Deer Park, called after the romantic grotto of that name, which lies within
its borders, is composed of that part of T. 33, R. 2, lying south of the
Illinois river, and that portion of T. 32, R. 2, lying north of the Vermillion.
It occupies the point between the two rivers, and is nearly in the shape of a
triangle. A considerable portion of its territory is covered by the bottom and
bluff timber along the streams, and much mineral wealth will be extracted from
those bluffs; coal, fire clay, and stone, for lime and for building purposes,
exist in large quantities. The high ridge of prairie extending through Farm
Ridge, extends through this town, but is broader, giving the whole town a high
rolling face, with excellent drainage; and a more beautiful section of land can
hardly be found in the State.
Martin Reynolds, and wife, Elizabeth Hitt, came from Champaign County, Ohio;
removed to Jacksonville I11., in 1827, and in 1829 located on S. 29, T. 33, R.
2, in present town of Deer Park; the first settler in the town. For the purpose
of securing educational advantages for his children, in 1838 here moved to Ogle
County and assisted in establishing and sustaining the Mt. Morris Academy. He
returned to his farm in Deer Park in 1844, where he resided until his death. His
wife died in 1849, leaving six children, (Mr. Reynolds subsequently married the
widow Thurston): Joseph, married, and lived near the old homestead, where he
died in 1870; James C, married Caroline Clayton, and resides on S. 28, T. 33, R.
2, a large farmer and stock dealer, has been Supervisor of the town several
terms, the first Anglo-Saxon born in Deer Park; Robert, occupies the old
homestead; Margaret, married B. T. Phelps, and lives in Ottawa; Caroline,
married Joseph Gum; Elizabeth, married L. P. Sanger, formerly of Ottawa and
Joliet, now in Utah.
Joseph Reynolds, brother of the foregoing, from Champaign County, Ohio, came to
Deer Park in the spring of 1830, where his three sons. Smith, Newton, and
Milton, had located the previous fall, on what is now the Clayton farm; they
sold the claim to Vroman, and located at Troy Grove, the first settlers in that
John Wallace came from Urbana, Ohio, with his family, and made a farm on the
point of prairie just above the junction of the Vermillion and Illinois and
between the two rivers, in the summer of 1834. In 1838 he removed to Ogle
County, in company with Martin Reynolds, to obtain a better opportunity for
educating their children. He remained there until his death in 1854, leaving
thirteen children: Eliza, married Caleb Hitt, brother to her stepmother,
Wallace's second wife, and Mrs. Martin Reynolds; Mary Berry, died single;
Josiah, was a merchant, and died in Chicago unmarried; William H. L., was killed
at the battle of Shiloh (see Ottawa); Sarah Ann, is the wife of Dr. R.
Shackleford, of Ohio; Thomas, died at La Salle on his way home from Wisconsin;
Margaret, died single; Martin R. M., was Major and promoted to Lieut. Colonel
and Colonel of 4th Cavalry, and breveted Brigadier-General — was assessor of
internal revenue for First District, Illinois, and in November, 1869, was
elected County Judge in Chicago — his wife is Emma, daughter of George W. Gilson
— he has a large family; Barbara, married William T. Cooper, of Polo, Ogle
County; John Fletcher, died of yellow fever, in Texas, in 1867; Elisha Berry,
was the first of the family born in La Salle County, went South in 1856, and has
not been heard from since 1869; Matthew H. W., enlisted in the 4th cavalry and
was drowned at Cairo; Caleb Hitt, married V. Belle, youngest daughter of Judge
T. L. Dickey, and is living in the Sandwich Islands.
Mrs. Elsa Strawn Armstrong, from Licking County, Ohio, leaving her husband in
Ohio, settled on Sections 35 and 36, T. 33, R. 2, in town of Deer Park, in 1831,
with a family of seven children. A woman of great energy and business capacity.
She died in 1871, aged 82 years. Her children were: John S., living in town of
Mission; George W. in Brookfield; William E. died in Ottawa; Joel W., (see
below); Jeremiah died in California; Perry lives in Morris, Grundy County,
lawyer and member of the legislature; and one son, who lives in California.
Joel W. Armstrong came from Ohio with his mother’s family in 1831, married
Cordelia Champlin, and settled on Sections 35 and 36, T. 33, R. 2; was a large
farmer and stock dealer; he was a teamster with the army in the Black Hawk war
when a mere lad; he held the office of County Recorder; was several terms
Justice of the Peace and Town Supervisor; a good business man and prominent
citizen. He died in 1871, leaving five children. Mulford, his oldest son, died
before his father, just after graduating at the Chicago University with the
first honors — much regretted; was a young man of great promise. Nellie married
E. C. Lewis, and lives on the old homestead; Julia married Isaac Smead, and
lives at Normal; Cora, Walter and Hart are at home.
Judge Isaac Dimmick, and wife, Clarissa Norton, from Wayne County, Pa., came
West in the spring of 1833; he returned and brought out his family in the fall,
and located at Vermillionville. He laid out and was the owner of the town of
Vermillionville, which promised well for a time, but like many other towns of
that day, refused to grow faster than the surrounding country, and was forced,
with them, eventually to yield the palm to the railroad centers. Mr. Dimmick
held the office of Judge in Pennsylvania, and was County Commissioner for
several terms here. He removed to Ottawa, where he died, aged 91. His children
were: Lawrence W., who came with his father in 1833, married Cynthia Jenks, was
Deputy Surveyor, and settled on T. 32, E.. 2, where he died in 1852; Esther,
married Dea. Wood, she died in 1856; Dr. L. N., a physician, married and
practiced at Freedom, then at Ottawa, where he kept a drug store, and is now
living at Santa Barbara, California; Philo C., married Sarah Yost, and for his
second wife. Miss Stewart — occupied the old farm, then joined his brother in
the drug store in Ottawa, now at Santa Barbara, California; Ann, with her
mother, lives in Ottawa; Olive, is now the widow of James Van Doren, and lives
in Ottawa.
Dr. James T. Bullock, from Rehoboth, Mass. He left there for Illinois in 1835,
by the way of Providence, New York, Albany, Cleveland, Portsmouth, Ohio, and the
Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and reached La Salle County on January
2d, 1836. He settled at Vermillionville, and at once commenced practice as a
physician, which he followed successfully for forty years. His literary
education was completed at Brown University, Rhode Island, and he took his
medical course at Boston. He died October, 1875, highly respected as a man and
physician. He married Nancy Barrows of Massachusetts, who survives him. His
children are: Sarah, who married Rev. Mr. Dickinson, and lives in Massachusetts;
Ella married Robt. Galloway, who died in 1869, she is now the wife of Mr. Hay,
and is living at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory; Frank W. married Agnes Baird, is a
physician, and succeeds to his father's practice; Lena lives with her mother.
John Hollinger, from Champaign County, Ohio, in 1833; settled on Section 4, T.
32, R. 2; died Jan. 4th, 1836. His widow married Thomas J. Potter in 1838, and
died September 3d, 1840. The Hollinger children are: John D., who married, and
lives at Granville, Putnam County; Martin H., married, and lives in Page County,
Iowa; Maria H. is dead; Harry C, married, a physician at Salt Lake City; Wm. S.,
married, living in De Witt County, Iowa; Elizabeth, deceased; Caroline S., wife
of James Holman, of Deer Park; Mary A. Barbary, married, and moved to Iowa, both
herself and husband were killed by lightning.
Jason Wiswall, from Susquehanna County, Pa., spring of 1833, by way of Ohio,
Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and by Chicago home. In 1835, in company with
Enos Thatcher, came through from Pennsylvania by wagon, with his wife, Sally
Stanley, and family, and settled on S. 12, T, 32, R. 2. He died in 1875, aged
92, a quiet, honest, worthy man. His wife died 1852. His children were: Jason P.
and William; Emily, wife of Matthew R. Coon-; Jane, wife of Cook Elliott and
afterwards of Harvey Kingsley.
Jason P. Wiswall, son of above, and wife, Julia Dimmick, came from Susquehanna
County, Pa., by way of Chicago, fall of 1833, made a farm on S. 10, and in 1835
sold claim to E. and R. B. Williams and located on Sees. 12 and 13, T. 82, R. 2,
where he is now living; has been Justice of the Peace for several years, and
Town Supervisor. His children are: Adaline, who married Jacob Cadwell, and lives
in California; Hannah, married Alfred Symonds, and lives in California;
Caroline, married M. McMillan, now in Iowa; Harriet, married Alexander Cadwell,
now in California; Julia, married O. Paine, lives in La Salle County; Jerusha,
married James Garrison, at Grand Ridge, 111.; Edwin, at home.
William Wiswall, brother of Jason P., and wife, Louisa Case, from same place,
came by the rivers in the fall of 1834; settled on S. 12, T. 32, R, 2. His wife
died in 1856. With his two sons, Bruce and Ferris, and daughter Sarah, moved to
Jedediah Beckwith, and wife, from Wayne County, Pa., in 1833 came to Hennepin,
Putnam County, and to Deer Park in 1834; made a farm on S. 13, T. 32, R. 2.;
died, 1838; leaving two children: Horace, married Miss Collins, and moved to
Iowa; Emily, is a seamstress, and lives at Wenona, this county.
Bradish Cummings, and wife, Sophia Sergeant, from Ware, Massachusetts, in 1834,
settled on S. 11, T. 32, R. 2. His wife died in April, 1835. He married Betsey
Hatch, from Connecticut, in 1836. Sold his farm to Nathan Applebee, and moved to
Brooklyn, Iowa. His children are: Sergeant, who married Mary Hays; Henry,
married Mary Peck; William, married Susan Crusen; and Charles— have all four
settled in Iowa, Sophia, married Samuel J. Hayes, and lives in Farm Ridge;
Frances, married Moreland Francis, and lives in Iowa; Almira and Maria, children
of the second wife, went with their parents to Iowa.
Camp Hatch, and wife, Miss Ambler, from New Preston, Ct., in the spring of 1834
settled on S. 9, T. 32, R. 3. He died in the fall of 1835. His widow married
Jabez Whiting.
Jabez Whiting, from England, came to Vermillionville in 1836; married the widow
of Camp Hatch, and in 1869 or '70 moved to Iowa. Held the office of Justice of
the Peace one term. Had two sons: Adolphus and John — all in Iowa.
Matthew R. Coon, and wife, Emily Wiswall, from Pennsylvania, in the fall of
1834, with William Wiswall, came by the rivers, and settled on S. 1 2, T. 32, R.
2; moved to Iowa about 1845, and from there to California, where he died,
leaving four children.
Enos Thatcher, and wife, A. Case, came from Pennsylvania in wagons, with Jason
Wiswall, in 1835, and settled on S. 12, T 32. R. 2; served as Constable for
several years; a teacher and leader of sacred music. His wife died in 1838; his
son Henry, and daughter Elizabeth, who married Godfrey Lincoln, are both in
Oregon. Mr. Thatcher married a second wife, who with their children, George and
Celia, reside in Livingston County. Mr. Thatcher is now with his children in
Ephraim Dimmick, brother of Isaac Dimmick, and wife, Jerusha Dunham, from Wayne
County, Pa., in the fall of 1833, and settled on S. 33, T. 32, R. 2; his wife
died in 1848; he is still living with his son-in-law, J. P. Wiswall, at the ripe
age of 90. His children were one son and three daughters: Franklin, who married
Harriet Hubbard, and settled on S. 26, T. 33, R. 2— was a joiner by trade, and a
successful farmer — he died in 1866, leaving eight children; Julia, married J.
P. Wiswall; Sophia, married Lewis Rugg, and resides in Pontiac; Minerva, married
James M. Leonard — died in 1875.
Harvey Hatch (deaf and dumb), came from New Preston, Conn., a brother of Dr.
Jethro Hatch and of Mrs. Bradish Cummings, settled on S. 10; married, and
removed to Galesburg, where he is now living.
Rev. Thomas Powell, a Baptist clergyman, and his wife, Elizabeth Day, came from
Saratoga, N.Y., in June. 1836, and located on S. 14, T. 32, R. 2, but resided
and preached at Vermillionville; was pastor of the church at that place nine
years; he was the pioneer Baptist of this region, and formed a large number of
churches in La Salle and adjoining counties, he was a faithful and earnest
worker, and the denomination owes him a debt of gratitude for the work he has
accomplished; he is living in Ottawa in good health at a ripe old age. His
children are: Euphemia, widow of Mr. Foote, living with her daughter in Ottawa;
Barbara Ann. married Mr. Jacoby, she is now deceased; William T., is now in
Chicago; Mary E., married H. C. Strawn, and lives in Ottawa; Sarah P., is
deceased; Benjamin R., is in Dubuque, Iowa; John D., is in Chicago; Truman S.,
is in College in Missouri; Isaac W., is in Pella University.
Livingston Jenks, and wife, came from Bradford County, Pa., in 1838; settled at
Vermillionville; served as Justice of the Peace for several years; he died at
Tonica in 1870; his widow died in 1872. His children are: Oliver, a physician in
Marengo, I11., Chancellor, a lawyer in Chicago; Charles, is in California;
Morgan and John, are in Chicago; Cynthia, is the widow of L. W. Dimmick; Nancy,
is married; Sarah, married Mr. Shed; Abbey, is in California; Olive, married Dr.
Jennings, and they are also in California.
Charles Jenks, brother of Livingston, a bachelor; lived with his brother. He
died in Chicago in 1877.
Ira L. Peck, came from Saratoga, N. Y., and settled in Vermillionville. In 1835,
he married Miss Allen, and subsequently a second wife; he is deceased; his
family are in Iowa. His children were: Mary, who married Henry Cammings; Ira, is
married; Jane, Wayland, and Julia, are at home.
David Clark, and his wife, Debby Ann Gorbet, came from Clermont County, Ohio, in
1836, and settled at Vermillion, where he worked at his trade for several years,
then removed to Utica, and is now living in Waltham; a good blacksmith, and an
honest man.
Andrew Kirkpatrick, and his wife, Ann Lefevre, came from Champaign County, Ohio,
in the fall of 1837, and settled on S. 8, T. 32, R. 2; is a potter by trade; and
for several years carried on the manufacture of stone ware; lie died in the
spring of 1866, and left five sons, and two daughters: Jolin, married Rebecca
Brant, 2d wife, Mary Mays, now in Texas; Nathaniel, is in Southern Illinois;
Sarah Ann, married Lloyd C. Knapp, and died Jan. 6, 1857; Cornwell, and Wallace,
manufacture stone ware, at Anna, Union County; Andrew, married Anna Woodward,
and died in 1853; Murray, married Diantha Baldwin, and lives in Lowell; Mary
Jane, married Alfred Slater, and lives at Metropolis, 111.
James M. Leonard, came from Middleborough, Plymouth County, Mass., in the spring
of 1834, and settled at Vermillionville. He married, second wife, Minerva
Dimmick. In company with Seth Eaton, he erected a dam and saw-mill on the
Vermillion, in April, 1835, and completed a flouring mill in 1836; the company
kept a store, and for several years did a heavy business in the flouring mill,
but were unfortunate in losing their dam several times. Mr. Leonard died in
1852, leaving one son and two daughters by his first wife, and one son and one
daughter by his last wife, who died in 1874. Manning Leonard, son of above,
married Miss Sumner, and died at Tonica, in 1870; Eliza Ann, married Charles
Todd, who died of cholera at La Salle in 1852; Fanny, died in 1852.
Seth Baton, came from Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, in
September, 1834, and settled at Vermillionville; was partner with James M.
Leonard, in a store, saw, and flouring mill, and is now residing in the town of
Vermillion; his wife, Miss Allen, died, and he afterward married Maria Bailey.
His son, Frank, was killed in the battle at Fort Donaldson. The children of his
last wife are: Clarence, Sarah, Belle, and Anna — all at home.
John Beeson, and his wife, came from England to New York, and to Illinois in
1836, and settled on S. 5, T. 33, R. 2. He was a radical abolitionist, and
lectured upon anti-slavery, temperance, and other reforms; removed to Oregon,
and espoused the cause of the red man, and is now on a mission to the Indian
reservations, laboring to get justice done to the poor Indian; an honest, true,
but over-zealous friend of humanity, and will doubtless find wrongs enough to be
righted, to occupy the remainder of his life. He had one son, Welburn, who is
residing with his mother, in Oregon.
William Wheatland, and his wife, came from England, to Urbana, Ohio, and from
there here in 1835, and settled on S. 3, T. 32, R. 2; he was a local Methodist
preacher; he filled a humble place as a preacher among the few early settlers,
which without him, would have been vacant; both he and his wife have long since
gone the way of all the earth. He had one son, Isaac, of Farm Ridge.
Edward R. Williams, came from New Milford, Connecticut, in the summer of 1835.
He was educated as a cadet, at West Point, and served as a lieutenant in the
United States army, for five years, when he resigned, and came to Illinois. He
settled on S. 34, T. 33, R. 2, where he still resides. He married Huldah Kent,
and has four children.
Robert B. Williams, brother to Edward R., from the same place, and came at the
same time, and settled on S. 10, T. 82, R. 2. He married Miss Allen; after her
death, he married Sarah Herrington, who lived but a short time; his third wife
was the widow Beach, from Connecticut, who also died in 1872. He has two
children: Jehiel, who married Lucy White, and lives in Deer Park; and Henrietta,
who married a Mr. Holeman, and lives with her father.
William Clayton, and his wife, Elizabeth Puntney, came from near Wellsburg,
Virginia, and settled on S. 28, T. 33, E. 2, in 1834. He bought the claim of
Esdell, who bought of Vroman. Vroman bought his claim of Reynolds, and sold to
Esdell, who got badly frozen on the prairie, and died at Martin Reynolds'. His
administrator, Josiah Seybold, sold the claim to William Clayton. Mr. Clayton
has held the office of Justice of the Peace, and Town Supervisor, but has little
taste for office, preferring the quiet of his farming operations, in which he
has been very successful, accumulating a handsome property. His wife died in
1875. His children are: James, who married Sarah Clayton, and settled on S. 21 —
removed to Colorado, and was murdered when out prospecting; Caroline, married
James C. Reynolds; Sarah, married David Dick, who lives on S. 22; William
married Miss Ostrander, and lives on S. 32; John, married Julia Suydam, and
lives adjoining William — both are successful and prosperous farmers; George,
went to Colorado, and while taking a drove of cattle and horses from New Mexico
to Colorado was murdered, probably by his Mexican assistants — his body was
found unburied with the fatal bullet-hole in his head; Manning, served in the
volunteer service in the war of the Rebellion, and died soon after his return
from the army; Ellen, is unmarried, and lives with her father.
Alexander Eaton, from Middleborough, Mass., in April, 1836; married Dorcas
Little, from Plymouth, N. H., and settled on S. 8, T. 32, R. 2; a farmer. His
children are: Charles L., married Abby L. White, on the old farm; Julius A.,
married Rosa White, and lives in Deer Park; Nellie R., married Homer Palmer in
Deer Park; William, and Lucia T., are at home.
John Wood came from Wayne County, Pa., November, 1833, and settled at
Vermillionville; married Esther Dimmick, daughter of Judge Isaac Dimmick. He was
the first Postmaster at Vermillionville; for several years was Deacon of the
Baptist church, and is now Justice of the Peace. His wife died in December,
1856, after which he married the widow Emma J. Lockwood. His first wife left two
children: Newton, who married Miss Esmond, of Livingston County, are living near
Odell, in that county; Sarah, married a Mr. Mitchell, and is now living in
George Bronson, from Connecticut, first came to Illinois in 1834, to where
Streator now is. Visited Michigan, Ohio and California, and in 1853 married
Priscilla A. German, from New York, and settled in Deer Park.
Robert Brown, and wife, Anna White, from England, came in 1838, and settled at
Vermillionville in 1839, and both died the same year, leaving three children:
Mary B., married William Gray, and have resided in Deer Park; Emma, married a
Mr. Davis — her second husband was Mr. Haines; Robert, died of cholera.
William Gray came from Rhode Island, in 1837; a carpenter by trade; married Mary
Brown, and settled and still lives on S. 2, T. 33, R: 2. They have two children:
Arthur, who married Belle Bane; his present wife is Candace Fuller — he lives in
Streator; Fanny, married James Chase, now at her father's.
Job G. Lincoln came from Middleborough, Mass., with William Gray, in 1837; a
carpenter by trade. Married Elizabeth Thatcher, and settled on S. 2, T. 82, R.
2; removed to Oregon.
John Clark, and wife, Sarah Cook, from Grafton, N. H., came in 1839, and settled
on S. 10, T. 32, R. 2. Mrs. Clark died in 1 845; he died in September, 1872,
leaving five children: Charles, married Olive Slater, and lives in Missouri;
Moody, died single; John, married Rachel Merritt, and lives in Bureau County;
Lydia, married William Ellsworth, and lives on the old farm; Sarah, married John
Elliott, and lives in Vermillion.
Ebenezer Little, and wife, Phebe Palmer, from Kew Hampshire, in 1838, and
settled on S. 9, T. 32, R. 2. He died in September, 1839; his widow died in
February, 1864. They left seven children: George, is married, and lives in
Southern Illinois; Charles, a graduate of Hamilton College, came West, in 1840,
and died soon after; Moses, married Miss Cook, died in Iowa; Fernal, lives in
Southern Illinois; Mary, is the wife of C. Dryer, and lives at Lowell; Dorcas
D., married Alexander Eaton; Sarah, married Henry Thatcher, and lives in Oregon;
Elizabeth B., is the wife of John Morehead, of Vermillionville; Alice, married
E. Leavenworth, and died in Southern Illinois.
Luther Woodward, and wife, Sarah Knapp, from Taunton, Mass., came in 1836, and
settled on S. 10, T. 33, R. 2; he built a dam and saw-mill on the Vermillion;
became involved in an unfortunate lawsuit with the firm of Seeley & Elliott in
relation to the water privilege, which, crippled and injured the usefulness of
both firms. Woodward went to California in 1850, and returned in 1853, and died
in 1857; his wife died in 184:2. He held the office of Justice of the Peace for
several terms. He left eight children: Sarah, married John Wilson, of Deer Park,
is now dead; Lucinda, married Alonzo Beardsley, of Sterling; Anna, married
Andrew Kirkpatrick, her second husband was Asa Holdridge, of Tonica; Martin S.,
died young; Oliver Cromwell, was killed in the battle of Hartsville; Emma,
married Frank McCall; Jane, married and went to California; Helen J., married J.
Sheldon Cadwell, from Middletown, Ct., and wife, Aphia Van Valkenburgh, from
Green County, N.Y., settled at Vermillionville, in 1836; he was a tinner by
trade; he moved on to S. 29, T. 33, R. 2, in 1839, and followed farming until
his death, in 1853, aged 60. His widow died in 1876, aged 81, leaving six living
children: Cushman, married Maria Greenfield, and removed to Kansas; Charlotte,
married Dr. Thomas W. Hennesey, of La Salle, now living in Dimmick; Alexander,
married Harriet Wiswall, they are living in California; Sheldon, is a Baptist
clergyman, married Martha Adams, and lives in Deer Park; Jacob, married Adeline
Wiswall, they are in California; Lyman, married Cordelia Brown, now in Iroquois
County; George, married Mary Elizabeth King, and occupies the old homestead.
Michael O'Connor and wife, Sarah Lane, from Ireland to New York, from there to
La Salle, and on to S. 36, T. 33, R. 2, in 1838. Four sons, John, Thomas,
Michael and Martin, were born in Ireland; Elizabeth, married; Elias, May and
Edward, at home. Mr. O'Connor is deceased. He gave each child eighty acres of
land; to William, who is insane, 160; to the widow and two youngest children,
160. He died about 1866.
Obadiah Brown, from Vermont in 183Y or '8. Settled on S. 26, T. 33, R. 2. Moved
West about 1840.
Peter Trout, and wife, Leah Brady, from Ohio in 1840. Was here about five years;
went to Wisconsin, and died there.
Jacob Roan, from Ohio in the fall of 1840. Married Phebe M. Trout, and is now
living in Tonica.
Hiram Trout, from Ohio in 1839. Now living at Vermillionville.
William Turner, from Kentucky in 1839. Settled on Section 35. He married Nancy
Argubright. They both died of milk sickness near the same time, leaving nine
children: Fletcher, Arthur, Elizabeth, Jane, Melissa, James, John, Martha, and
Alva Lee, from Pennsylvania. Settled near Lowell, and run the Lowell saw-mill.
He went to Utica, and then down the river.
Mr. Argubright, from Ohio. Settled in the west part of Deer Park about 1837 or
'8. He died soon, leaving several children: Andrew, married Catharine Trout, and
died in 1847; Jacob; Nancy, married William Turner; and James.
Micah Pratt, from Massachusetts about 1838. Manufactured brick near Lowell, and
then settled on Section 20, where he died in 1870. One daughter, married Abner
G-ray, now in Livingston County; one son, Delbert, died in the army.
Mr. Fay made a claim on Section 10 in 1 833, and in 1834 sold to Camp Hatch.
Mr. Ellis, from Canada, made a claim on Section 11 in 1833, and sold to Norris.
Norris made a small improvement, sold, and left. Ellis died soon after, and his
widow became insane.
Mr. McCoy came to Vermillionville in 1834, and then settled on S. 31, T. 32, R.
8. He sold his claim and went to Livingston County.
Extracted from 1877 History of La Salle County Illinois, pages 320-341.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau |
![]() |
Kendall |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |