1877 Biographical Directory
Taken from The Past and Present of
La Salle County, Illinois
Chicago: H. F. Kett & Co., Cor. 5th Ave. and Washington St. 1877
Grand Rapids Township
Name | Occupation & Notes | Township |
ANDERSON, David | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
ANDERSON, I. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
ANDERSON, Stephen | Blacksmith; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BAILEY, C. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BAILEY, J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BAILEY, M. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BATKIN, J. S. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BATKIN, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BECKER, Simon | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BERRIER, Frank | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BERRIER, Wm. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BIERDMAN, A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BIERDMAN, S. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BOMMER, G. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BOMMER, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BRANIGAN, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
BROWN, A. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
BRUNDAGE, A. J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BRUNDAGE, R. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BRUER, J. B. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
BURK, J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BUTE, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
BUTE, J. W. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CADMAN, Jno. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CAMPBELL, B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CAMPBELL, B. F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CAMPBELL, C. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CAREY, Patrick | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
CARPENTER, Joel | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
CARTER, Henry | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CASTELLO, A. M. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
CASTELLO, J. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
CLEMENTS, H. C. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
COSTELLO, S. J. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
CRIDER, J. | School teacher; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
CULL, C. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
CULL, T. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
DAVID, Samuel | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
DAVIS, John C. | Farmer; Marseilles. Born in Ohio 1829. To this county 1857. Married Rebecca J. KERBY. She was born in Ohio in 1833. Children: William E.; Christian B.; Ida M.; Robert A.; Rosey; Cora. | Grand Rapids Township |
DAVIS, W. E. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
DICKERMAN, H. C. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
DICKERMAN, Wm. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
DICKERMAN, W. A. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
DERR, S. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
DITTMAN, A. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
DOOLEY, M. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
DOUGLAS, D. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
EBERSOL, Albert H. | Farmer; Ottawa. Born Dauphin Co., Penn. 1832. To this county with parents in 1834. Married 1872, Celia PEARRE. She was born in Adams Co., Ohio 1852. Son, Jos. P. | Grand Rapids Township |
EBERSOL, Joseph | (Deceased) Born 1790 in what is now Dauphin Co., Penn. His father, Abram EBERSOL settled there abou 1765, from Germany. At 26 yrs of age, Joseph married Elizabeth SHUEY. Started West in 1834. Died 1873. | Grand Rapids Township |
EICHELBERGER, F. C. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
ELLSWORTH, C. | Blacksmith; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
FARRELL, Charles T. | Farmer; Ottawa. Born Barren Co., Kentucky 1847. To this county 1853. Married 1866, Alice W. EBERSOL, dau. of Amos M. and Calista. She was born in Fall River 1847. Children: Myrtle Calista; Rosalie Corinne; Lillian. One son died. | Grand Rapids Township |
FERTIG, Jos. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
FISHER, W. H. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
FLINT, S. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
FRANEY, H. T. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
FRANEY, T. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
FRY, Samuel | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
FULTON, Jno. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
GEARY, J. D. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GEIGER, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GILBERT, G. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
GILBERT, B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
GILCHRIS, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GILLELAND, Joseph | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GILLEN, D. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GLIMES, Fred | Farmer; Farm Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
GRAHAM, Jas. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
GRAHAM, John | Farmer; Ottawa. Born N. Y. 1838. To this county 1859. Married 1862, Johanna STACK. She was born in Ireland 1862. | Grand Rapids Township |
HAGER, Flavis | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HAGER, Jas. B. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HAGER, P. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HAGER, Z. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HALL, Jno. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNA , A. J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNA, Chas. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNA, I. M. | Farmer; Marseilles. Born Washington Co., Penn. 1826. To this county 1853. Married 1852, Parmelia L. THOMPSON. She was born in the same place. Children: Florence, now Mrs. E. PEDDICORD; John A.; and Irwin I. | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNA, J. H. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNAHAN, Frank | Lives with father, James; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNAHAN, Jas. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNAH, John | Lives with father, James; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HANNAHAN, Wm. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HETTLE, Jno. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
HETTLE, Jos. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
HESS, Geo. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HESS, Jacob | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HESS, Lewis | Grand Rapids Township | |
HIBBERT, J. | Grand Rapids Township | |
HIBBS, Jonah | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HIBBS, L. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HILLIARD, Michael | Grand Rapids Township | |
HOFRITZ, Jno. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOGEDORN, Fred. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOGEDORN, Henry Sr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOGEDORN, H. Jr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOLLOWAY, E. T. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
HORN, Wm. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, B. C. Sr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, B. C. Jr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, G. W. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, I. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
HOWE, J. G. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
JACKSON, E. S. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
JEFFRIES, T. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
JEWETT, E. L. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
JEWETT, G. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
JEWETT, H. L. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
KELLEY, Granderson | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KELLEY, Daniel | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KINER, Frank | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KINER, J. P. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KINNEY, Michael | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KINNEY, Thos. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KLAGER, Wm. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KLINE, G. A. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KNOX, Norman | Farmer; Marseilles. Born in Germany 1846. To this county 1857. Married 1877, Mary FRITZ, born in Illinois. | Grand Rapids Township |
KUHN, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
KUHN, T. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
LEHR, Godfrey | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
LEIGHTON, L. K. | Farmer; Otter. Born Penn. 1821. To this county 1855. Married #1, Mary MILLER, born Penn. Married #2, Emma JAMES. One child by #1, 4 children by #2. | Grand Rapids Township |
LEOPARD, Geo. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
LEWIS, W. R. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
LOCK, Solomon | Farmer; Grand Ridge. Born Ohio 1832. To this county 1866. Married 1855, Mary E. WORNFELTS, born Maryland. Children: 5 boys & 1 girl | Grand Rapids Township |
LOKENFITZ, Chas. | Laborer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
LONG, W. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
LOWREY, Thos. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
McCORMACK, Chris. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
McCORMACK, P. H. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
McCORMACK, R. | Lives with sons | Grand Rapids Township |
McDERMITT, Mich. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
McKERNAN, Sarah | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MARTZ, A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MARTZ, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MARTZ, O. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MILLER, G. B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MILLER, G. M. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MILLER, L. T. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
MILLIGAN, W. L. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
MILLIGAN, W. R. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
MINKS, Isaac | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
MOORE, John H. | Farmer; Grand Ridge. Born in Penn. 1827. To this county 1853. Married 1851, Winny CAMPBELL, of Detroit, Michigan. Children: Irving; Ida E.; Susie. | Grand Rapids Township |
MORF, Rev. C. F. | Pastor; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MOSS, E. F. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
MOTES, Peter | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
MURPHY, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
MUSTARD, G. D. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NAGLE, H. R. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NAGLE, H. B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NAGLE, Jno. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NAGLE, Morris | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NAGLE, R. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
NUESBAUM, V. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
OFFORD, Alfred | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
OLUM, Henry | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
OTT, C. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
PARSONS, Wm. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
PALMER, Ranson | Farmer; Ottawa. Born Tioga Co., Penn 1815. To this county 1844. Married 1849, Jane DIVEN. Children: Josephine (dead); Frances S.; Cora J. Married #2 1863, Phoebe J. PATTERSON, born Steuben Co., N. Y. 1843. (her first marriage Sanford SHIELDS of Lake Co., Ill who died 1858) | Grand Rapids Township |
PARMLEY, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
PETERSON, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
PETERSON, G. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
PORTER, J. D. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
PORTER, T. A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
PORTER, Wm. F. | Farmer; Ottawa. Born in Ohio 1830. To this county 1845. Married 1860, Adaline RICHARDSON, born Vermont 1835. Children: Rose W. and May Bell. | Grand Rapids Township |
POST, J. T. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
POUNDSTONE, A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POUNDSTONE, C. B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POUNDSTONE, D. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POUNDSTONE, H. C. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POUNDSTONE, Jno. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POWE, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
POWE, J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
REED, Edwin T. | Farmer; Marseilles. Born N. Y. 1832. To this county 1854. Married 1860 Helen EBERSOL, dau of Joseph EBERSOL of Penn. Children: A. M.; D. S.; A. H.; Mrs. C. A. RUDD; Mrs. M. L. RUGG. | Grand Rapids Township |
REESE, A. G. Sr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
REESE, A. G. Jr. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
REYNOLDS, Benj. B. | Farmer; Ottawa. Born Mifflin Co., Penn. 1810. To this county 1835. Married 131, Miss E. SCOFIELD, born Clearfield Co., Penn. in 1809. She died 1874. Twelve children, there are nine living: Mary A.; Pascalena; Eleanor; John P.; Sarah E.; James C.; Benjamin B. Jr.; Washington. | Grand Rapids Township |
REYNOLDS, B. B. Jr. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
REYNOLDS, David | Farmer; Grand Ridge. Born Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Penn. 1832. To this county with parents in 1835. | Grand Rapids Township |
REYNOLDS, J. P. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
REYNOLDS, W. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
RINKER, C. Sr. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
RINKER, C. Jr. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
RINKER, Jno. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
ROHLFING, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
ROWE, T. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SANDERS, W. R. | Grand Rapids Township | |
SAUTER, Engelbert | Farmer; Marseilles. Born in Germany 1843. To this county 1857. Married, Margaret MADDER, born same place. Children: Josie; Jennie; Elizabeth; Thomas D.; Margaret. Johanna died 1869; George, died 1867. | Grand Rapids Township |
SCIDMORE, Chas. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SEIBOLT, J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SEIBOLT, P. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SHAPLAND, Chris. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SHAPLAND, J. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SHAPLAND, S. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SHEPHERD, M. H. | Minister; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SHOBERT, Conrad | Grand Rapids Township | |
SHOBERT, Jno. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SINGER, E. S. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SINGER, F. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SINGER, S. S. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SMITH, A. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SMITH, H. R. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
SMITH, R. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
SNEDAKER, E. C. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SPARKS, Nelson | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SPAULDING, S. S. | Carpenter; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
STEAD, H. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
STEVENS, H. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
SWARTZ, F. Sr. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SWARTZ, F. Jr. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SWARTZ, S. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SWARTZ, T. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
SWENSON, Jacob | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
TAYLOR, Alfred | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
TAYLOR, George | Farmer; Grand Ridge. Born in England 1815. To U. S. 1852, and to this county 1857. Married 1837, Elizabeth PHILPOT, born England 1817. Seven boys and five girls. | Grand Rapids Township |
THOMPSON, S. S. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
TOLE, J. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
TOWNSEND, W. H. W. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
TRUDE, H. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
TRUMBO, Wm. G. | Farmer; Marseilles. Born in Illinois 1848. Married 1873, Susan EIGHLEBURGH. She was born in Illinois 1849. Son, Arthur born 1874. | Grand Rapids Township |
TWINTER, John P. | Laborer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
VAN BUREN, Martin | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
VALK, August | Laborer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
WEISS, Chris. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
WEISS, Fred. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
WHITE, R. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
WHITEHILL, R. | Laborer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
WILSON, G. F. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
WILSON, John S. | Farmer; Bruceville. Born Maine 1808. To this county 1851. Married Nancy GOULD, born in Maine 1806. Six sons and three daughters. | Grand Rapids Township |
WILSON, J. S., Jr. | Farmer; Bruceville. Born Maine 1832. To this county 1851. Married 1856, Elizabeth KEELER, born Mass. 1839. She came to Illinois in 1841. Children: Joseph G.; Nannie; Elizabeth A.; Mable. | Grand Rapids Township |
WOLFE, E. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
WOLFE, M. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
WOLFE, P. | Farmer; Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
WOODWARD, C. W. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
WOODWARD, G. B. | Farmer; Grand Ridge | Grand Rapids Township |
YANGER, Theo. | Marseilles | Grand Rapids Township |
YEOTAS, A. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
ZERBY, Darius | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
ZIMMERMAN, F. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
ZIMMERMAN, G. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
ZIMMERMAN, L. | Farmer; Ottawa | Grand Rapids Township |
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |