SHANK, Herman (Lizzie Br?? Sister) Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec36 T160a Mr. GODELL (1885) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SHANLEY, Mat (Elsie WARREN) Utica R25 Waltham Sec33 T160a Patrick SHANLEY (1879) Bell Tel. Utica
SHAPLAND, C. H. (Minnie MAYFIELD) Ransom R63 Grand Rapids Sec26 T220 Simon SHAPLAND (1883) Tel. Grand Ridge
SHAUGHNESSY Bros. John and Thomas; Catherine, Sister; Utica R65 Deer Park Sec27 O200a (1877) Home Tel. Utica
SHAUGHNESSY, Thomas (Anna TAYLOR) Utica R65 Deer Park Sec27 O100a (1899)
SHAVER, F. H. (Fannie JADSON) Ch. Maude, Edith, Glenn, Irene; Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec 34 O90a (1854) Bell Tel.
SHAVER, F. N. (Anna BAKER) Ch. Wallace, Beth, Blanche; Marseilles R59 Grand Rapids Sec2 T180a John and Ira HANNA (1883) Tel. Marseilles
SHAVER, Glenn W. (Clara BAUGHMAN) Ch. Harold; Mendota R37 Ophir Sec22 -Farm Hand- James BRADY(1907) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SHAVER, H.O. (Florence HALE) Ch. Byron, Alexia, Inez, Paul, Hugh, Wenonah, Helen; Dayton, Rultand Sec29-34-5 O1a (1865)
SHAVER, Roy W. (Daisy W. HODGSON) Ch. Isabelle, Howard, Ellen; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec22 O103a (1878) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SHAVER, S. A. D. (Florence B. NICHOL) Ch. Floyd; "Pleasant Hill Farm" Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec2 O104a (1860) Tel. Ottawa
SHAW, C. E. (Pearl JOHNSON) Ch. Kenneth, Robert; Mendota R37 Troy Grove Sec13 T55a Harry SETCHELL (1913)
SHAWBACK, B.N. (Ida WARD) Tonica R16 Vermillion Sec32 T160a E.F. SHAWBACK (1890) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore
SHAWBACK, Edward F. (Florence E. STROH) Ch. Benjamin, Lillian, Joseph, Myrtie; Tonica R16 Richland Sec5 O326a (1866) Farmers' Line Leonore
SHAWBACK, Fred W. (Ora MILLER) Ch. Gwen, Eileen, Wayne; Lostant R13 Hope Sec7 T180a Mrs. C. W. FRANCIS (1886) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb
SHAWBACK, Henry Ch. William, John, Reuben, Sarah, Caroline, Lydia; Streator R4 Richland Sec22 O591a (1847)
SHAWBACK, John H. (Emma ROSE) Ch. Esther, Ella, Elsie, E?l?. John, Ethel; Tonica R16 Richland Sec4 O160a (1869) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore
SHAWBACK, John P. (Anna M. RICHARD) Ch. Amelia, Henry, Alice, Edman, Lydia, Victor, Wilhelmina, Lillie, Levi; Streator R4 Richland Sec15 O160a Sec19 T160a Hy SHAWBACK (1866) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
SHAWBACK, Reuben N. (Annie ROSE) Ch. Harry, Cecelia, William, Raymond, Elmer, Leonard; Tonica R16 Richland Sec15 O160a T120a Henry SHAWBACK (1873) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore
SHAWBACK, William H. Ch. Matilda, Albert, Arthur, Carl, Julia; Streator R4 Richland Sec22 T120a Henry SHAWBACK (1864)
SHAY, Wellington H. (Bessie E. CARMON) Ch. Helen; "Shamrock Farm" Streator R5 Bruce Sec23 O25a (1870) Tel. Streator
SHEA, Bert (Julia MCEVOY) Ch. Albert; La Salle R22 Troy Grove Sec33 T160 Mrs. James CAHILL (1884)
SHEA, Dan (Mary SWEENY) Ch. William, Frank, Bert, Margaret, Kathryn, Irene, Lucile, Josephine; La Salle R22 Dimmick Sec9 O400a (1860) Bell Tel. La Salle
SHEEDY, Frank (Catherine NAGEL) Ch. Virgil; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec23 T200a Patrick SHEEDY (1895) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, James (Sadie NAGEL) Ch. Gerald, Russel; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec26 T200a Pat SHEEDY (1890) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, James F. (Ceila TALTY) Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec13 T160a J. J. SHEEDY (1890) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, John E. (Clara KILLELEA) Ch. Thelma; Ransom R64 Brookfield Sec36 T160a P. SHEEDY (1885) Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, John J. (Rose BRODERICK) Ch. Edward, William, James, Ellen, Mary, Timothy, Raymond, Anna, Alice, Elmer, Clarence; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec24 O453a (1864) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, Mike (Anna DUNN) Ch. Edgar, Joseph, Charles, Rosemary; "Hillside Farm" Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec14 O240a (1872) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, William J. (Edna DONELSON) Ch. Virginia, Earl; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec23 T80a Mary MCCORMICK(1877) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEDY, W.S. (Mary E. KOHRT) Ch. Beatrice, Eleanore, Louise, Fred, Willard, Edward; Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec14 O223a (1864) Bell Tel. Seneca
SHEEHAN, Ellen (Ellen E. FITZGERALD) Ottawa R27 Waltham Sec24 O60a (1858)
SHEEHAN, John (Nora CONNORS) Ch. Thomas, Isabelle, Katherine; Ottawa R33 Farm Ridge Sec4 T320a Mrs. W.C. RILE, Mrs. KENDALL, and Mrs. GRIFFITH (1870) Tel. Ottawa
SHEILDS, C.M. (Josephine HIBBS) Ch. Lois, Marshall, Russell; Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids Sec29 T240a HIBBS Est. (1892) Tel. Grand Ridge
SHELLY, Ira B. (Emma CROCKETT) Ch. Esther, Letha, Alvin, Alberta; Sheridan R2 Mission Sec15 -Farm Hand- A.I. BOWERS (1917)
SHELTON, David Jr. (Alice SWARTZ) Marseilles R59 Grand Rapids Sec10 -Farm Hand- I.M. SWARTZ (1900) Tel. Marseilles
SHEPHARD, J.C. (Lottie FLEETWOOD) Ch. Charles, Wesley; Grand Ridge R19 Deer Park Sec25 T23a Charles ADAMS (1912)
SHEPHERD, O.G. (Oma KALLAWY) Ch. Verna, Owen, Carl, Willeta, Alma, Hazel, Irene, Ralph; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec23 T100a W.J. MEYERS (1904)
SHEPPLER, Henry (Annie KREIGER) Ch. Mary, Fred; Serena R1 Serena Sec14 O87a (1883) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
SHERMAN, A. (Luella MEYER) Sandwich R2 Northville Sec10 T222a H.H. SHERMAN (1894) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SHERMAN, Henry (Carrie MARTIN) Ch. Steven, George, Lenora, Joseph, Edward, Harley, Vera; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec10 O190a (1858) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SHERMAN, Henry A. (Josie GLETTY) Ch. Florence; Leland R47 Northville Sec17 O220a (1881) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
SHERMAN, L.S. (Mary MARR) Ch. Joseph, Ruth; Leland R47 Northville Sec7 O170a (1874) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
SHERMAN, Steven M. (Flora SUPPES) Ch. Joyce, Loraine; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec23 T200a Henry SUPPES(1884) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SHERWOOD, Fred (Bertha KNOBLAUCH) Ch. Leona, Bernard, Lloyd; Streator R6 Otter Creek -Farm Hand- Frank BIRTWELL (1892)
SHIELDS, C.M. (Josephine HIBBS) Ch. Lois, Marshall, Russell; Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids Sec20 T240a HILLS Est. (1892) Tel. Grand Ridge
SHIMKOIK, Jane (Jane PRIERLY) Ch. Olive, Mary, Clara, Frank; Tonica R16 Eagle Sec1 O119a (1855) Independent Tel. Streator
SHOOTS, Esra (Lena MATTHES) Ch. Nathella; Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec14 O320a (1890) Tel. Streator
SHORTELL, Ed Ch. Anna, Mary; La Salle R23 La Salle Sec12 O160a (1857)
SHORTELL, Mrs. Ellen Ch. Catherine, John, Lena, Margaret, Martin, Loretta, Anna, Marie; Utica R26 Utica Sec3 O160a (1872) Bell Tel. Utica
SHULER, George B. (Bertha RUGER) Ch. Dorothy; Ottawa R30 Serena Sec31 O??9a (1892) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SHUTE, Frank R. (Jetta SARGENT) Ch. Virginia, Roland, Russell; Ottawa R?? Farm Ridge Sec6 T160a W. R. SHUTE (1881) Tel. Ottawa
SHUTE George F. (Clarabell J. JONES) Ch. John, Maynard; "Shady Brook Farm" Ottawa R33 South Ottawa Sec32 O230a (1878) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SHUTE, John H. & Son (Ella FRATTERS) Ch. George, Arthur, Edna, Robert; Ottawa R33 South Ottawa Sec31 O500a (1872) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SHUTE, William (Edna CARTER) Ch. William Jr.; Grand Ridge R19 Farm Ridge Sec28 O80a T40a (1877) Tel. Grand Ridge
SHUTE, W.K. (Dora T??TANY) Ch. Sarah, William, Mae, Helen, Frank, Ethel, Beatrice, Elizabeth, Grace, Ada; Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec1 O150a (1865) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SIBISTROTH, Mrs. Mary (Mary Z. CINKE) Ch. Maggie, Adam, Katie, Otto, Willie, Oscar, Harold, Esther; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec10 T160a J. W. OTT (1901)
SIEKIERKA, Paul (Pauline TWARDOWSKI) Ch. Joseph, Edward, Rosie, Bertha, Frank, Florence; Peru R20 Peru Sec31 O130a (1903) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
SIEMERS, Albert R. (Mary SIEGRIST) Ch. Cora, Carma, Marie; Lostant R13 Hope Sec12 O80a (1867) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
SIEMERS, C. W. (Mabel JOHNSTON) Ch. Robert, Donald, Mabel, Vav; Peru R20 Eden Sec16 O160a (1888) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
SIEMERS, E.F. (Hazel VANLANINGHAN) Ch. Jessie, Francis, Delbert; Lostant R13 Hope S1 T225a H.E. SEIMERSEst. (1890) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
SIMKINS, George (Ella HAPP) Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec28 T80a Pete FUNFISINN (1917)
SIMKINS, John (Caroline WALZER) Ch. Ethel, Howard; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec9 T80a Henry WALZER (1913)
SIMON, Christ (Mary REGAN) Ch. Chris Jr., Thomas; Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec1 O80a (1861)
SIMONSON, Simon L. Leland R47 Adams Sec9 T100a George THOMPSON (1907) Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
SIMKINS, William N. (Isabelle HINER) Ch. Kenneth, Leona; Streator R4 Eagle Sec20 O120a (1861) Independent Tel. Streator
SIMPSON, C .A., (Jennie M. RENSHAW) Ch. Francis; Earlville R45 Ophir Sec5 T120a Mrs. Catherine SIMPSON(1884) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
SIMPSON, E. W., (Clara MULLINS) Ch. Alvin; Leland R49 Earl Sec13 -Farm Hand- H. W. WATTS (1917)
SIMPSON, Greenberry (Virginia F. AMBLER) Ch. Walter, Annie, Thomas, Richard, Robert, Ada, Cecil, Bada, George; Earlville R40 Meriden Sec4 T240a F.M. CURRIER (1906) Northern Illinois Tel. Paw Paw
SIMPSON, Lyman (Mary GEYER) Ch. Elroy, Edna, Mae; Mendota R37 Troy Grove Sec3 T178a Mrs. Catherine SIMPSON (1890)
SIMPSON, M. T. (Pearl HARRIS) Ch. Robert, John, Wilbur, Glenn, Anna; Mendota R36 Mendota Sec25 T92 ½a Frances E. DAVIS (1916)
SIMPSON, Walter (Fannie HATCHER) Ch. Viola, Florence, Nannie, Virgil, Ada, Mabel; Ottawa R30 Dayton Sec5 -Farm Hand- R.M. DEBOLT (1916)
SINCLAIR, E. R. Ottawa R30 Serena Sec32 T480a Mrs. Susan R. SINCLAIR and C. MILLER (1864) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SINCLAIR, Mrs. Susan (Susan MILLER) Ch. E. R.; Ottawa R30 Serena Sec32 O175a (1858) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SINGER, Luther (Anna TILFORD) Leland R49 Earl Sec13 T210a -Manager- H. W. WATTS (1913) Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
SINGER, William A. (Ella FILBERT) Ch. Kenneth; Streator R5 Bruce Sec2 T160a STASTON Est. (1901) Tel. Streator
SION, George (Hulda PREASS) Ch. Minnie; Utica R25 Waltham T160a Mary FOTHERINGHAM (1892) Bell Tel. Utica
SION, Ralph (Josephine HESS) Ch. Emma, George, Julien, Josephine, Pearl; "School House Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec27 O80a (1864) Bell Tel. Utica
SKINNER, Charles (Elna LYNDS) Ch. Francis, Donald, Arthur; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec11 T80a G.A. SKINNER(1874) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SKINNER, George H. (Florence SHEER) Ch. Jessie, George; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec12 T80a G.A. SKINNER(1871) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SKOWERA, Martin (Mary LESS) Ch. Stanley, Annie, Edward; Granville R1 Peru Sec31 T102a Mike SKOWERA(1903) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
SLATER, William (Anna JOHNSON) Ch. Birdie, Clara, Valina; "Rose Cottage Farm" Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec6 O34 ¼ a (1860) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SLATTERY, William (Lyde VINT) Ch. Rose, Marie; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec21-15 T160a John GALLIN and HENRY Est. (1915) Bell Tel. Seneca
SLINGSBY, P. F. (Margaret BUCKLEY) Ottawa R29 Wallace Sec23 O133a (1877) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SLINGSBY, William (Eliza DELEHANTY) Ch. Edith, William, Emmet, John, Francis, Mary; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec10 O160a (1867) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SLOAN, Charles H. (Mand R. JONES) Ch. Norman, Leslie, Helen, Joyce; Grand Ridge R17 Farm Ridge Sec14 -Farm Hand- George CRUMRINE (1914)
SMALING, Herman (Elizabeth KESSLER) Ch. Carl, Mervin; Grand Ridge R17 Deer Park Sec14 O85a (1875) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SMALL, Edwin (Jessie WALLACE) Ch. John, Addison, Eugene, Agnes; La Salle R23 Waltham Sec19 O234a (1867) Bell Tel. Utica
SMALL, William (Mary CLEMENTS) Ch. Hazel, Cyril; Sheridan R1 Northville Sec26 T327a Ed. MILLER (1905) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
SMALLEY, W.J. Ch. Howard, Mabel; Ransom R4 Allen Sec11 T160a Mrs. R.S. SMALLEY (1892) Tel. Ransom
SMIDT, Andrew (Annie KENICO) Ch. Mabel, Pearl, Robert, Joseph, Myrtle, Margaret, Edmund; La Salle R23 La Salle Sec14 T250a German American Co. (1877) Bell Tel. La Salle
SMIDT, Falkert (Gertie JOHNSON) Ch. Francis, Manuel, Dena, Minnie, John, Tillie, William; Dana R9 Groveland Sec34 T160a Mrs. L. CRAWFORD (1908) Independent Tel. Dana
SMIDT, John (Mathilda HE?HT) Ch. William, Arthur, Evett?; Dana R9 Groveland Sec27 T100a H. HA??? (1905) Independent Tel. Dana
SMITH, Albert (Nellie MO?ALL) Ch. Velma, Helen; Marseilles Manlius Sec18 T19a Mrs. LORRELL (1886)
SMITH, Arthur (Eva GOUSSET) Ch. Ze?, Harry; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec20 T80a Wallie MOORE (1910)
SMITH, Ben (Lena MILES) Ch. Anna, Catherine, John, Ben, Caroline, Bertha, Louise, Jacob, Carl, Henry; Dana R9 Groveland Sec32 T380a HARTLEY Est. (1905) Independent Tel. Minonk
SMITH, Charles H. (Tillie A. KUTTER) Ch. Hazel; Peru R21 Dimmick Sec18 T173a Adam CHEER (1902) Bell Tel. La Salle
SMITH, Christ (Lulu MARTIN) Ch. Ralph, Lloyd, Arthur, Dorothy; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec29 T160a Mrs. GILMAN United Tel. Ottawa
SMITH, Corney Mendota R37 Ophir Sec14 T80a J. GARLAND Est. (1897) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SMITH, C, Kinney (Edith MORGAN) "Neenah Farm" Ottawa R30 Ottawa Sec1 O126a (1905) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SMITH, D. L. Ch. Mennow, George, Robert; Lostant R12 Hope Sec22 T160a DOUGAN Est. (1906)
SMITH, Edward C. (Sarah THOMPSON) Ch. Vietta; Ransom R64 Allen Sec33 O80a (187?) Tel. Ransom
SMITH, Edward F. (Hattie BURKHART) Ch. Earl, Virginia; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec17 O150a (1906) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SMITH, Elizabeth A. Ch. Bertha, Melvin, Howard; Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec12 O240a (1867) Tel. Streator
SMITH, Frank (Cleo ROOT) Ch. Walter, Proxida, Isabella; John and Anna ROOT parents of Mrs. ROOT La Salle R23 Dimmick Sec36 T160a M. BREMMEN (1880)
SMITH, Frank B. (Rhoda LILES) Ch. Theodore, Russell, Virginia; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec22 T7a (1877) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SMITH, Mrs. F. W. (Hulda WILLIAMS) Ch. Giles, Fred (deceased); Utica R65 Deer Park Sec34 O120a (1842) Home Tel. Utica
SMITH, George Mendota R39 Mendota Sec32 O1a (1890)
SMITH, George D. (Ethel L. WORSLEY) Mendota R39 (Box 245) Meriden and Adams Sec20-29-30-31 O350a (1875) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
SMITH, George H. (Mary GEHEBER) Ch. Viola, Henry, Walter; "Allen Stock Farm" Ransom R64 Allen Sec33 O480a (1863) Tel. Ransom
SMITH, Henry J. & Son Ch. Henry, Lizzie; Somonauk Northville Sec5 O248a (1846) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
SMITH, Herbert I. (Mary FREW) Ch. Carlyle; "Sleepy Oaks Farm" Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec9 T240a E. E. SMITH(1911) Bell Tel. Seneca
SMITH, H. F. (Anna TURNER) Ch. Arthur, Maude, Luella, Delmar, William; Marseilles R59 Rutland Sec12 T200a N. LONG (1859)
SMITH, Isaac H. (Stella G. THOM) Ch. Roy, Ralph; Dana R9 Groveland Sec31 T172a Mrs. W.S. MARQUERE(1912) Independent Tel. Minonk
SMITH, James Earlville R44 Meridan Sec36 T240a MCMANNUS Bros. (1916)
SMITH, John H. (Elizabeth RAMME) Ch. Minnie, Albert, Lawrence; Streator R8 Allwn Sec30 O360a (1859) Tel. Ransom
SMITH, John T. (Edith DEBOLT) Ch. Floyd, Howard; Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec10 T160a Frank DEBOLT (1902) Bell Tel.
SMITH, J. Ward (Edith HORN) "Valley Farm" Ransom R63 Allen Sec6 T360a William SMITH (1885) Tel. Ransom
SMITH, Kinney C. (Edith MORGAN) "Neenah Farm" Ottawa R30 Ottawa Sec1 O126a (1905) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SMITH, L. A. (Emma BAKER) Ch. Lee, Stella, Mae, Grace; McNabb R1 Hope Sec18 O150a (1913) Tel. McNabb
SMITH, Manuel (Louise HECHT) Ch. Gertrude, Elmer, Emma; Dana R9 Groveland Sec35 T160a Robert D. LAW (1908) Independent Tel. Minonk
SMITH, Paul A. (Florence E. HEATH) "Henry J. DAVIS Farm" Earlville R43 Freedom Sec4 T320a (1890) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SMITH, Ralph G. (Sadie HELD) "Smithdale Stock Farm" Streator R8 Allen Sec33 T160a George H. SMITH (1891) Tel. Ransom
SMITH, Vincent (Hannah STELMA) Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec33 T80a Thomas MALONY (1871)
SMITH, V. C. (Edna C. REYNOLDS) Ch. Beulah, Velma, Edith, John; Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec3 -Farm Hand- A. G. PARR (1907)
SMITH, William E. (Ada MARSHALL) Ch. Lavina, George; Ottawa R32 Farm Ridge Sec2 T200a E.H. STUMPH(1884) Tel. Grand Ridge
SNELL Bros. William and John (Mrs. Nellie I. HOLLAND, Mother) "Pleasant View Stock Farm" Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec4 O84a (1884) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SNELL, Guy (Nina STOUT) Ch. Emily, Nina, George; Utica R65 Deer Park Sec29 F. W. MATTHIESSEN (1890)
SNELL, John (Anna BATTY) Ch. John, Eugene; "Pleasant View Farm" Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec4 O84a (1881) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SNELLING, David (Evaline UMPHREY) Ch. Claudia, Maude; Sheridan R4 Northville Sec6 O3a (1848) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
SNIDER, William M. (Clara ARENTSEN) Ch. Mildred; Earlville R44 Freedom Sec20 T107½ a H. CRAMPTON(1905) Tel. Harding
SNOOK, Arthur J. (Dora E. MICK) Ch. Doris, Arlene; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec2 -Farm Hand- Peter KENNEDY (1887)
SNOOK, Earl W. (Mrs. J. SNOOK, Mother) Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec13 O80a ((1895) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SNOOK, Walter and Ray (Ethel, Sister) "Seven Oaks Farm" Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec22 T648a Mrs. John SNOOK(1864) (Eighty acres of above land owned and operated by Ray) Bell Tel. Seneca
SNOW, F. (Alleta MIDDLETON) Ch. Helen; Ransom R63 Brookfield Sec34 T160a James CLARK (1912) Tel. Ransom
SNOW, William (Sarah E. FULLERTON) Ch. Elwood, Mary; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec7 O80a (1867)
SNOWDEN, S.C. (Mary MOURER) Ch. Pauline; Earlville R41 Earl Sec6 T240a J.J. NIEBERGALL (1913) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SOLBERG, Rasmus (Cora JORSTAD) Ch. Ralph; Marseilles R56 Maller Sec19 T220a G. CONRAD (1884) Bell Tel. Marseilles
SOLON, B. J. (Josephine PRENDERGAST) Streator R4 Eagle Sec25 T240a James P. SOLON (1882) Independent Tel. Streator
SONDGEROTH, Anton Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec17 T80a William H. SONDGEROTH (1893)
SONDGEROTH, Charles (Catherine WALZER) Ch. Bernice; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec21 T108a John SONDGEROTH (1891)
SONDGEROTH, C.P. (Thresa METZEL) Ch. Henry, Marcella, Josephine, Harold, Gertrude; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec7 O170a (1882)
SONDGEROTH, Henry (Annetta SHORTELL) Ch. Delmar; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec20 T212a John SONDGEROTH (1888)
SONDGEROTH, Henry A. (Elizabeth FULL) Ch. Henry, Jerome, Angeline, Ruth; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec10 O120a (1885)
SONDGEROTH, H. H. (Mary WALZER) Ch. Clarence; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec19 T130a John WALZER (1888)
SONDGEROTH, John (Cathrena HOPP) Ch. Henry, Charley, Lizzie, Harvey, Emma, Benjamin, Albert, Minnie, Loretta; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec17 O740a (1860)
SONDGEROTH, John H. (Mary E. BURG) Ch. Celia; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec18 O164a (1883)
SONDGEROTH, John Theodore (Anna FISCHER) Ch. Hilary, Joseph, Herbert, Vincent; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec19 T160a Mrs. Helen SONDGEROTH (1884)
SONDGEROTH, Leo W. (Julia PRAUGANBURG) Ch. Elnora; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec7 T160a Mrs. Helena SONDGEROTH (1897)
SONDGEROTH Peter F. (Mary T. BARR) Ch. Bernice, Frank; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec10-11 O150a (1892)
SONDGEROTH, Theodore C. (Elizabeth ROETZEL) Ch. Hattie, Helen, Cora, Florence; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec17 O121a (1880)
SONDGEROTH, William H. Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec8 O80a (188?)
SONDGEROTH, William V. (Anna CASEY) Ch. Dorothy, Eileen, Virgil; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec9 T160a Mrs. Helena SONDGEROTH (1887)
SOPPELAND, Andrew (Melinda JACOBSON) Ch. Halver, Lidia, Alfred, Richard, Jacob; Leland R49 Earl Sec35 O72a (1871) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SOPPELAND Bros. Leland R49 Earl Sec35 T134a Jack KNUTSON and NELSON Sisters (1885)
SORENSON, Thomas (Olga NORTHWART) Leland R47 Adams Sec10 T140a T.M. ANDERSON (1909) Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
SORHUS, Mrs. Oviden Ch. Sam, Tillie, Thomas, Magnus, Enoch, Louis, Martin; Leland R49 Earl Sec27 O72 ½a (1882)
SOUTHWICK, Mayo P. (Lenora WEBSTER) Ch. Irma; Sheridan R1 Northville Sec5 T160a Mrs. L. STEVENS(1914) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
SPACH, Albert F. (Grace BALLOU) Ch. Lyle, Dale; Leland R47 Adams Sec11 T170a DEWEY Bros. (1910) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
SPANIOL, W. Robert (Elizabeth VISSERING) Ch. Bertha, Edward, Elsie, Ruth; Dana Groveland Sec24 T160a Caroline VISSERING (1872) Independent Tel. Dana
SPAULDING, Arthur J. (Anna MATTINGLY) Ch. Lou, Alice; "Maplehurst Farm" Troy Grove R34 Ophir Sec36 T160a Judson SPAULDING (1886) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SPAULDING, Walter (Ruth MATTINGLY) Ch. Mary, Louise; Utica R26 Waltham Sec2 T80a J. SPAULDING (1887) Bell Tel. Ottawa
SPAULDING, W.A. (Lillie BEVAN) Ch. Hazel, Wilma, Roy; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec22 T200a Mrs. L.A. SPAULDING (1862) Bell Tel. Seneca
SPEAR, D. M. (Bertha SHIVES) Ch. Ray; Lostant R12 Hope Sec31 -Farm Hand- H.E. SPEAR (1907)
SPEAR, H. E. Lostant R12 Hope Sec31 T240a James ARNOLD (1907) Ames Tel. Magnolia
SPEAR, Leo (Ella REYNOLDS) Ch. Charles; Lostant R12 Hope Sec27 T??? Charles BRENN? (1907) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
SPEARS, Charles (Herd?e FRANK) Ch. ????l; Earlville R1 Meridan Sec23 -Farm Hand- Victor M??? (1909) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SPEARS, Charles H. (Laura GWIN) Ch. Helen, Harold; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec15 -Farm Hand- Arthur B?EUER(1917)
SPENCER B.C. (Lottie E. AMES) Ch. Charles, Glenn, Lois, A??, Fern, Cland?e; Marseilles R58 M?l?er Sec28 T160a ??? SPENCER (???2) Bell Tel. ????
SPENCER, F.L. Ch. Grace; Marseilles R?6 ??????d Sec26 T200a SPENCER ? ? (1815) Bell Tel.
SPERAW, John (Anne FIDLER) Ch. Norme, John, Gibson; La Salle R22 Peru Sec4 -Farm Hand- T.W. KEYS (1905) Bell Tel. La Salle
SPIERS, Annie Ch. Alex, Elizabeth, Selena, David; La Salle R24 La Salle Sec34 O20a (1882)
SPITZ, Sylvester (Martha KRATZ) Ch. LeRoy; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec27 -Farm Hand- Peter HOCHSTATTER(1913)
SPOHR, C. J. (Freda HESS) Ch. Anna, Ernest, Harry, Edna, Richard; Grand Ridge R17 Farm Ridge Sec7 O160a Sec8 T80a Mrs. H. DIEHL (1883) Tel. Grand Ridge
SPRAY, George (Nellie CORCAN) Ch. Laura; Earlville R42 Earl Sec20 O35a T45a George HOODLEY (1867) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SPRINGSTEAD, W.B. (Matilda SCHEPPLAR) Ch. Burton, Ruth, Walter, Ralph, Albert, Lawrence, Donald; Sheridan R4 Adams Sec34 T200a H. SPRINGSTEAD and Phelix HUMBERT Est. (1880)
SPRINGSTEAD, Benjamin (Luna NICHOLS) Ch. Jessie, Harry, Vera, Glenden, Benjamin; "Hickory Heights Farm" Sheridan R3 Serena Sec3 O242a (1856) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
SPRINGSTEAD, Hiram (Comelia THOMPSON) Ch. William, Ray; Sheridan R3 Serena Sec2 O196a (1853) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
SPRINGSTEAD, Ray (Geneva WARREN) Ch. Mary; Sheridan R3 Serena Sec4 T84a H. SPRINGSTEAD (1893)
STAGER, John Ch. Daisie, Frank, John, Mary, Nick, Anna, Elizabeth, Mark, George; Wenona R2 Osage Sec16 T220a James ORR (1867) Ames Tel. Wenona
STALKER, James (Alice SMITH) Ch. James, Fred, Albert, Sarah, Lottie; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec21 O7a T40a Martin RICE (1915) Bell Tel. Marseilles
STAMBERGER, Edwin N. (Emilie YOST) Ch. Alice, Edwin Jr.; Mendota R39 Mendota Sec32 T80a George STAMBERGER Sr. (1879)
STANGELAND, O. N. (Bertie DANELSON) Ch. Nellie, Archie, Belle, Russell, Merle, Francis, Verna, Vincent; Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec14 O135a (1893) Tel. Farmers' Line
STACELL, Philip (Gertrude NOBBE) Ch. Raymond; Streator R5 Bruce Sec11 T420a Fred W. RICHARDS (1901) Tel. Streator
STASELL, Charles Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec9 T240a Frank KUHN (1900) Tel. Streator
STASELL, George (Amelia BENCKDORF) Ch. Henry, Lillie, Esther; Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec29 O280a (1890) Tel. Streator
STASELL, Herny, (Mary KEEF) Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec30 T410a George STASELL (1893)
STASELL, John (Cora CASHMER) Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec5 T200a Fred GLINN (1904) Tel. Grand Ridge
STASELL, Walter (Mabel HAMUN) Ch. Carl, Walter; Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec8 T160a Samuel KINES (1900) Tel. Streator
STEBAR, Amah (Nanna JONES) Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec5 -Farm Hand- J.H. BAKER (1903) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STEBBINS, Walter (Aldina THRASHER) Ch. Nellie, Freda, Porter, Gertrude, Walter, Jay; Marseilles R58 Manilus Sec17 O12a Sec10 T80a Porter STEBBINS (1854)
STEEN, William (Minnie WEBBER) Ch. Elmer, Dorothy; "Plain View Farm" Wenona R2 Osage Sec17 O256a (1911) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
STEIDLE, Herman (Ella NAUGHTON) Ch. Joseph, Josephine; Streator R6 Grand Rapids Sec35 O80a (1904) Tel. Grand Ridge
STEIN, John (Louisa SMITH) Ch. Alma, Ella, Elizabeth, Oscar, Mabel, LeRoy; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec2 O120a (1870)
STEIN, William H. (Clara E. GUETHER) Ch. Katherine, Ina; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec3 T120a Sibilla STEIN (1880)
STEINKE, Albert (Bertha BRILL) Ch. Glenn; Rutland R10 Osage Sec36 T160a Minnie STEINKE (1833) Tel. Ames Long Point
STEINKE, Ernest (Minnie KUNDER) Earlville R40 Meriden Sec10 T160a Herman STEINKE (1886) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
STEINKE, Louis (Ros? HOLMSTROM) Ch. Maxine; Rutland Groveland Sec20 T160a August STEINKE (1879) Independent Tel. Rutland
STENE, John (Nellie RUMMERY) Leland R47 Adams Sec23 O200a (1907) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
STENGER, Jacob (Mary E. STENGER) Ch. Mary, Josephine; Mendota Mendota Sec16-17 O120a (1917)
STENZEL, Frank B. Lostant R12 Hope Sec27 T80a Matt MCGRATH (1914) Tel. Ames Lostant
STEPHENS, Charles W. (Rosemer WING) Ch. Raymond; "Spring Hill Farm" Ottawa R32 South Ottawa Sec13 T200a William HAPMAN (1897) United Tel. Ottawa
STEVENS, R. M. (Lillian SUPPES) Somonauk Northville Sec5 T150a E. SUPPES (1912) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
STEVENSON, Adam H. (Elizabeth J. PETERS) Ch. Ray, Loretta, Della, Bert, Violet; Mendota R37 Ophir Sec8 O4 37a (1881) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
STEVENSON, Andrew (Florence BREARLEY) Ch. Margaret, Leone, Gilford, Lawrence; "Old Orchard Farm" Mendota R37 Ophir Sec6 T159a James BREASLEY (1888) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
STEVENSON, Ernest E. (Mamie S. VAIL) Ch. James, Elmira; Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec1 O160a (1863) Tel. Streator
STEVENSON, George (Mary FRIDDLER) Ch. Frank, George Jr.; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec27 T80a Mrs. CLEVE(1882)
STEVENSON, James V. (Lucile NEEDHAM) Ch. Margaret, Ruth; "Illini Farm" Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec12 O80a (1889) Tel. Streator
STEVENSON, Jane Ch. Fred, John, William, Tena; Ottawa R27 Utica Sec 24 T207a Miss S. DYER (1883) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STEVENSON, Robert L. (Amelia JAEGLE) Tonica R16 Eagle Sec7 T156a W. FREEMAN (1902)
STEVENSON, R. W. Mabel CRANE) Ch. Dorothy, Donald, Wayne; "Maple Pine Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec8 T104a James WYLIE (1889) Bell Tel. Utica
STEVENSON, Theodore (Mary FREEBARN) Ch. Florence; Utica R35 Dimmick Sec1 T120a Annie WYLIE (1894) Bell Tel. Utica
STEVENSON, Thomas (Catherine C???KSHANK) Ch. Catherine, Velma; "Bank Inn Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec6 O75 ½a (1873) Bell Tel. Utica
STEVENSON, William J. (Minnie BUNDY) Streator R6 Otter Creek Sec1 T160a J.W. STEVENSON (1873) Tel. Streator
STILLWELL, A. W. (Elta SMITH) Ch. Wendell; Tonica R14 Eden Sec34 T80a (1872) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica
STILLWELL, O. M. (Edna GUMM) Ch. George, Walter, Earl; Lostant R13 Hope Sec9 T240a G.F. HARTENBOWER (1876)
STILLWELL, Chester (Ethel SHEEHAN) Ch. Sidney, Ursula, Mary; Grand Ridge R17 Deer Park Sec11 O40a (1883) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STOCKLEY, W. H. (Ethel BLUE) Ch. Gladys, Wilbur, Irene, Dorothy, Ruth, Charles, Russell, Louis; Earlville R43 Freedom Sec16 O91a T165a C.H. STOCKLEY (1875) Tel. Harding
STODDEN, S. B. (Nellie DIMMICK) Ch. Elda; Utica Utica Sec9 -Farm Hand- J. F. BLAKSLEE (1912)
STONE, F. A. Ch. Guy, Freddie, Kellsie, Lester; Grand Ridge R19 Farm Ridge Sec18 T350a W.M. PRATT (1873) Tel. Grand Ridge
STONE, W. E. (Irene HANEY) Ch. Loretta, Gertrude, Virgil; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec18 -Farm Hand- Thomas SEXTON (1917) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STOVER, J. M. (Anna DENTON) Ch. Blanche, Virginia; Earlville R43 freedom Sec15 T116a W. T. HINKSON (1905) Tel. Harding
STRACK, Louis (Mary SCHMITZ) Ch. Edward, Raymond, Irma, Wilfred; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec29 O80a (1904)
STRAIT, B. E. (Harriett SUEHR) Ch. Dorothy, Delphine, Harriett, Everett, Josephine; "The Elders" Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec13 T240a E. H. STRAIT (1871) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STRAIT, E. H. (Matilda RUGER) Ch. Charles, Burton, Mary, Adeline; "The Elders" Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec14 O240a (1857) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STRANSENBACK, Arthur (Anna REINMAN) Ch. Lowell; Rutland R10 Groveland Sec4 T200a Henry D???? (1878) Independent Tel. Rutland
STRANSENBACK, C.H. (Mary RIE??AN) Ch. Octavia; Wenona R2 Osage Sec15 O125a (1917) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
STRANSENBACK, Edward (Nellie DILLON) Ch. Luella, Francis; Wenona R2 Osage Sec26 T160a J. BRENNAN(1884) Ames Tel. Wenona
STRANSENBACK, Edward (Tetella HAPNER) Ch. Alice, William, Charles, Arthur, Edward, George, Bernice; Wenona R2 Osage Sec14 O330a (1867) Tel. Farmers' Line and Independent Tel. Wenona
STRANSENBACK, George (Laura QUINN) Garfield Osage Sec12 T80a Anna BRINKMAN (1881) Independent Tel. Streator
STRASSER, J. R. (Blanche MORRILL) Ottawa Wallace Sec34 T160a MORRILL Est. (1894) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STRAWN, G. W. (Elsie TRIMBLE) Ch. Florence; "Oak Bluff Place" Ottawa R27 Ottawa Sec18 O240a (1862) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STRAWN, Victor (Edith CAYLE) Ch. Pauline, Dora; Dana R9 Groveland Sec25 O53a (1883) Independent Tel. Dana
STRAWN, Miss Zeta "Strawn Farm" Ottawa R28 Ottawa Sec4 O190a (1857) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STREMLAN, Joseph (Catherine SONDGEROTH) Ch. Edmund, Roger, Lambert, Theodore; Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec8 T120a Mrs. Helena SONDGEROTH (1892)
STRICKER, Joseph (Anna RIORDAN) Oglesby La Salle Sec35 T80a MCLEAN Est. (1867) Bell Tel. Oglesby
STRICKLER, Edward (Clara DAY) Ch. Walter, Daisy, Clara, Ora, Eddie, Margaret; Marseilles R57 Miller Sec31 T80a Henry OSGOOD (1883)
STROBEL, Edward (Amy FOLK) Ch. Ivan, Florence, Hazel, Edward; Ransom R64 Allen Sec26 O160a (1868) Tel. Farmers' Line Ransom
STROBEL, Oscar (Ida RICHARDS) Ch. Lois; Ransom R64 Allen Sec22 O160a (1875) Tel. Ransom
STROBEL, Otto J. (Ida L. LINFOR) Ch. William, Flora, John; Ransom R64 Allen Sec12 O160a Sec12-13 T240a John LEHR, William BAKER, J. BRADY (1882) Tel. Ransom
STRODE, Elzie (Bertha HENSEL) Ch. Evelyn, Mary, Esther; Lostant R12 Richland Sec30 -Farm Hand- William F. HANSEL (1912) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
STROUT, C. W. (Annah CALDER) Ch. Ray; La Salle R22 Dimmick Sec10 O240a (1885) Bell Tel. La Salle
STROUT, Elmer J. (Grace CUTHBERTSON) Ch. Charles, George, David; "Deer Park South Farm" Utica R65 Deer Park Sec32 T160a F. W. MATTHIESSEN (1886) Bell Tel. Utica
STUART, William E. (Ella SCOTT) Ch. Carl, George; La Salle R23 Waltham Sec13 T80a James WALLACE (1892)
STUDBAKER, R.D. (Agnes HUSS) Ch. Lloyd, Marie; Utica R65 Deer Park Sec9 O70a (1899) Bell Tel. Ottawa
STUDEBAKER, J.B. (Mary Jane STILWELL) Grand Ridge R17 Farm Ridge Sec18 O80a (1871) Tel. Grand Ridge
STUCKER, Earl B. (Victoria MOORE) Ch. Alva, Earl, Edith, Verna, Erma, Ina; Garfield Osage Sec11 T286a G.G. GUYER (1897) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
STUCKER, E. M. . (Victoria MOORE) Ch. Alva, Earl, Edith, Verna, Erma, Ina; Garfield Osage Sec11 T286a G. G. GUYER (1897) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
STUCKER, J. A. (Cora SCHEUER) Ch. Edna; Wenona R2 Osage Sec14 T80a J. R. SCHEUER (1898) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
SUCKER, Ambrose (Elizabeth WANGLER) Ch. Chris, Simon, Louis, John, Daniel, Mary, Teress; Sheridan R1 Northville Sec5 O3a (1870) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
SULLIVAN, Charles D. Ch. Marguerite, Charles, Dennis, James, William; Streator R1 Osage Sec23 O400a (1866) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
SULLIVAN, D. L. Streator R3 Richland Sec34 O100a (1877)
SULLIVAN, E. Leo Wenona R2 Osage Sec32 T125a Tom WHALEN and John M. SULLIVAN
SULLIVAN, James (Agnes ELLIS) Ch. Margaret; Dana R9 Groveland Sec28 O120a (1874) Independent Tel. Dana
SULLIVAN, Jay (Anna M. REVES) Ch. Ruth; Dana R9 Groveland Sec30 O80a (1912) Independent Tel. Rutland
SULLIVAN, John Allen (Christie ANDERSON) Ch. Clarence, Hazel, Gladys; Streator R8 Allen Sec20 O160a Sec28 T80a Sarah A. SULLIVAN (1875) Tel. Ransom
SULLIVAN, John E. (Hannah TIMMERMAN) Dana R9 Groveland Sec32 T90a MARCUS Est. (1917) Independent Tel. Minonk
SULLIVAN, John M. (Margaret GORMAN) Ch. Leo, Edna, Verna, Genevieve; Wenona R2 Osage Sec23 O240a (1866) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
SULLIVAN, Marshall (Millie JOHNSON) Ch. Louise, Bernice; Streator R8 Allen Sec30 O240a (1866) Tel. Ransom
SULLIVAN, Vern Wenona R2 Osage Sec23 T80a John M. SULLIVAN (1897)
SULLIVAN, W. H. (Mae MILVAHILL) Streator R3 Richland Sec34 O100a (1882) Independent Tel. Streator
SULZBERGER, Bert L. (Freda E. KATES) Ch. Bert, Kenneth, Beulah; Ransom R64 Allen Sec23 O80a Sec22 T80a A.J. and A.B. SULZBERGER (1882) Tel. Ransom
SULZBERGER, Reno L. Ransom R64 Allen Sec23 O80a SecT80a A. J. and A. B. SULZBERGER (1887) Tel. Ransom
SUPPES, Bros. Leroy F. and Reuben H. Sandwich R2 Northville Sec22 T348a H. SUPPES (1883) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SUPPES, Edward R. (Dora GRAF) "Roseland Farm" Leland R47 Adams Sec14 T240a E. SUPPES (1891) Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
SUPPES, Leroy (Edna ROHRER) Ch. Vivian; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec22 T348a H. SUPPES (1883) Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
SUTHERLAND, Frank (Mary A. PACKENHAM) Wedron Rutland Sec10 O320a (1895) Bell Tel.
SUTTON, Arthur (Clara REPPIN) Ch. Milford, Clarence, Howard; Mendota R36 Meriden Sec18 T160a S.A. MCBRIDE (1900) Northern Illinois Tel Mendota
SUTTON, James (Mattie SHOW) Ch. Dale; Ottawa R32 Fall river Sec20 T80a L. ROSLIN (1913) United Tel. Ottawa
SUTTON, John (Lillian BRAGG) Ch. Ralph, Charles; "Prairie Farm" Ottawa R32 south Ottawa Sec34 O100a T90a BRAGG Est. (1867) United Tel. Ottawa
SUTTON, Ralph (Laura GEBHARDT) Ch. Russell; "Hillcrest Farm" Grand Ridge R19 Farm Ridge Sec28 O80a T180a F.W. SCHUMACHER (1893) Tel. Grand Ridge
SUTTON, W. T. (Mary MORRISON) Ch. Leola, Archie; Marseilles R59 Fall River Sec27 T240a Morris LEWIS(1867) United Tel. Ottawa
SVENDSEN, C. Clarence (Helen ANDERSON) Ch. Charlotte, Berdell; Leland R48 Adams Sec29 T244a A. and B. ANDERSON (1910) Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
SWANEY, J. E. Peru R20 Eden Sec21 O80a (1899) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
SWANEY, Willard (Florence KIDD) Ch. Elinor; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec16 T160a Jacob OTT (1904) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica
SWANSON, Andrew (Mary LARSON) Ch. Arthur; Marseilles R56 Rutland T80a Peter PEARSON (1890) Bell Tel.
SWANSON, August R. (Helga CARLSON) Ch. Ethel, Gladys; Lostant R12 Hope Sec32 T160a A. GARVEN (1911) Ames Tel. Magnolia
SWANSON, Chris (Hanna REIGSTAD) Ch. Bertha, Theodore, Elsa, Myrtle, Myron; Seneca Manlius Sec13 T160a Marshall WILSON (1910) Bell Tel. Seneca
SWANSON, Gust (Mary ANDERSON) Ch. Richard, Elmer, Agnes, Hilda; Utica R26 Utica Sec11 T117a J. J. NEARY(1892) Bell Tel. Utica
SWANSON, Gustaf (Ada GUSTAFSON) Ch. Harvey, Dorothy, Ellen, Leonard; Tonica R14 Edan Sec29 O40a (1914) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb
SWANSON, John (Ida GILMAN) Ch. Walter, Charles, Bert, Bernie, Minnie, Ollie, Martin, Arnold, Mildred, Roy, Waldemar; Streator R8 Otter Creek Sec32 T320a Chris BA??R (1908) Tel. Streator
SWANZY, Frank (Maud BROOKE) Ch. Ethel, Harold, Ella, Ed; La Salle R23 Dimmick Sec26 T240a S. JANKOWSKI(1916) Bell Tel. La Salle
SWARTZ, J. M. Marseilles R59 Grand Rapids Sec10 T320a J. J. HANNA (1887)
SWAYZE, Willie (Maude YARNELL) Ch. Adelbert, Irene; Earlville R42 Earl Sec9 -Farm Hand- Charles WILSON (1911) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SWEEDEN, J. L. (Emma OLESON) Ch. Irene; Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec24 T80a ROBERT FRIESTAD and THORSON (1911) Bell Tel.
SWEENEY, Ed. (Margaret MCMANNUS) Ch. James; Earlville R44 Freedom Sec7 T95a Ed. MCMANNUS (1867) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
SWENSEN, Peter (Bertie HANSON) Ch. John, Ephraham, Phillip, Sophia, Hans; Sheridan R2 Mission Sec21 O25a (1877) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
SWIFT, Fred L. Streator R1 Eagle Sec34 T200a Lucy F. SWIFT (1879) Independent Tel. Streator
SWIFT, Lucy F. Ch. Ward, Fred, Charles, Grace, Roy; Streator R1 Eagle Sec34 O220a (1808) Independent Tel. Streator
SWIFT, R. G. (Millie BURGESS) Ch. Maurice, Ralph; Tonica R16 Vermillion Sec32 O240a (1881) Tel. Farmers' Line Leonore
SWISHER, John A. (Sarah J. PORTER) Ch. Samuel, William, Raymond, Lavina; "Illiola Farm" Mendota R30 Mendota Sec26 O300a (1864)
SYNDER, Albert Streator R5 Farm Ridge Sec35 -Farm Hand- George DUDER (1915)
SZABO, John (Mary VELEBIR) Ch. Andrew, Susie, Mary; Streator R5 Bruce Sec10 O95a (1874) Tel. Streator
Contributed by Carol Ryan-Spenader, Eileen Charles-Bower, and Sandi Ryan-Kuda.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |