. 8.00 Aug 1881
ROCKHOLD, Edw. G. Dana dis. l. leg from typhoid 8.00 Feb 1882 203,037
ROLFE, Mary A. Leland widow 8.00 Sept 1880 189,894
ROOD, Daniel L. Marseilles wd. l. & r. thi. & inj. abdomen 4.00 June 1880
RUSS, John N. Ottawa g. s. w. lft. thigh 18.00 - 97,210
RUST, Jacob L. Streator wd. l. shr. 6.00 Sept 1878 155,562
RYAN, Alizina LaSalle widow 8.00 Mar 1864 16,161
RYAN, Patrick Ottawa pulmonary disease 20.00 - 56,383
RYAN, Timothy Ottawa injury to abdomen 4.00 Nov 1882 220,655
RYON, John S. Streator atrophy l. arm, dis. heart & impure vacci. 12.00 Aug
1882 217,401
SANDERS, Wm. H. Ottawa g. s. w. lft. hand 4.00 - 110,979
SANDERSON, Roff Ottawa inj. l. forearm 4.00 - 112,369
SANGSTON, Eliza Grand Ridge widow 8.00 - 80,098
SAPP, Frank M. Ottawa wd. r. shr. 15.00 - 122,021
SARBROCK, Arnold Peru ch. inflam. of liver 8.00 - 72,902
SASSENBERG, Peter J. Peru wd. face 12.00 Feb 1878 69,649
SAWYER, David B. Farm Ridge dis. of heart 12.00 - 27,877
SCHLOSSER, Christian LaSalle g. s. w. rt. thigh 8.00 - -
SCHULTES, Peter Peru chr. rheu. 6.00 - 97,521
SCHWIERTZ, Thos. Marseilles wd. l. shr. 4.00 - 102,782
SEATON, Phebe Marseilles dep. mother 8.00 Apr. 1865 44,441
SEELY, Eliza Earlville dep. mother 8.00 - 172,803
SEWARD, Betsey Earlville dep. mother 8.00 June 1865 48,893
SEWARD, Roenelda M. Sheridan widow 8.00 Mar. 1864 16,438
SHABLEY, Chas. LaSalle wd. l. thi 6.00 - 83,679
SHADFORD, Wm. Mendota dis. of eyes 18.00 - 110,248
SHAPLAND, John Marseilles wd. face 18.00 - 42,913
SHAW, Chas. M. Ottawa deafness both ears 4.00 Sept 1882 217,680
SHOBER, Amanda Ottawa dep. mother 8.00 Dec 1864 36,701
SIMISON, Boyd D. Earlville wd. r. foot 6.00 - 78,986
SINGER, Wm. A. Ottawa ch. diar., dis lungs 8.00 - 110,937
SKEET, John Lostant wd. r. leg, l. shr. 2.00 - 114,910
SKINNER, Joseph E. Ottawa partl. paral. both legs 20.00 - 33,087
SKINNER, Robt. E. Ottawa dis. of heart 6.00 June 1882 213,689
SKITES, James Troy Grove wd. hand 6.00 - 95,553
SLAGLE, David H. Marseilles wd. r. foot 15.00 - 53,630
SLUTER, Henry Streator dis. liver & lungs 8.00 Feb 1880 180,923
SMITH, Anson S. Ottawa loss l. leg 18.00 - 30,117
SPENCER Elissa Utica widow 8.00 Apr 1867 40,094
SPRINGER, Mahala Sheridan dep. mother 8.00 - 162,089
SPRINGER, Thos. Sheridan dis. back 2.00 Aug 1882 217,379
SPRINGSTEAD, David Northville inj. to spinal column 8.00 - 95,105
STEARNS, Issac M. Wedron chr. rheum. 8.00 - 89,466
STEBBINS, Eliza Seneca widow 1812 8.00 Feb 1880 28,841
STEIN, Fredk. Ottawa dis. eyes, inj. to ab. 18.00 - 110,744
STEVENS, Christiana Ottawa widow 8.00 - 2,940
STEVENS, Rufus C. Ottawa wd. l. thi. & rheu. 12.75 - 76,782
STEVENSON, Danl. W. Streator dis. of lungs 4.00 Mar 1882 205,199
STEWART, Wm. J. Streator wd. through rt. chest 8.00 - 32,972
STOCKLEY, Chas. H. Ottawa anaemia & oedema 4.00 July 1881 193,353
STOCKSLEGER, Peter W. Ottawa loss l. arm 24.00 - 20,948
STONEHART, Margaret Ransom widow 12.00 - 183,695
STRAIT, Emra H. Ottawa fract. 5th & 6th ribs, wd. r. leg 6.00 - 83,751
STRAUN, Hapy Ottawa dep. mother 17.00 June 1882 196,630
STREATOR, Wm. F. Earlville dis. of lungs 8.00 - 35,376
STRUEVER, Wilhelmine LaSalle widow 8.00 Jan 1867 89,548
STUMPH, Elisha H. Ottawa chr. rheu. 8.50 - 133,545
STUMPH, Thos. B. Ottawa dis. eyes 18.00 - 122,699
STUMPH, Wynn Ottawa dis. of heart 24.00 June 1880 168,550
TAGGART, Wm. W. Lowell wd. neck 4.00 - 90,145
TALBOT, Philander Ottawa wd. r. leg 4.00 - 63,269
TANSEY, Malinda Mendota dep. mother 8.00 - 55,475
TATE, Alonzo Ottawa loss three fingers 2.00 - 115,225
TAYLOR, John J. Streator chr. diarr. 8.00 - 101,805
TEFFT, Susan Prairie Centre widow 1812 8.00 Mar 1879 20,053
THOMPSON, Mary Ottawa widow 8.00 - 40,928
TRACEY, Ebbitt G. Streator widow 8.00 July 1864 21,309
TRATT, Casper Mendota inj. to head 4.00 - 8,020
TUCKER, Daniel E. Ottawa ch. diar & results 6.00 - 111,401
UNDERHILL, David H. Seneca wd. l. thi. 24.00 - 32,241
UNDERHILL, Samuel Tonica wd. r. hand 6.00 - 111,770
VANATTA, Lucinda R. Tonica dep. mother 8.00 Sept 1865 54,811
VANBUSKIRK, Alonzo LaSalle inj. to spinal column 6.00 - 66,740
VOLLERNUX, Frank G. Ottawa amp. r. arm 18.00 - 56,264
WALBRIDGE, Ora D. Marseilles wd. r. arm 18.00 - 30,116
WALDSMITH, Henry M. Northville dis. of abdominal viscera 8.00 July 1882
WALLACE, Martha A. Ottawa widow 50.00 - 1,248
WALLACE, Rob't Triumph wd. l. foot 2.00 - 144,210
WALTERS, Richard LaSalle rheu. & crysipelas 8.00 - 96,233
WAUND, Charlotte Troy Grove widow 12.00 - 180,413
WEGNS, Joshua LaSalle loss sight l. eye, aff. right 8.00 Mar 1880 166,036
WEIGET, Jacob Ottawa injury to abdomen 4.00 - 12,790
WELLES, Jerusha P. Tonica widow 8.00 - 91,375
WESCOTT, Milton Ottawa inj. from kick of a horse 4.00 - 108,503
WEST, Albert H. Vermillionville loss l. eye, afft. right 12.00 - 89,733
WHEELER, Moses Earlville wd. l. wrist 18.00 - 128,750
WHIPPLE, Frank H. Utica wd. head 2.00 Sept 1879 162,089
WHITING, Sarah Streator widow 8.00 - 19,286
WIDNER, Adam Rutland wd. r. leg 2.00 - 25,304
WILKINSON, Mary J. Ottawa widow 8.00 Apr 1879 183,677
WILLARD, Lewis C. Ottawa amp. r. leg 24.00 - 65,959
WILLIAMS, Henry S. Mendota wd. l. foot 4.00 Apr 1880 166,962
WILLIS, Seth S. Ottawa inj. to spine 4.00 - 124,372
WILSEY, Lydia K. Prairie Centre widow 8.00 - 60,320
WILSON, John P. Ottawa ophthalmia 8.00 - 34,490
WILSON, Thos. Earlville heart disease 18.00 - 92,638
WINSLOW, Wm. S. Earlville wd. l. hand 6.00 - 78,498
WOLAFKA, Barnard Ottawa vari. veins both legs 8.00 May 1874 127,981
WOLF, Peter Ottawa wd. breast 8.00 Nov 1863 20,484
WONDERS, John Streator wd. r. thigh 6.00 - 150,301
WOODRUFF, Mary Marseilles widow 20.00 - 13,922
WRIGHT, Geo. A. Streator wd. r. hand & wrist 8.00 - 39,888
YEAGLEY, Mary J. Streator widow 8.00 - 15,512
ZELLER, Jacob Ottawa vari. veins & rheu. 6.00 - 113,754
ZITZENBURG, Wm. LaSalle wd. r. side 5.00 - 114,829
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