Thomas F. Noon was born in Peru, Illinois, March 7, 1857, and is a son of
Michael and Winifred (Meathe) Noon, who were natives of county Mayo,
Ireland. The father was born in 1825, and the mother in 1829, and after
their marriage they sailed to the United States, in 1852. Coming to Peru,
they made a permanent settlement here, and were thenceforth numbered among
the enterprising citizens of this place. The father died in October, 1886,
and the mother is still living in her Peru home. In 1861, during the civil
war, Mr. Noon's father enlisted as a private in Company H, Fifty-eighth
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was promoted to the rank of corporal. His
term of enlistment expired February 7, 1865, and on the 21st of the
following month he veteranized, becoming a member of Company B, Fifth United
States Regulars, which was attached to the Third Army Corps, and was under
the command of General Hancock. He received an honorable discharge at the
end of one year, March 21, 1866, and returned home. Faithful and trustworthy
in the performance of his duties, he won the praise and commendation of his
superiors and the respect of his comrades in the ranks.
Thomas F. Noon is one of the five children born to his parents, the others being Ann, John E., Eliza and William Harry. Mr. Noon was educated in the schools of Peru, and when fourteen years of age he entered upon his business career. For ten years he was connected with the drug business, and in the meantime also served as assistant postmaster of Peru for nine years, and meanwhile he also served as city and town clerk for five years. In March, 1881, he entered the employ of the Illinois Zinc Company, as a clerk, and was gradually promoted from time to time. In May, 1898, upon the death of Archibald Mears, the general manager of the company, Mr. Noon was called to succeed him, and he has since held this position, rendering most acceptable service in the interests of the company. Prior to becoming general manager, Mr. Noon had served in various capacities, including clerk, pay-master and cashier, and had gained a general knowledge of the business, and thus became well qualified to fill his present responsible position.
The cause of education finds a sincere friend in Mr. Noon, who for twelve years served as a member of the Peru school board, and is now acting as its president. Politically he is a Republican, and fraternally a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and other societies. Following in the faith of his parents, he is a Catholic. In 1882, he married Miss Mary H. Xelowski, and five children bless their union, namely, Mary Henrietta, Genevieve Lucy, Helen Louise, Thomas Henry and Thaddeus Roderick.
Extracted by Norma Hass from Biographical and Genealogical Record of LaSalle County, Illinois published in 1900, volume 1, pages 276-277.
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