1877 Biographical Directory
Taken from The Past and Present of
La Salle County, Illinois
Chicago: H. F. Kett & Co., Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St. 1877
Manlius Township
Name | Occupation & Notes | Township |
ACKROYD, James | Manlius Township | |
AGNEW, Albert | Painter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
AHERNS, Henry | Shoemaker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ALBERTS, R. T. A. | Cabinet maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ALITON, James | Manlius Township | |
ALLEN, A. W. | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
AMEY, Chas. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Huntingtonshire, England 1825. Came to Floyd Oneida Co., N.Y. in 1842. To Kendall Co., Ill. in 1846; to Grundy Co., Ill in 1853, and to La Salle Co. in 1856. Married 1864, Charlotte HOLDERMAN, of Missouri. She was born Kendall Co. in 1839. 5 children living. | Manlius Township |
ANDERSON, Austin | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ANDERSON, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ATWATER, Chas. | Agent. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BABCOCK, C. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BABCOCK, Thos. | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BAILEY, W. S. | Manlius Township | |
BALLARD, Daniel | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BALLARD, Ed | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BALLARD, Seth H. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Clinton Co., N.Y. 1817. Blacksmith for 30 years in New York. Married 1840, Susan Ann ROBERTS; she died 1864. He married #2, Adie LEE, born Chatauqua Co., N.Y. in 1837. 6 children living | Manlius Township |
BARBER, E. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BARNHART, N. | Hotel keeper. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BARRY, R. | Manlius Township | |
BARTRUFF, Chas. | Manlius Township | |
BATTEN, Thos. | Preacher. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BATTLES, Ed. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BATTLES, J. C. | Plasterer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BECKWITH, E. B. | Hotel. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BEFFEL, John | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BELDEN, H. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BENCE, Lewis B. | Manlius Township | |
BESSE, J. N. | Grocer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BETTERMAN, Henry | Hotel keeper. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BEVINGTON, Joseph | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BIDGOOD, C. W. | Manlius Township | |
BIGNELL, Geo. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BILHAUS, E. | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BILHAUS, Henry | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BIMERICK, Chas. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BLANCHARD, A. G. | Druggist. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BLACKMAN, Bennett | Clerk. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BLIND, C. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BLISS, John | Manlius Township | |
BOSWORTH, A. F. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BOSWORTH, A. G. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BOND, Geo. | Police, Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BOND, Wm. | Blacksmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BOYD, S. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BOYLE, E. | Manlius Township | |
BRAMBLE, Rudolf | Machinist. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BRENNAN, Bernard | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BRODERICK, John | Manlius Township | |
BROWN, A. F. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BROWN, T. M. | Soap factory. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BRUCE, Alex. | Pres. bank. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BRUCE, Samuel | Carpenter. Marseilles. Born Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1832. To Lockport, Ill. 1844. To this county 1860. Married 1859, Jane WEST of Lockport. 2 sons & 2 daughters. | Manlius Township |
BRUNDAGE, Milton | Ret. farmer. Marseilles. Born Ontario Co., N.Y. 1816. To this county 1843. Married 1860, A. E. PARKER, of McHenry Co., IL. She was born Michigan in 1837. 1 son living in Manlius | Manlius Township |
BRUNDAGE, Warren R. | Blacksmith. Marseilles. born Cayuga Co., N.Y. 1833. To this county 1855. Married 1857, Marie SMITH, of Ottawa. She was born in Ireland in 1835. 3 children living. Lost 2. | Manlius Township |
BRUNET, James | Manlius Township | |
BUCHANAN, John | Manlius Township | |
BUCKNER, Chas. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BUFFORD, H. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BURGUSON, Gus. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BURKE, F. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BURKE, J. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BURNS, James | Manlius Township | |
BURWELL, S. | Police justice. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, B. M. | Machinist. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, E. R. | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, Fred | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, F. L. | Agent. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, L. M. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
BUTTERFIELD, Catharine, Mrs. | Marseilles. Born Washington Co., N.Y. 1823. To this county 1842. She was daughter of Eleazer WOODWARD Esq. Relict of Albert BUTTERFIELD Esq, who came here in 1847. They were married 1850. He died 1871. 2 children. One son living, Robt. W. | Manlius Township |
CALLAHAN, Thos. | Manlius Township | |
CANE, Fred | Jeweler. Marseilles. Born Hanover, Germany 1840. To Will Co., IL 1854. To La Salle Co. 1865. Married 1863, Nettie MILLER, of New York. She died 1871. Married #2, 1872, Dorathy HOLMAN, born Germany 1838. 3 children | Manlius Township |
CARNEY, Chas. | Blacksmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CARNEY, Edward | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CARNEY, Patrick | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CARNEY, Pat. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CARPENTER, D. L. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CARPENTER, E. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CARPENTER, E. T. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Schenectady Co., N.Y. 1828. Raised on farm in Deanesburg, N.Y. To La Salle Co., IL 1856. Married 1859, Lucia C. GAIGE. She was born Deanesburg, N.Y. 1839. 1 child, Ida L. | Manlius Township |
CARPENTER, L. D. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CARPENTER, W. J. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CARROLL, John | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CASHMAN, John | Blacksmith. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CARTY, Geo. | Manlius Township | |
CASSION, M. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CASTEEL, Jacob | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CHACE, H. S. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CLARK, B. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CLARK, Dolphus | Ret. farmer. Marseilles. Born Ontario Co., N.Y. 1804. Married 1827, Sally LORING, of same place, born 1813. Eight children. Lived Ohio 1832 to 1836. To this county 1836. | Manlius Township |
CLARK, E. F. | Hardware m'cht. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CLARK, G. L. | Clerk. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CLARK, R. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CLARK, T. J. | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CLARK, W. H. | Manlius Township | |
CLIFFORD, C. E. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CLYMER, K. | Physician. Seneca. Born Clinton Co., Ohio 1832. Raised in Indiana. To Seneca, IL 1864. Married 1861, Rezina BLACK, of Indiana. She was born 1838, in Stark Co., Ohio. Children: Glasgo, 1862; Willo, 1866; Infant, born 1870 (died); Alta Volma, 1875. | Manlius Township |
COBLER, S. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
COCHRAN, W. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COFFEEN, Nathan | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
COLE, LeRoy | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
COLLINS, W. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COLLYER, H. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CONKLIN, C. W. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CONNERS, J. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
CONNERS, Jas. W. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CONNOLLY, Jas. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CONNOLLY, Michael | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COOK, Henry | Manlius Township | |
COOK, L. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COOK, S. J. | Teacher. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COSGROVE, Red. | Ret. Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COSGROVE, T. | Teamster. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COTTRELL, R. B. | Manlius Township | |
COXE, C. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COXE, Paul H. R. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
COXE, Spencer | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CRANE, Kate | Dressmaker. Seneca. Born this county 1845. Lived at Morris, Ill. Until 1874 | Manlius Township |
CROTTY, J. | Coal dealer. Seneca. Born Cork, Ireland 1799. To U. S. 1827. (New York for 1 year; Penn. for 8 yrs; Maryland, 3 yrs). To LaSalle Co. 1830. Married 1832, Ellen BLAKE, of Maryland. She was born Cork, Ireland in 1814. Eleven children. 4 sons living. | Manlius Township |
CROTTY, John J. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Ottawa 1841. | Manlius Township |
CROTTY, Jer. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CROTTY, Matt. | Farmer. Seneca. "Son of Jer. Crotty" | Manlius Township |
CUDDIGAN, Thos. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
CURRY, Dan | Shoemaker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DALEY, Charles | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DALEY, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DANISH, Nich. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DARBY, Thos. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DASCOME, Chas. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DAVIDSON, G. L. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DAVIS, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
DEAN, A. S. | Clock maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DEGNAN, F. J. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DEGNAN, M. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DEVERAUX, Deyo | Butcher. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DEVERAUX, John | Butcher. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DODGE, L. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DONAVAN, Pat. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DONELSON, C., Sr. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DONELSON, C., Jr. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DONELSON, Nels | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DORGAN, Tim | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DOW, Alva | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DOW, G. W. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
DOWNS, John | Manlius Township | |
DRACKLEY, R. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DRACKLEY, Thos. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Leicester Co., England 1833. To Oneida Co., N.Y. 1848. To this county 1856. Son of Thomas DRACKLEY Esq., Veterinary surgeon, who died 1876.) Married 1867, Adelaide PIERCE of Grundy Co., Ill. She was born New Salem, Mass. 1844. Children: Elizabeth A. and Clara J. Lost 1 son, 1876. | Manlius Township |
DRACKLEY, Wm. | Farmer. Seneca. Born England 1835. To U. S. 1848. To La Salle Co. 1856 Married 1866, Cornelia GAIGE. 2 sons and 1 daughter. | Manlius Township |
DUNLEVY, Dan | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
DUNLEVY, M. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
EBERHART, J. S. | Mechanic. Seneca | Manlius Township |
EDDY, Lewis M. | Teacher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
EGAN, M. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
EGAN, Martin | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
EGAN, Michael | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ELLARD, John | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ELLIS, J. W. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ENNIS, Jno. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
EPPLE, L. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
EUSTIS, Vic. | Manlius Township | |
EVANS, Foreman | Harness maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FEDONS, Peter | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FERGUSON, A. T. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FERGUSON, John | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FERGUSON, J. W. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FERGUSON, L. G. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
FINCH, Ed | Manlius Township | |
FLANEY, Thomas | Manlius Township | |
FLEMING, I. N. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Penn. 1829. Raised in Penn, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and La Salle Co., Il. To this county 1845. Married 1851, Hannah SIMMONS, of Manlius. She died 1852. He married #2 in 1856, Harriet MORRIS. She was born in Virginia, 1834. They have 2 sons and 3 daus. | Manlius Township |
FLICKENGER, George | ||
FRARY, D. G. | Toll bridge tender. Seneca | Manlius Township |
FRENCH, E. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
FRENCH, E. K. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Onondaga Co., N.Y. 1847. To this county 1865. Married 1870, Anatis BRADT. She was born Oneida Co., N.Y. 1848. She died 1876. Children: Ora V. and Albert J. | Manlius Township |
FRENCH, E. V. P. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Onondaga Co., N.Y. 1810. Married 1835, Louisa DANIELS. She was born Onondaga Co., N.Y. 1816. She died 1864. 2 sons and 2 daughters. | Manlius Township |
FRY, A. B. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Kendall Co., Ill. 1847. Raised in Grundy Co., Ill. To this county 1870. Married 1869, Mary J. LONG, of Miller. She was born Kendall Co., Ill. 1852. Children: Orville; Simon; Harry. | Manlius Township |
GARDEN, Geo. | Grain merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
GARDEN, J. A. | Grain merchant. Seneca. Born Will Co., Ill. 1847. To this county 1868. Married 1873, Lena M. RHIEL, of Ottawa. She was born 1853. Sons: Henry and George. | Manlius Township |
GARDNER, Ed A. | Clerk. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GARDNER, L. T. | Railroad agent. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GERBERT, Jacob | Shoemaker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
GESWINE, G. | Shoemaker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GLAVIN, Jas. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GLAVIN, Jno. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GLAVIN, Thos. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GOLDEN, J. | Manlius Township | |
GOODELL, John H., M.D. | Marseilles. Born Homer, Courtland Co., N.Y. 1844. To this county 1863. Married 1874, Clara J. SIMMONS. She was born 1851 at Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co. 1 son and 1 daughter. | Manlius Township |
GORMAN, Ed | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
GRANT, H. H. | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GRAVES, P. H. | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
GRIFFIN, Albert | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
GROGAN, Chris. | Manlius Township | |
GUISE, Jacob | Manlius Township | |
GUM, A. S. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GUM, Jno. | Painter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
GUM, St. Clair | Wagon maker. Marseilles. Born Rockingham Co., Va. 1826. To LaSalle County 1855. Married 1855, Julia RENIFF, of Grundy Co., Ill. She was born in Mass. 1831. 3 sons and 2 daughters. | Manlius Township |
GUM, S. M. | Wagon maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HANES, L. | Merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HARR, Geo. | Canal man. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HARRINGTON, Jno. | Merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HARRINGTON, Robt. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HARROP, R. | Manlius Township | |
HASLAM, Jas. | Coal merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HATTES, A. | Canal lock tender. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HATTES, Edward | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HAYS, Alex | Manlius Township | |
HEATON, Dennis Jr. | Manlius Township | |
HEATON, Jno. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HENDERSON, A. W. | Manlius Township | |
HENRY, Hugh | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HERLOCKER, D. | Canal lock tender. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HERSHMAN, Chas. | Tailor. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HIGGINS, Jas. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HIGGINS, Jerry | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HIGGINS, Jno., Sr. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HIGGINS, W. H. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HILL, J. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HILL, L. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HILL, Lewis D. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HILL, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HINES, Thos. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HOBART, Chas. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Steuben Co., N.Y. 1828. Lived with father in Ohio until of age. To this county in 1850. Married 1867, Jessie CARSON. She was born in Scotland 1846. She came to U.S. when 5 years old. Children: Lilly B.; Walter T.; Frank C. | Manlius Township |
HOBART, Jno. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HOBART, Robt. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HOAG, M. J. | Stock buyer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
HODGES, E. W. | Manlius Township | |
HOTRAM, M. | Blacksmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HOWE, Jacob | Manlius Township | |
HOYT, F. B. | Manlius Township | |
HUBBARD, Al | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HUBER, J. | Manlius Township | |
HUGHES, R. | Coal merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HUGHES, Edward | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Shropshire, England 1831. To U.S. in 1849. Settled in Penn. and worked as a miner until 1851. Farmed the following 6 years in Penn. Came to this county in 1857. Married 1874, Sarah WILLERS, of Manlius. She was born in Lee Co., Ill. 1849. Son: Wm. | Manlius Township |
HUNTS, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
HUNTZ, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
HURD, P. | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HURLBURT, E. M. | Methodist Preacher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
HURIN, Alex. | Teamster. Seneca | Manlius Township |
IRWIN, Alva | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
IRWIN, Richard | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
IRWIN, Wm. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
JACKSON, R. E. | Banker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
JOHNSON, J. H. | Farmer. Seneca. Born in Norway 1837. To this county 1857. Married 1863, Betsey MILLER, of Miller. She was born in Norway; died 1869. Two sons; lost 1 daughter. | Manlius Township |
JOHNSON, L. S. | Agent. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
JOHNSON, W. W. | Instructor. Marseilles. Born Middleton, Marion Co., Ohio 1839. To this county 1861. Married 1869, Lizzie PRICHARD, daughter of Rev. D. PRICHARD, of Marseilles. She was born Delhi, Ohio in 1850. Children: Cora and Lucy M. | Manlius Township |
JONES, Irvin | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
JONES, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KANE, Dennis | Manlius Township | |
KANE, J. J. | Manlius Township | |
KEAGLE, Ed | Blacksmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KELLEY, Wm. | Mason. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KELLOGG, Geo. | Machinist. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KELLY, John | Mason. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KERNS, D. A. | Wood worker. Marseilles. Born Holmes Co., Ohio 1842. To this county 1866. Married 1869, Miss H. M. HOAG, of La Salle Co. She was born in New Hampshire, 1843. Children: Leon J. and Vernon V. | Manlius Township |
KILBURN, R. W. | Clerk. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KILLELEA, John | Farmer. Seneca. Born Ireland 1829. To this county 1847. Married 1852, Annie CORBETT. She was born in Ireland, 1833, and came to this country in 1834. They have 2 sons and 8 daughters. | Manlius Township |
KILLELEA, Pat. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KILLELEA, Tim | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
KNOX, Isaac | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
KRIME, Amos | Manlius Township | |
KUME, E. S. | Manlius Township | |
LANE, Chas. | Bakery. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LAMMEY, J. M. | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
LAMMEY, L. E. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
LANSING, J. | Manlius Township | |
LANSING, Robt. | Manlius Township | |
LAWRELL, Adolphus | Moulder. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LAWRELL, Chas. | Moulder. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LEHMAN, J. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Franklin Co., Penn. 1829. To Ohi at age 12 yrs. Married 1850, Susannah WHITE, of Allan Co., Ohio. She was born 1830. | Manlius Township |
LINDSAY, Jas. | Wagon maker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
LOFT, H. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LOFT, Nick | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LONG, C. | Manlius Township | |
LORING, Tom | Invalid. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LOWRIE, A. | Carpenter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
LUCE, C. A. | Farm. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LUCE, F. R. | Farm. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LYLE, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LYLE, Thos. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LYNCH, Andrew | Boatman. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
LYNCH, P. | Seneca | Manlius Township |
McCALL, Andrew | Manlius Township | |
McCAN, H. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McCANNA, Jas. | Moulder. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McCARTY, Thos. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McCUE, Wm. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McCULLOUGH, P. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McDONALD, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McDONALD, John | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McFARLANE, Al. | Manlius Township | |
McFARLANE, Joseph | Manlius Township | |
McFARLANE, R. A. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McFARLANE, Robt. | Harness maker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McGETTERICK, M. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McKAY, Geo. | Teacher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McKAY, Hiram | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McNALLY, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
McNEAL, Daniel | Wagon mfg. Seneca. Born Sheffield, Vt. 1815. To La Salle Co. 1855. Married 1839, Lydia G. SMITH, of Sutton, Vt. Born 1815. Five children; 4 sons living. | Manlius Township |
McNEAL, E. B. | Mechanic. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McNEAL, Milo | Mechanic. Seneca | Manlius Township |
McNEAL, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
McNICHOLS, Peter | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAC KEEVER, W. E. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MACNAMARR, M. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MAGUIRE, Pat | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MAHAFFY, F. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAHAFFY, Jno. | Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MAKEEVER, Cyrus | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAKEEVER, Jno. Sr. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAKEEVER, R. M. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAKEEVER, S. L. | Teacher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MALESA, C. | Boarding & Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MALLANNY, T. | Teamster. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MANNING, D. | Farm. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAURUS, C. | Manlius Township | |
MAURER, V. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MAXON, B. F. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MAXON, T. S. | Painter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MAXTON, Wm. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEAGHER, Jno. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MEAGHER, Pat. | City Marshall. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MERCHANT, W. T. | Mechanic. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEYERS, F., Sr. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEYERS, F., Jr. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEYERS, Jacob | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEYERS, Jno. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MEYERS, L. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MIENCKIE, Chas. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MILLER, Wm. | Miller. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MITCHELL, John | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Galway Co., Ireland 1818. Married 1848, Alice FLYNN. She was born in County Tipperary, Ireland 1827. They had eleven children; 6 living. 4 sons and 2 daughters. | Manlius Township |
MITCHELL, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
MONTGOMERY, Jas. | Physician. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MOORE, Jas. | Manlius Township | |
MOORE, Joshua | Rivet maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MOORE, L. S. P. | Carpenter. Marseilles. Born Reading, Windsor Co., Vt. 1815. To this county 1837. Married 1840, Miss J. H. RESER. She came to this county in 1837. She was born in Delaware, Penn. 1819. | Manlius Township |
MORE, Joseph | Manlius Township | |
MORELAND, H. | Farm. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MOREY, V. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MORGANFLASH, Chas. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MORLEY, Robert | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
MORRIS, Henry | Manlius Township | |
MORRIS, Wm. M. | Manlius Township | |
MORRISSY, Thomas | Boot & Shoe. Seneca. Born in Ireland 1831. To U. S. 1854. In Mass., Detroit, Mich.; and Kendall Co., Ill - 2 years each. To this county 1861. Married 1852, Margaret MORRISSY, of Manchester, England. She was born in Ireland about 1831. Children: 4 sons and 1 dau. Lost 2 daus. | Manlius Township |
MORSCH, C. | Harness maker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
MURDOCK, Wm. | Manlius Township | |
NEFF, Jno. | Merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NEFF, W. H. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NEIDERKORN, Peter | Machinist. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NELSON, Oliver O. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Norway 1851. To U. S. and Kendall Co., Ill in | Manlius Township |
, | 1861. To this county 1877. | |
NICKELSON, D. A. | Mason. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NEWMAN, Joseph | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NEWPORT, D. N. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NEWSBAUM, N. | Bakery. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NICKERSON, Wm. N. | Ticket agt. Seneca. Born Becket, Mass in 1817. A carpenter for 20 yrs in Onondago Co., N.Y. Came to Joliet in 1854. Married #1, Helen McCORD, of N.Y. She was born in Onondago Co., N.Y and died 1854. Married #2 in 1859, Adelia MARKS of Joliet, Ill. She was born in Penn. 1833. Two sons and three daughters. | Manlius Township |
NICHOLS, D. R. | Miner. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NIXON, Wm. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NOLAN, John | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NORTHRUP, E. E. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
NORTHRUP, M. | Painter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
NORTHRUP, T. G. | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
O'LAUGHLIN, G. | Saloon. Seneca | Manlius Township |
O'LEARY, M. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
OLESON, Lewis | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
OLISON, Chas. | Blacksmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
OLISON, Jacob | Mason. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
OLISON, John | Manlius Township | |
OLMSTEAD, Perry | Tinsmith. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
OLMSTEAD, S. A. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PARR, J. B. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PARR, Geo. W. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Manlius 1847. Son of Samuel PARR, Esq., an early settler of Manlius. He died 1872. | Manlius Township |
PARSONS, C. F. O. | Druggist. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PATTEN, F. J. | Gardener. Seneca | Manlius Township |
PEECHIN, F. H. | Painter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
PEDDICORD, Lewis | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PENOYER, David | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PENOYER, N. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PERKINS, H. | Manlius Township | |
PETER, Thomma | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
PETERS, Wm. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PFEFFER, B. | Furniture. Seneca | Manlius Township |
PITCHER, Lyman | Dairyman. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PITCHER, T. W. | Merchant. Marseilles. Born Martinsburg, N.Y. 1938. To this county in 1856. Married 1866, Clara E. DAY, of Marseilles. She was born in Ft. Wayne 1844. | Manlius Township |
POOLE, Wm. | Butcher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
POPE, Geo. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
POST, Geo. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
POWERS, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PADEN, R. | Manlius Township | |
PRESTON, J. W. | Merchant. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PRICHARD, D. | Baptist minister. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
PRICKETT, J. | Hay presser. Seneca | Manlius Township |
QUINLON, J. | Blacksmith. Seneca | Manlius Township |
RICHARDSON, Nelson | Ret. farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
REICH, Ed | Manlius Township | |
RENEMUND, J. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
RAYMOND, L. H. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
RICHMOND, J. H. | Horse trainer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ROBB, Wm. T. | Teamster | Manlius Township |
ROBERTS, Joseph | Miner. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ROBERTSON, Thos. B. | Manlius Township | |
ROBESTEIN, S. | Manlius Township | |
ROBINSON, F. M. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ROGER, A. F. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ROONEY, John | Farmer. Seneca. Born Manlius 1850. Son of Patrick ROONEY Esq. Married 1875, Margaret MURPHY, of Grundy Co., Oll. She was born in 1852. A son, Bernard Wm. | Manlius Township |
RONEY, P. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ROOTS, Fred | Boatman. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
RULISON, N. J. | Grain merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SANBURN, Frank | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SASS, Lewis | Manlius Township | |
SCHMIDT, Basil | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SCHNAKE, F. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SHOELLKOPF, Jacob | Shoemaker. Marseilles. Born Wertenburg, Germany 1835. To N.Y.C. in 1854. To LaSalle Co., Ill in 1855. Married 1859, Elizabeth JOHNSON, who was born in Norway in 1836. 6 sons and 1 daughter. | Manlius Township |
SCOTT, Thos. | Grain buyer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SCOVEL, P. T. | Blacksmith. Marseilles. Born Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. 1825. To this county in 1851. Married 1845, Mary E. CARLEN, who was born in Westfield, N.Y. 1829. Children: Mrs. Laura CARPENTER and Mrs. Isadora GARDNER. | Manlius Township |
SCULLEY, James | Manlius Township | |
SHAIDE, Daniel | Imports blooded horses. Seneca. Born Switzerland in 1832. To this county 1853. Married 1859, Christine HANSON, of Norway. She was born 1832. 2 daughters and 1 son. | Manlius Township |
SHEEDY, Rev. | Catholic Priest. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SHEHAN, M. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SHELVOCK, Wm. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SHELTON, John | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SHELTON, P. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SHIPMAN, D. M. | Clerk. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SHIPMAN, J. A. | Manlius Township | |
SHULTZ, Fred | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SIGLER, Felix | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SIGLER, Frank | Painter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SILVERMAIL, A. | Gardener. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SILVERMAIL, D. | Miner. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SIMMONS, M. M. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SIMMONS, Terry | Editor "Plain Dealer". Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SIMMONS, Morris | Carpenter. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SINDEL, T. J. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Ohio 1836. To this county 1857. Married 1861, Emma E. KNIGHT. She was born Ohio 1838. 3 daughters living. | Manlius Township |
SKEITH, George | Manlius Township | |
SLAGLE, Henry D. | Postmaster. Marseilles. Born Delta, Ohio 1843. To this county 1851. Married #1, Hattie JUCKETT, of Cordwater, Mich. She died 1875. Married #2, Lucy FLEMING of Marseilles in 1876. | Manlius Township |
SMITH, C. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SMITH, Geo. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SMITH, H. | Mechanic. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SMITH, L. W. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SMITH, Wm. | Butcher. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SNYDER, Wm. | Farmer. Seneca. Born Cass Co., Ill in 1837. Married 1859, Mary J. BATTLES. She was born Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. 1840. 1 son & 4 daus. | Manlius Township |
SPARKS, Sam'l | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SPENCER, J. V. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
SPECCA, Wm. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SPICER, Hon. E. H. | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Bradford Co., Penn. 1828. From 9th year to 1854 was a resident of Tioga Co., N.Y. To this county in 1854. Married 1835, Eunice WOOD, of Elmira, N.Y. She was born Orange Co., N.Y. in 1830. 2 sons and 4 daus. | Manlius Township |
SPICER, Geo. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SPRINGHORN, Wm. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
STAFFORD, Chas. | Miner. Seneca | Manlius Township |
STEBBINS, Burr | Farmer. Seneca. Born Chautauqua Co., N.Y. 1831. To Michigan in 1839. To this county in 1854. Married 1859, Dencey MULLEN. She was born in Morristown, New Jersey 1835. 2 sons and 2 daughters. Lost 1 child. | Manlius Township |
STEBBINS, L. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
STEBBINS, P. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
STEBBINS, W. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
STEPHENS, Edmond | Merchant. Seneca. Born England 1831. To Philadelphia as a child. In Rock Island, Ill from 1839-1851. To Seneca in 1865. Married 1868, Mary C. BAUSOR, of Mokena. She was born England 1846. 2 children; lost 4. | Manlius Township |
STILL, James | Manlius Township | |
SULLIVAN, Rev. G. P. | Meth. minister. Seneca | Manlius Township |
SWEET, Rev. Jno. | Meth. minister. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TAGGET, John | Paper mill. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
TALBOT, Elias F. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TAYLOR, H. R. | Mechanic. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
TAYLOR, M. J. | Tinsmith. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TEALLE, Chas. | Paper maker. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
THOMAS, F. M. | Tinsmith. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TIBBETTS, Rev. Augustus | Clergyman. Marseilles. Born Rome, Maine 1834. Married 1863, Ada SUITS, of Syracuse, New York. She was born 1846 at Camillus, N.Y. | Manlius Township |
TIGHE, Edward | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TIMMONS, P. | Boss on R. R. Seneca | Manlius Township |
TRANSEAU, Jas. W. | Druggist. Seneca | Manlius Township |
UNDERHILL, D. C. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
UNDERHILL, D. H., Sr. | Seneca | Manlius Township |
UNDERHILL, D. H., Jr. | Merchant. Seneca | Manlius Township |
UNDERHILL, W. H. (MD) | Physician. Seneca. Born Westchester Co., N.Y. 1819. Married 1852, Mary Ann COYLE, of N.Y.C. Three sons and 2 daughters. | Manlius Township |
UNDERWOOD, Geo. | Seneca | Manlius Township |
UPTON, Henry | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
VAUGHEY, Alex. | Merchant. Seneca. Born Ireland 1834. To U.S. 1853, lived N.Y.C. for 1 year. To Illinois 1855. Married 1862, Maria RONEY. She was born Oneida Co., N.Y. 1846. 2 sons and 3 daughters. | Manlius Township |
WALKDEN, Jos. | Miner. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WALSH, M. | Farmer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WARREN, Ed. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WATERMAN, E. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WATSON, Amasa | Mfg. Seneca. Born Portage, Ohio 1825. To this county 1842. Married 1848, Almira BURFORD, of Park Co., Ind. (her birthplace). 5 sons & 1 dau | Manlius Township |
WELSH, David | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WELSH, Nat. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WERDER, H. | Farmer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WEST, Wm. | Gardener. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WHITE, Adam | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WHITMAN, H. C. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WHITTAKER, W. H. | Blacksmith. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WILDER, Augustus | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILDER, J. O. | Gardener. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILDER, Scott | Boatman. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILEY, Calvin | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILEY, Wm. H. | Justice of Peace. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WILKES, A. | Bank Clerk. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WILKES, B. | Wagon maker. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WILLIAMS, Ed | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WILLIAMS, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILSON, J. J. | Gardener. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WILSON, Thos. J. | Carpenter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WINMER, John | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WITEMAN, J. D. | Teamster. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
WOOD, J. G. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WOOD, Thos. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
WOOD, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
YEOMANS, Albert | Laborer. Marseilles. Born Kendall Co., Ill. 1840. To this county 1869. Married 1875, Christine MAGERFLEISCH, born Germany 1852. Child: Cora Belle. | Manlius Township |
YEOMANS, C. E. | Carpenter. Seneca | Manlius Township |
YEOMANS, W. A. | Laborer. Seneca | Manlius Township |
ZECK, Wm. | Laborer. Marseilles | Manlius Township |
ZIMMERMAN, Caleb | Farmer. Marseilles. Born Crawford Co., Ohio 1841. To this county 1851. Married 1865, Kate HAEBERLE, born Germany 1843. Children: Albert; Robert (twins); Edward; Clara and Louisa. | Manlius Township |
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |