DAGENHARD, Albert G. Mendota R39 Mendota Sec31 T80a William WALTERS
DAGNER, William Lostant R13 Hope Sec15 T160a E. WEBER (1897) Tel. Farmers'
Line Lostant
DAHL, A.P. (Ellen JOHNSON) Ch. - John, Peter, Millie, Joseph, Martha, Ida:
Newark R1 Mission Sec25 O160a (1867) Tel Farmers' Line Newark
DAILY, C. A. Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec3 O41a (1880) Tel Ottawa
DAILY, J. F. (Regina RILEY) Ch. - Marie, Willia: Ottawa R31 Rutland Sec35
O40a (1867) Tel Ottawa
DAIR, Ray (Emma BERG) Ottawa Rutland Sec9 Farm Hand A. McLEAN (1915)
DALE, John (Olive PETERSON) Ch. - Ellen, Jesse: Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec33
T160a James CARTON Est (1895) Bell Tel Ottawa
DANA, Charles (Mary HILL) Ch.- John, Mildred, Florence, Katherine, Helen,
Richard, Gladys, Eldridge, Lawrence: Utica R25 Waltham Sec4 O120a T40a Dr.
DANA (1868) Bell Tel. Utica
DANA, Mrs. F. M. (NEY) Ch. - Samuel, Frances, Ida, William, Charles, Ernest,
Clifford, Nelson, Martha: "Dana Homestead" Utica R25 Waltham Sec4 Dana Est.
(1838) Bell Tel. Utica
DANA, N. W. (Dora WINN) Ch. - Forrest, Everett: Utica R25 Waltham Sec4 T240a
Mrs. F. DANA (1872) Bell Tel. Utica
DANAHER, James Lostant Richland Sec30 O280a (1857) Tel. Farmers Line Lostant
DANAHER, Mrs. John (Matilda ASHERMAN) Ch. - John, Michael, Mary, Johanan:
Leeds Osage Sec33 O160a (1882)
DANAHER, Joseph M., John and Johanna; Leeds Osage Sec.33 T160a DANAHER Est.
(1887) Independent Tel. Wenona and Rutland
DANAHER, Matilda (Matilda ASHERMAN) Ch. - Joseph, John, Mary, Johanna: Leeds
Osage Sec33 O80a (1852) Independent Tel. Wenona and Rutland
DANAHER, M. J. Leeds Osage Sec33 T160a Mrs. J. DANAHER (1887) Ames Tel.
DANAHER, Patrick Lostant Richland Sec30 O136a (1863)
DANCE, Grover (Rosie SIMPSON) Ch.- Orville, Arthur, Luther: Earlville R41
Meriden Sec2 T160a Lydia BAKER (1909)
DANELSON, Thomas A. (Elanor PEARSON) Sheridan R1 Mission Sec18 T386a J.
ARMSTRONG (1907) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
DANELSON, William P. (Sadie VARLAND) Ch. - Blanch: Marseilles R56 Rutland
Sec24 O160a (1886) Bell Tel.
DANIELS, G. W. (Vina DURKEE) Wedron Dayton Sec5 O75a (1881) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DANIELSON, Ami (Linnie A. RASMUSSEN) Ch. - Anna, Raymond, Lulu, Florence:
Marseilles R57 Miller Sec9 T163a Susan ELIASON and Anna OLSON (1872)
DANIELSON, Dan (Cora HELLAND) Ch. Alma, ?Pene: Seneca Manlius Sec26 T160a T.
J. CLARK (1915) Bell Tel. Seneca
DANIELSON, Daniel (Betsy MARKESON) Ch. - Mabel, Sarah, Armour, Delia,
Marvin: Marseilles R58 Miller Sec22 O320a (1897) Bell Tel. Seneca
DANIELSON, D. A. (Bertha ROSDAIL) Sheridan R2 Mission Sec8 T200a A.C. CONARD
(1897) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
DANIELSON, Louis (Eba KNUTSON) Sheridan R2 Miller Sec18 O60a (1880) Tel.
Farmers' Line Danway
DANIELSON, Oscar Sheridan R2 Miller Sec18 O40a T. BRUMBECK (1876) Tel.
Farmers' Line Danway
DANIHER, W. A. (Elizabeth HARTY) Ch. - John, Josephine, Mae, Allie,
Margerete, William, Leo: Ramsom R64 Allen Sec6 T200a Hannah GORDON (1868)
Tel. Ransom
DARBY, George Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec23 O40a (1871) Bell Tel. Seneca
DARBY, Pearce (Esther LEONARD) Ch. Calvin: Sheridan R1 Northville Sec 26 E.
L. BERNARD (1917)
DAUBER, Louis Ch. - Florence, Otto, Lillian, Edward: Tonica R14 Eden Sec24
O150a (1882) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica
DAUGHERTY, A. J. (Amelia TURNER) Ch. - Hazel, Byron. Russell, Grace, Alice:
"Cloverdale Farm" Streator R5 Bruce Sec24 O360a (1896) Tel. Streator
DAUGHERTY, Robert (Emma HOLLAND) Ch. Bessie, Thomas, Rose, Lomoin: Streator
R8 Otter Creek Sec34 O165a (1874) Tel. Streator
DAVEY, James (Agnes PATTERSON) Ch. - Mary, Katie, William, Jane, Lillie,
Susan: "Maple Farm" Lostant R13 Hope Sec24 O633a (1871) Tel. Farmers' Line
DAVEY, William M. (Arminta LOYLEL) Ch. - James, Guy, Roberta: Lostant R13
Hope Sec17 T160a J. DAVEY (1883) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
DAVIS, Floyd (Erma WORSLEY) Troy Grove R34 Ophir Sec26 T160a William CONGER
(1889) Bell Tel. Harding
DAVIS, Frank (Alice McKINLEY) Ch. - Frank, Dorothy: Ottawa R30 Serena Sec33
T21a John McGRATH (1915)
DAVIS, Fred Ch. - Lavern, Kenneth: Mendota R37 Ophir Sec22 O240a (1877)
Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAVIS, Lester (Emily CUTHBERTSON) Ch. - Glenn: Mendota R37 Ophir Sec23 T80a
S. C. DAVIS (1894)
DAVIS, Roy (Linda HACKMAN) Mendota R37 Ohpir Sec15 O80a (1887) Northern
Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAVIS, S. C. (Ida VANDRE) Ch. - Floyd, Grace, Eleanor, Mabel, Leslie,
Floriss, Jennie, Bernice: Mendota R37 Ophir Sec23 O160a (1865) Northern
Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAVIS, W. H. (Ruth G. WINN) Ch. - Winn, Charlotte: "Welsch Stock Farm"
Mendota R37 Ophir Sec22 O240a (1857) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAVISSON, A. H. (Susan GRIFFITH) Ch. - Fletcher, Luther, Mary, Gordon,
Edgar, Murlin, Jesse, Thaddeus: Earlville R42 Earl Sec21 O173a (1863)
Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAVISSON, T. W. (Carrie FORMHALS) Ch. - Dorothy: Earlville R42 Earl Sec21
T173a A. H. DAVISSON (1878) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DAWES, Thomas Ch. - Mary, Morris, Cordella ONEIL, Anna RENZ: Rutland R10
Groveland Sec8 O120a (1867) Independent Tel. Rutland
DEAN, Lewis (Gertrude NELSON) Ch. - Elsie, Harold, Edith: Lostant R12 Hope
Sec29 T240a Mrs. W. W. CHAMP (1916) Tel. Farmers' Line Lostant
DEANER, D. D. (Mabel BRODE) Ch. - Marguerite, Hazel, Dorsey, Marian,
Willard: Mendota R39 Mendota Sec31 O160a (1879)
DEANER, Levi (Rebecca KLINEFELTER) Ch. - Maggie: Mendota R38 Troy Grove
Sec21 O80a (1850)
DEBOLT, George C. (Etta THOMPSON) Ch. - Harley, Marion, Lester, Elizabeth,
Helen: Serena R1 Serena Sec11 O120a (1877)
DEBOLT, G. C. (Minnie MILLER) Ottawa R30 Dayton Sec8 T200a R. M. DEBOLT
(1895) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DEBOLT, H. M. (Pearl GRANDGEORGE) Ottawa R30 Dayton Sec13 T240a J. M. DEBOLT
(1888) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DEBOLT, Jason G. (Hazel THOMPSON) Ch. - Lona: Wedron GD Rutland Sec16 T160a
Frank DEBOLT (1891) Bell Tel.
DEBOLT, R. M. Ch. - Glenn, Florence, Inez, Mildred: Wedron Dayton Sec6 O276a
(1869) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DEBOLT, William (Catherine SHERMAN) Ch. - John, Edward: Serena R1 Serena
Sec14 O138a (1858) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DECEW, Thomas "Spring Bank Pony Farm" Sheridan R1 Mission Sec35 O250a (1891)
Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
DECKER, J. C. (Eva PEMBERTON) Ch. - Cathalene: Ransom R64 Allen Sec36 T304a
Albert FUNK and William M. McCORMICK (1906) Tel. Ransom
DEFENBAUGH, Clarence (Clara OLDENBURGE) Ch. - Mayme, Willard: Rutland R10
Osage Sec36 O70a (1890) Ames Tel. Rutland
DEFENBAUGH, Edwin (May HENDERSON) Ch. - Bessie, Mabel, Vernon, Etta May:
Lostant R12 Hope Sec32 O80a (1903) Tel. Ames Magnolia
DEFFENBAUGH, Elijah (Kate ARMSTRONG) Streator R1 Osage Sec25 O120a (1877)
DELAGNEAU Sisters Ottawa Ottawa Sec3 O38a (1862) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DELANEY, William F. (Mary FOUTH) Ch. - Emma, Roumilda, Albert: Peru R21 Peru
Sec8 O16a (1857) Bell Tel. La Salle
DELANEY, William F. (Dora CLEER) Ch. Wilbur, Milton: Peru R21 Dimmick Sec17
T75a A. L. CLEER (1886) Bell Tel. La Salle
DELEHANTY, William (Elizabeth KEEFE) Ch. - Harold, William: Ransom R64 Allen
Sec35 T160a Mrs. H. DELEHANTY (1904) Tel. Ransom
DENAPLE, E. L. (Emily GRIFFITH) Ch. - Irwin, Harold: Ransom R64 Allen Sec26
O240a (1870) Tel. Ransom
DENNEY, L. E. (Margaret CLARK) Ch. - Willie, Ethel, Mary, Marshall, Irvin,
Fred: Earlville R44 Ophir Sec25 -Farm Hand- William LANDERS (1905)
DEVORA, John (Minnie JAEGLE) Ch. - Helen: Streator R3 Osage Sec5 T120a L.
JAEGLE (1911) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
DEWEY, Mrs. Cora (Cora SCHRADER) Ch. - Leroy, Floyd, Mabel, Sylvia, Luella:
Triumph Ophir Sec18 O75a (1870) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DEWEY, D. H. (Mary WORSLEY) Ch. - Henry, Florence, Cora, Sidney: Mendota R37
Ophir Sec18-19-20 O775a (1841) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DEWEY, Floyd (Ruth E. SMITH) Ch. - Russell, Genevieve: Triumph Ophir Sec18
T120a Sidney DEWEY (1894) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DEWEY, S. D. (Clara KENNEDY) Ch. - Ella, Milton, Lewis: Mendota R37 Ophir
Sec17 O120a Sec18 T430a D. H. DEWEY (1880) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota.
DEWEY, Vernon S. (Della ODONNELL) Ch. - Bennie, Frank, Burton, Harold:
Earlville R40 Meriden Sec10 -Farm Hand- John VANHORN (1887)
DEWHART, E. C. (Julia WAY) Ch. - Oren, Delbert: Mendota R37 Mendota Sec34
-Farm Hand- George ERBES (1875)
DIAL, Roy (Laura PHELPS) Ch. - Pearl, Nelson: Troy Grove R34 Ophir Sec34
T120a John SMITH Est. (1914)
DIBELL, D. M. Ch. - Ruth: Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec2 O124a (1860) United Tel.
DICKER, Charles B. (Flora GABLER) Ch. - Mary, Charles, Hazel, Harold, Anito,
Alberta: Ottawa R33 South Ottawa Sec22 O80a (1859) Home Tel. Ottawa
DICKERSON, C. H. Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids Sec14 O145a (1863) Tel. Grand
DICKINSON, Walter A. (Rose McLAUGHLIN) Ch. - Verniel, Vernetta, Leo: LaSalle
R24 Deer Park Sec24 -Farm Hand- John R. TOLL (1884)
DICKSON, S. P. (Ida TYRELL) Ch. - Jessie, Charles, Vernon: Sheridan R4
Northville Sec30 O12a (1871)
DIDIER, Amiel (Emma LACHAT) Ch. - Raymond, Leo, Dorothy Ruth, Alma, Joseph,
Loretta, Bernadine: Mendota R37 Troy Grove Sec10 -Farm Hand- Dr. McINTYRE
DIEDERICH Bros. Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec9 T79a John B. DIEDERICK (1880)
DIEDERICH, John Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec9 T79a John B. DIEDERICK (1880)
DIEDERICH, William Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec9 T79a John B. DIEDERICH (1885)
DIEDRICK, Andrew (Clara SCHNEIDER) Ch. - Raymond, Velma, Verda: Peru R21
Dimmick Sec30 O160a (1870) Bell Tel. La Salle
DIEDRICK, Walter (Carrie KETTMANN) Ch. - Lyle: LaSalle R22 Dimmick Sec16
T80a William DIEDRICK (1893) Bell Tel. La Salle
DIEDRICK, William A. (Anna M. HAHN) Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec20 T80a Mrs.
Ferninand KEMPF (1892)
DIEHL, J. H. (Sarah ROEHM) Ch. - Della, Edna, Ina, Clara, George, Glenn:
Earlville R45 Meriden Sec28 O160a (1867) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DIEHL, Philip F. (Julia CARR) Ch. - Ralph, Effie: Earlville R45 Meriden
Sec34 O80a (1871) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DIEM, Charles (Lucy CLAUDE) Ch. - Charles, Lena, Rena: Serena R1 Serena
Sec27 T190a F. D. BRANDENBURG (1903)
DIERWECHTER, J. C. (Addie C. KLINEFELTER) Ch. - Cora, Florence, Henry:
Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec15-22 O160a (1880) Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
DIETRICK, Fred (Minnie KREGER) Ch. - Elsie, Frank Eich. Fred Jr.: Peru Peru
Sec30 O32 1/2a (1858)
DILLE, Charles (Maria KLAAS) Leland R47 Adams Sec13 O80a (1904) Northern
Illinois Tel. Somonauk
DILLE, Jesse C. (Nellie BLACK) Ch. - Edna, Maxine: Grand Ridge R17 Farm
Ridge Sec9 TI60a BLACK Est. and R. M. ATRAM (1894) Tel. Grand Ridge
DIMMICK, Mrs. Albert (Hattie ESMOND) Ch. - Frank, Ward, Lily, Minnie: Utica
R65 Deer Park Sec34 O142a (1867) Home Tel. Utica
DIMMICK, Ernest (Edith WAGNER) Ch. - Carl, Walter: Utica R65 Deer Park Sec2
T3a D. DIBEL (1888) Home Tel. Ottawa
DIMMICK, Erwin (Iva COFOID) Ottawa R33 Deer Park Sec34 T80a Frank BECKERMAN
(1884) United Tel. Ottawa
DIMMICK, E. N. (Harriet DRANSEL) Ch. - Percy, Archie, Roy, Gladys: Utica R65
Deer Park Sec22 T70a Thomas DUNPHY (1860)
DIMMICK, Hobart "Maple Grove Farm" Utica R65 Deer Park Sec34 T60a Mrs. Sarah
DIMMICK (1893) Home Tel. Utica
DIMMICK, Mrs. Sarah Ch - Earl, Ervin, Ernest, Clara, Hobart; Utica R65 Deer
Park Sec33 O60a (1882) Home Tel. Utica
DIMMICK, Ward Utica R65 Deer Park Sec34 T142a Mrs. Albert DIMMICK Home Tel.
DIMMIG, Ben (Eva CRON) Ch - Wilbur; Utica R25 Waltham Sec17 T80a Agnes
WALLACE (1912) Bell Tel. Utica
DIMOND, Ed (Mary WELTER) Ch - Genevieve, Florence, Edward Jr., Barbara,
Thomas; LaSalle R22 Dimmick Sec33 O160a (1876) Bell Tel. LaSalle
DIMOND, Thomas W. (Erna BEEHEN) Ch - Dorothy, Roland, Francis, Colette,
Paul; LaSalle R22 Dimmick Sec33 O128a (1874) Bell. Tel. LaSalle
DINGES, Jacob (Mary REIS) Ch - Esther, Leslie, Wilbert, Raymond; Mendota R35
Mendota Sec6 O200a (1900)
DINSMORE, T. W. (Evelyn ULINE) Ch - Wylie, Russell, Raymond; Mendota R36
Mendota Sec12 T280a CAMPBELL Sisters (1879)
DIPPEL, Christal (Bertha IMMEL) Tonica R14 Eden Sec31 T170a George KLAG
(1905) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb
DITTMAN, Albert Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids Sec22 T360a Mrs. Julia DITTMAN
(1883) Tel. Grand Ridge
DIVORA, S. (Mary COLLUE) Tonica R14 Eden Sec21 T120a WEBER Est. (1886) Tel.
Farmers' Line Cedar Point
DOBBINS, J. E. Troy Grove R34 Freedom Sec34 O160a (1887) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DOES, W. C. (Stella WRIGHT) Ch - Evelyn, Mildred; "Valley View Farm" Lostant
R13 Hope Sec7 T150a Law DOES (1882) Tel. Farmers' Mutual McNabb
DOHERTY, James M. Earville R44 Freedom Sec7 O148a Northern Illinois Tel.
DOHERTY, John J. (Ellen SHEEHAN) Ch - James, Mary; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec33
O80a (1872) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DOHERTY, Thomas B. (Catherine BURKE) Ch - Edward, Paul, William, Thomas;
Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec32 T158a Mary MURPHY (1876) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DOHERTY, W. E. (Catherine TRAVERS) Ch - Blanche, William, Vincent; Ottawa
R29 Dayton Sec24 T160a Mrs. W. J. BUTLER (1885) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DOLDER, Albert (Lillie BILLINGS) Ch - Lucile, Mildred; Earlville R41 Meriden
Sec1 O86a (1880) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DOLDER, Benjamin D. (Rosetta HINKEY) Ch - Charles; Earlville R43 Freedom
Sec3 T300a F. WILEY (1887) Tel. Harding
DOLDER, Ed. H. (Emma GUILDA) Serena R1 Serena Sec26 T176a H. HUPP (1894)
Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DOLDER, Col. Fred C. (Helena UGLAND) Ch - Freidell, Donald, Russell;
Sheridan R3 Serena Sec1 T200a D. DOLDER (1885) Tel. Farmers' Line and
Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DOMINY, Arthur E. (Margaret HOLMES) Ch - Chester, Mary; "Hickory Grove Farm"
Serena R1 Serena Sec28 O80a (1874) Tel. Harding
DOMINY, William E. (Ella HUPP) Ch - Vernon, Joyce, Mabel; Serena R1 Serena
Sec28 O106a (1863) Tel. Harding
DONAHUE Bros., William and John J. Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec16 T240a James
DONAHUE (1893) Bell. Tel. Ottawa
DONAHUE, Henry (Catherine MORIARITY) Ch - Mabel, Elizabeth, Leslie, Vernon,
John, Catherine, Margaret; Troy Grove R34 Waltham Sec1 T160a Mrs. P. DONAHUE
(1878) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DONAHUE, James (Laurie CARPENTER) Ch - Marie, Bernard; Troy Grove R34
Waltham Sec1 T160a DONAHUE Est. (1874) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DONAHUE, James T. Ch - Elizabeth, James, John, William, Anna, Frank, Helen,
Thomas; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec16 O240a (1854) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DONDANVILLE, Leo J. Serena R1 Sec11 T160a W. DONDANVILLE (1890) Northern
Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DONDANVILLE, Wallace (Elizabeth SHERMAN) Ch - Edward, Caroline, Mary,
Martin, Anna, Leona, Leo, Lawrence; Serena R1 Serena Sec11 O165a (1852)
Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DONELSON, Mary L. Seneca R60 Manlius Sec12 O94a Bell Tel. Seneca
DONOHUE, Matthew Ch - Catherine, Margaret, James, Matthew, Thomas, Mary,
Joseph; Ottawa R28 Wallace Sec21 O1991/2a (1859) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DONOVAN, W. J. (Emma HEMINOVER) Ch - Margaret, Lawrence, Helen, Ethel,
Elsie; "Maple Lane Farm" Utica R26 Utica Sec10 O160a (1867) Bell Tel. Utica
DORAN, Chris (Grace MOSHER) Ch - Arthur; Leland R47 Northville Sec17 T175a
S. D. MOSHER (1915)
DORAN, John (Anna JONES) Ch - Bernadetta, Marie; Mendota R36 Mendota Sec12
O120a (1910)
DORAN, Peter (Elizabeth EHMEN) Ch - Sylvester, Harold, Helen, Lester, Verna;
Mendota R36 Mendota Sec13 O80a T120a DORAN Est. (1908)
DORRIGAN, James (Louisa WHITMARSH) Ch - Katherine; Peru R21 Dimmick Sec20
O80a (1882) Bell Tel. LaSalle
DORSETT, Edwin Leland R48 Adams Sec20 O160a (1880) Northern Illinois Tel.
DOSE, Fred (Dora DRALL) Ch - Clarence, Leonard; Tonica R14 Eden Sec29 T160a
Ed WOLF (1915) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb
DOSE, Philip (Emma WOLF) Ch - Albert, Julius, Emma; Lostant R13 Hope Sec5
O280a (1890) Tel. Farmers' Line McNabb
DOTY, Alvin (Florence Mabel BROWN) Ch - Melvin, Harriet; Grand Ridge R19
Farm Ridge Sec33 T200a Mrs. BALDWIN (1915) Tel. Grand Ridge
DOUD, A. F. (Amy JOHNSON) Ch - Willis; Leland R49 Earl Sec14 T140a O. H.
DAMELSON (1911) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DOUGLAS, Jonas (Grace BREWER) Ch - Emmett, Maurice, Herschel; Rutland R30
Groveland Sec7 -Farm Hand- Henry BAER (1917) Tel. Farmers' Line Rutland
DOVENSPIKE, J. M. (Anna M. WHITE) Peru R20 Eden Sec30 O1071/2a (1870) Tel.
Farmers' Line Cedar Point
DOYLE, Bernard (Elizabeth NERTNEY) Ch - Helen, Anna, Virginia, Thomas;
LaSalle R22 Dimmick Sec9 O160a (1868) Bell Tel. LaSalle
DRACKLEY, I. G. (Carrie BARBER) Ch - Lawrence, Elizabeth, Ruth, Alden,
Roger; Seneca R60 Manlius Sec11 T140a (1882) Bell Tel. Seneca
DRAPER, C. S. (Zelma A. WARD) Ch - Olive, Burrel; Mendota R36 Mendota Sec25
-Farm Hand- Henry G. POHL (1917)
DRESHMIRE, J. (Florence LAMPHERE) Ch - Marvey, Arthur, Richard; Sandwich R2
Northville Sec3 O8a (1870) Tel. Northern Illinois and Farmers' Line Sandwich
DUCHAM, G. S. (Ella TROMOLY) Leland R48 Adams Sec18 O40a (1877) Northern
Illinois Tel. Leland
DUDER, George B. (Katherine GLEIM) Ch - Dorotha, William, George; Streator
R5 Bruce Sec1 O320a George B. DUDER (1875) Tel. Streator
DUDER, Graham (Ellen BERKENSHAW) "Rockwood Farm" Ottawa R32 Farm Ridge Sec10
T200a G. M. DUDER (1880) Tel. Grand Ridge
DUDGEON, E. R. (Mary PHILLIPS) Ch - Kenneth; Ottawa R30 Serena Sec29 T200a
G. I. POOL and Mrs. I. DUDGEON (1914) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DUFFIELD, A. L. (Minnie BASORE) Ch - Albert, Fay, Warren, Lucile, Dewey,
Stuart; Ottawa R32 Fall River Sec19 O146a (1860) United Tel. Ottawa
DUFFIELD, Warren (Gladys CROMPTON) Ottawa R32 Fall River Sec17 T250a Mrs.
Joe BAKER (1891)
DUFFY, Charles Ottawa R27 Ottawa Sec18 T230a James DUFFY (1888) Bell Tel.
DUFFY, H. J. (Kathryn DUNN) Ch - John Hugh; Serena R1 Serena Sec17 O130a
(1857) Bell Tel. Harding
DUFFY, Thomas H. (Hattie BOWEN) Ch - Olne, Yorke, Erma; "The Elms" Serena R1
Serena Sec37 O200a (1872) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
DUFFY, Walter (Lizzie RYAN) Ottawa R27 Utica Sec13 O131a (1893) Bell Tel.
DUGAN, L. L. (Maude OTTO) Ch - Hollis; Lostant R12 Hope Sec28 T160a L. Y.
DUGAN (1873) Ames Tel. Lostant
DUGOSH, Alfred (Kate STOLPH) Ch - Paul, Leona; Cedar Point Eden Sec9 T120a
DUGOSH Bros. Cedar Point Eden Sec9 T120a F. WINZEL (1890)
DULIAN, George (Lizzie OFFORD) Ch - Verneille, Kermit, Russel; Grand Ridge
R18 Grand Rapids Sec29 T160a Mrs. S. CRIDER (1902) Tel. Grand Ridge
DULIAN, Lewis (Ella HAEBERLE) Ch - Clarence; Grand Ridge R18 Grand Rapids
Sec16 T160a J. HIBBS (1905) Tel. Grand Ridge
DULIAN, William (Blanch BRONSON) Ch - Delors, Dorothy; Streator R6 Otter
Creek Sec3 T160a Mrs. Taylor JONES (1899) Tel. Grand Ridge
DUMOND, Halsey P. (Amelia GEORGE) Earlville R42 Earl Sec17 O31a (1864)
Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
DUNCAN, John J. Jr. Peru Dimmick Sec18 T160a Mary T. DUNCAN (1912) Bell Tel.
DUNHAM, Clarence E. (Esther HARVEY) Ch - Orville; Dana Groveland Sec11 T100a
R. F. BAILEY (1916) Independent Tel. Rutland
DUNLAP, James S. (Cora A. FAIR) Rutland R10 Groveland Sec2 T156a H. P.
SHOWMAN (1907) Independent Tel. Rutland
DUNN, Donald B. (Mary E. HYDE) Ch - Archibald, Donald; Earlville R43 Freedom
Sec11 T130a Duncan DUNN (1890) Bell Tel. Harding
DUNN, Duncan Ch - Harold, Hazel, Donald; Earlville R43 Freedom Sec11 O130a
(1847) Bell Tel. Harding
DUNN, Edward (Margaret KEATING) Ch - Edward, Bernard, Robert, Margaret,
Hene; Ransom R63 Brookfield Sec21 T160a Mrs. Patrick DUNN Est. (1870) Bell.
Tel. Seneca
DUNN, F. J. (Mary SHEEDY) Ch - Marie, Willie, Lorretta, Leo, Franklin,
Luella, Anna; Seneca R61 Brookfield Sec24 O240a (1867) Bell Tel. Seneca
DUNN, Harold W. (Maude MCCLURE) Ch - Margaret; Earlville R43 Freedom Sec15
T75a Mrs. M. J. MCCLURE (1881) Tel. Harding
DUNN, Martin (Nellie FITZGERALD) Ch - John, Tom, Cyril; Tonica R14 Hope Sec2
T193a Thomas FITZGERALD (1860) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica
DUNPHY, James and Thomas (Kate - Sister) Utica R65 Deer Park Sec27 O80a
(1865) Home Tel. Utica
DURHAM, W. C. (Edith WOOD) Ch Elizabeth, William; "Hill Crest Farm" Streator
R5 Bruce Sec13 T30a W. B. MEILS (1902) Tel. Streator
DURKEE, Edson B. (Katy FLORY) Ch - Frank, Ruie, Mannie; Ottawa R30 Dayton
Sec1 O148a (1899) Bell Tel. Harding
DURKEE, Frank B. (Catherine BARRETT) Wedron Dayton Sec4 T76a J. M. DURKEE
((1871) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DURKEE, Jennie Ottawa R29 Wallace Sec3 O100a (1862) Bell Tel. Ottawa
DURKEE, Lou (Mamie DANCOST) Ch - Margaret, John, Pauline, Jessie; Ottawa R30
Serena Sec4 T90a John DURKEE (1872)
DUTTENHAFER, Gus (Martha STRUEL) Ch - Hazel; Marseilles R58 Miller Sec34
O40a (1860) Marseilles Tel. Marseilles
DUTTLINGER, Charles (Theresa SCHIFFGENS) Ch - Marie, Charles; Ottawa R33
Farm Ridge Sec5 T160a Christ THOMAS (1884) Tel. Grand Ridge
DUTTLINGER, Frank (Sophia JAHCIK) Ch - Frances; Grand Ridge R17 Farm Ridge
Sec16 T80a COSTELLA Est. (1886) Tel. Grand Ridge
DUTTLINGER, Mrs. Victoria Ch - Edward, Louis, Fridolin, Clara; Grand Ridge
R17 Farm Ridge Sec16 O160a (1857) Tel. Grand Ridge
DUVICK, John (Randa NELSON) Ch - Inez, Rose, Nelson, Mabel, Mary, Esther,
Gladys, Hazel, James; Sheridan R2 Miller Sec7 O471/2a (1876) Tel. Farmers'
Line Danway
Contributed by Carol Ryan-Spenader, Eileen Charles-Bower, and Sandi Ryan-Kuda.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |