BAARS, Otto (Sebelda KOEPPEN) Ch - Gustave, Albert,Marie, Edna, Louis, Lorena; Ransom R64 Allen Sec35 T320a R. J. CONORD (1888) Tel. Ransom
BACON, Harry (Elizabeth MCCLARY) Ch - Clyde, Lester,Florence; Grand Ridge R17 Farm Ridge Sec10 T160a J. C.MOSS (1916) Tel. Grand Ridge
BACON, John (Ellen GRENTER) Ch - Herbert, Pearl, Irene; Ottawa R33 South Ottawa Sec29 O228a (1896) Bell Tel.Ottawa
BACON, William (Mary SCHEFER) Ch - Harold; GrandRidge R19 Farm Ridge Sec30 Clark FOGLE (1893) Tel.Grand Ridge
BADER, C. J. (Edith LARKIN) Ch - Donald; Mendota R35 Mendota Sec2 Manager Penrose Elevator Co. (1909)
BAGWILL, Marshall (Arstella GOODLY) Sheridan R1 Mission Sec3 O351a (1872) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
BAGWILL, William J. (Bessie HUGHES) Ch - Avon, Clyde; Sheridan R1 Mission Sec3 T351a M. BAGWILL (1917) Tel.Farmers' Line Sheridan
BAILEY, Sarah J. POTTER Ch - Sarah, Abbie, George,Clara, John, Mary, Charles; Tonica R15 Vermillion Sec17 O215a (1865) Tel. Farmers' Line Tonica
BAIN, Robert A. (Margaret SHEA) Ch - Robert, Cecelia,Marie, Herbert, Ralph; Sheridan R4 Northville Sec 32 T340a Richard WOLFE (1877) Tel. Line Farmers' Line Sheridan
BAIRD, John T. Earlville R40 Meriden Sec12 T160a GeorgeARNOLD and Mrs. Harry TOWN (1904) Northern IllinoisTel. Earlville
BAIRD, Walker (Ida REIHL) Earlville R41 Meriden Sec1 T160a George REIHL (1914) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
BAKER Bros., B. and B. A., Ransom R64 Aiken Sec34 T240a William BAKER (188?) Tel. Ransom
BAKER, Clayton (Anna Thompson) Ch - Mildred, Evelyn,Clyde, Lloyd; Streator R8 Otter Creek Sec32 O160a (1911)Tel. Streator
BAKER, Edward (Lydia ROADER) Ch - Edna; Peru R20 Eden Sec19 T133a S. BAKER (1885) Tel. Farmers' LineCedar Point
BAKER, F. W. (Marie VOIGHTS) Ch - LaVerne, Glenn; Streator R8 Otter Creek Sec33 O80a T124a Chris BAKER(1913) Tel. Streator
BAKER, George Ch - George Jr; Grand Ridge R19 FarmRidge Sec26 -Farm Hand- BUTE Estate (1870) Tel. GrandRidge
BAKER, Henry (Carrie SMALING) Ch - Katie, Bertha,Charles, Simon, Herman, Marie; Tonica R16 Eden Sec36 O80a Eden Sec31-11 T170a John LAMBERT (1864) Tel.Farmers' Line Tonica
BAKER, Hiram E. Jr. (Florence BOWERS) Ch - Gwendelyn,Marguerite; Marseilles R57 Miller Sec20 T80a E. G.KILMER (1894) Bell Tel. Marseilles
BAKER, H. L. (Mary WAHL) Ch - Florence, Lucile; "OtterCreek Farm" Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec16 T480a CharlesBAKER Est. (1896) Tel. Streator
BAKER, Jesse E. (Laura JOHNSON) Ch - Melvin; StreatorR8 Otter Creek Sec32
O240a (1911) Tel. Streator
BAKER, J. H. (Retta WATTS) Ch - Everett, Howard, emmett,Edwin; Ottawa R29
Farm Ridge O160a Dayton Sec5 T340a H. E. BAKER, Silas BRAGG and William KRUG
(1880) BellTel. Ottawa
BAKER, Leslie E. Rutland R10 Groveland Sec10 T120a Dr.S. G. PETERSON (1890)
Tel. Independent Rutland
BAKER, Mary Ch - Irwin, Norman, Harvey, William, Arthur,Harold; Peru R20 Peru
Sec28 T290a Eliza WAUGH (1902)Tel. Farmers' Line
BAKER, Mervin Ch - Beatrice George; Leland R46 AdamsSec5 T80a O. C. BAKER
(1899) Tel. Northern IllinoisLeland
BAKER, N. O. (Edna SANDERSON) Ch - Orrin, Julia; Leland R42 Earl Sec21 O104a
(1885) Tel. Northern IllinoisEarlville
BAKER, O. C. Ch - Charles, Jerry, Hiram, Nettie, Jesse, Josie,Newton, Mervin;
Leland R46 Adams Sec5 O80a (1899)Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
BAKER, Simon H. (Emma GINGERICH) Ch - Verner,Merley, Loris, Allyn, Wesley,
Romeyn, Mildred, Elinor, Leola; Peru R21 Peru Sec6 O170a (1878) Tel. LaSalle
BAKER, Temperance (HUGHES) Ch - Lottie, Roy, daisy,Leslie, Pearl, archie;
Rutland R10 Groveland Sec10 Leslie E.BAKER (1889)
BAKER, Thomas C. (Christina RANKIN) "Burnham Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec30
T130a F. H. WHIPPLE (1903)Bell Tel Utica
BAKER, Victor H. (Minnie RICHARD) "Pine Tree Farm"Lostant R13 Richland Sec16
O121a (1874) Tel. Farmers' LineLostant
BAKER, William (Anna HESS) Ch - Gladys, Howard, Ruth; Peru R23 Dimmick Sec19
T173a Ernest ROTH (1881)Independent Tel. Loda?
BALDWIN, A. C. (Elizabeth R. REYNOLDS) Ch - Agnes,Jessie, Louise, Marion,
Margaret; "Spring Dale Farm" OttawaR33 Deer Park Sec10 O240a (1848) United Tel.
BALL, W. B. (Nancy WOODWARD) Ch - Arthur, Albert,May, Louis, Chester; Grand
Ridge R19 Farm Ridge Sec24 O80a (1861) Tel. Grand Ridge
BALLARD, R. H. (Cora HARRIS) Ch - Howard, Seth,Maurice, Jone, John, Rex,
Leonore, Handy; Marseilles R58 Manlius Sec22 T400a W. H. SPICER (1872) Bell
BALLENSIEFER, John (Elizabeth JAEGLE) Ch - Ella, Tina,Gertrude; Streator R3
Richland Sec32 O80a Osage Sec2 T160a Thomas MOORE (1872) Tel. Farmers' Line
BALLOU, William (Anna LAKIE) Ch - James George,William, Albert; Seneca R62
Brookfield Sec52 O161/2a(1898)
BALTHASAR, Joe (Mary WILLEM) Ch - Joe, Helen; Leland R47 Northville Sec18
T180a A. KLASS (1913)Northern Illinois Tel. Somonauk
BANE, Allen H. Dana R9 Groveland Sec14 O160a (1864)Independent Tel. Dana
BANE, Frank (Elizabeth HOFFMAN) Ch - Clarence, Luella,Beulah, Florence; Dana
R9 Groveland Sec15 O80a Sec14-15 T237a R. M. PRICHART (1887) Independent
BANE, Fred (Julia KENNEDY) Dana R9 Groveland Sec14 T160a A. BANE (1894)
Independent Tel. Dana
BANE, George H. (Lulu PRITCHETT) Ch - James Lela,Joseph, John; Dana Groveland
Sec23 O120a (1869)In-Farmers' Line Flanigan and Dana
BANE, Gilbert S. (Alta CLEGG) Ch - Raymond; RutlandR10 Groveland Sec1 O160a
(1881) Independent Tel. Rutland
BANE, Martin T. (Mary MORTIMORE) "Maple GroveFarm" Dana R9 Groveland Sec23
O120a (1869) IndependentTel. Dana
BANE, Mathias F. (Mary A. DRUMMETT) Ch - Andra,Crawford, Wilbur, Areta;
Rutland R10 Groveland Sec14 O160a (1876) Independent Tel. Dana
BANE, Perry Ch - Ola; Dana R9 Groveland Sec?6 O200a(1871) Independent Tel.
BANE, Rebecca (CLEGG) Ch - Malissa, Allen, Martin, Perry,Nellie; Dana R9
Groveland Sec14 Allen H. BANE (1857)Independent Tel. Rutland
BANNAN, Frank (Mary DIXON) Ch - Lottie, George, IdaWalter, Earl, Myrtle,
Lillia, Mabel, Bertha, Stella; Ottawa R33 South Ottawa Sec33 T190a J. AINSTRONG
BANZET, C. L. (Althea SCHEIDECKER) Sandwich R2 Northville Sec 10 O80a (1867)
Northern Illinois Tel.Sandwich
BANZET, H. T. (Mrs. Julia BANZET, Mother, Elizabeth,Sister) Sandwich R2
Northville Sec15 O180a (1864) Farmers' and Northern Illinois Tel. Sandwich
BAPST, Elizabeth Ch - Leo, Lawrence, Joe; LaSalle R22 LaSalle Sec3 T783/4a
LIPKE Est. (1897)
BARBER, Fred W. (May FREAD) "Hillside Farm" SheridanR2 Mission Sec9 T159a L.
W. ROOD (1872) Tel. Farmers'Line Sheridan
BARBER, George J. (Julia THOMAS) Marseilles R58 Miller Sec34 T158a J. L.
BARBER (1884) Marseilles Tel.Marseilles
BARBER, I. J. (Ora CHAMBERLIN) Ch - Beatrice; TonicaR15 Vermillion Sec27
T240a J. CHAMBERLIN (1902) Tel.Farmers' Line Tonica
BARDONER, John A. (Anna THOMPSON) Ch - Nellie,Emma, Kate, Charles, William,
Angie, Martin; Earlville R43 Earl Sec28 O72a (1858) Northern Illionois Tel.
BARDONER, M. V. Earlville R43 Earl Sec28 T72a John A.BARDONER (1882) Northern
Illinois Tel. Earlville
BARENDS, Mrs. Joseph (Nora HOGAN) Ch - Jennie,William, Etta, Carrie, Emma;
Dayton Dayton Sec31 O90a(1862) Bell Tel. Ottawa
BARNES, George Wenona R2 Osage Sec26 T160a MaryBARNES (1882)
BARNES, Henry (Mary LOFGUS) Ch - Patrick, May,Myrtle; Dana R9 Groveland Sec29
T160a Mrs. RAMSEYand Mrs. WITSEL (1874) Independent Tel. Rutland
BARNES, Mary (Mary PAYTON) Ch - Josephine, John,Edward, Henry, George; Wenona
R2 Osage Sec26 O160a(1875) Ames Tel. Wenona
BARNHART, Arthur (Daisy CRAWFORD) Ch - Elmer,Naomi, Glenn, Minnie, Blanche;
Streator R4 Eagle Sec28 O84a (1870) Independent Tel. Streator
BARNHART, Hugh (Elizabeth EVANS) Ch - Lemuel,Geneva, Harold; Streator R5
Bruce Sec3 T83a LemuelBARNHART (1877) Tel. Streator
BARNS, James (Sarah HILL) Granville R2 Eden Sec6 T120a Ed. OLSON (1914) Tel.
Farmers' Line Cedar Point
BARR, Benjamin P. (Julia CARPENTER) Ch - Percy, Elmer,Harvey; Ottawa R28
Ottawa Sec3 O37a (1872) Bell Tel.Ottawa
BARR, Charles (Carrie SONDGEROTH) Ch - Arthur; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec14
O191a (1915)
BARR, C. A. (Frances CURTIS) Ch - Edna, Herman, Blanch,Clara, Ray, Clyde,
Bertha; Lostant R12 Hope Sec20 T280a Ed. PHILLIPS (1862) Tel. Farmers' Line
BARR, G. Raymond (Jessie KEEDY) Ch - Richard, lester,Charles, Gwendolyn;
Rutland R10 Groveland Sec10 T120a Charles DRUMMET (1916) Independent Tel.
BARR, Mrs. Henry (Emma CARPENTER) Ch - Mary, Fanny,Emma, Benjamin; Troy Grove
R34 Freedom Sec31 O120a(1867) Tel. Harding
BARR, Herman (Frieda HEUSEL) Ch - Elma; Lostant R12 Hope Sec20 T156a E. W.
PHILLIPS (1889) Tel. Farmers'Line Lostant
BARR, J. M. (Mattie SWEETSER) Ch - Olive, Lillian; Ottawa R28 Ottawa Sec3
O21a (1867) Bell Tel. Ottawa
BARR, Owen V. (Mabel BADWIN) Ch - Viola, Richard,Elizabeth; Wenona R2 Osage
Sec16 T200a James ORR(1909) Tel. Farmers' Line Wenona
BARRETT, Edward B. (Catherine WOODLOCK) Ch - Irene,Frances, Mercedes; Ottawa
R29 Dayton Sec24 O160a (1874)Bell Tel. Ottawa
BARRETT, John (Johanna MAXWELL) Ch - John Jr.; Earlville R45 Meriden Sec 33
T200a MILLER Bros. (1901)Northern Illinois Tel. Mendota
BARTH, Henry G. (Sarah SCHNUCKEL) Ch - Marjorie,Edith; Mendota R36 Mendota
Sec27 O200a (1876)
BARTH, John (Pauline VOSS) Ch - Edna, Harold, Esther; Dana R9 Groveland Sec??
T80a BARTH Est. (1911)Independent Tel. Mononk
BARTLETT, Frank P. "Menotomy Farm" Utica R25 Waltham Sec4 O80a (1869) Bell
Tel. Utica
BARTON, E. S. (Alice CARTER) Ch - Mabel, Ernest,Maude, Mildred, Paul;
Sheridan R1 Northville Sec26 -FarmHand- S. A. POTTER (1915) Northern Illinois
Tel. Sheridan
BARTON, George (Celia BRANDOW) Ch - Elverne; TonicaR14 Hope Sec3 T170a Mrs.
M. BOSLEY and F. M. WEIS(1889)
BARTON, James (Anna FLETCHER) Ch - George, Bertha,Mary; Tonica R14 Eden Sec34
O80a (1864) Tel. Farmers'Line Tonica
BARTON, J. L. (Sarah MCMILLAN) Lostant R13 HopeSec5 O80a T80a J. L. BARTON
BASSETT, I. M. (Eva SERGANT) Ch - Chiton, Frank,Frederick; LaSalle R24 Eden
Sec10 O160a (1861) Tel.Farmers' Line Tonica
BASSETT, O. B. Rutland R10 Groveland Sec11 O320a(1866) Independent Tel. Dana
BASTAIN, Charles (Mina BROWN) Ch - Charles, Edith,Martha, Hattie, Ralph,
Bertha, Olive, Eleanor, Lawrence; Sheridan R2 Mission Sec32 O4a (1873) Tel.
Farmers' LineSheridan
BASTIAN, Daniel (Mildred ROWE) "Edgewood Farm" Sheridan R4 Northville Sec6
O124a (1875) Tel. Farmers' LineSheridan
BASTIAN, F. C. (Eunice Jennie YERKS) Ch - Nellie; Sandwich R2 Northville
Sec21 O30a (1859)
BASTIAN, William (Sepha Belle SEAMAN) Ch - Harold,Donald, Marguerite, Merna,
Dorthy; Sheridan R4 AdamsSec36 O146a (1878) Tel. Farmers' Line Sheridan
BASTION, Alva D. (Mae HILL) Ch - Evelyn; Wenona R2 Osage Sec32 T133a James
WHITE (1917) Independent Tel.Wenona
BATCHELDER, F. A. (Orpha ROBINSON) Ch - Roland,Vernon, Perry, Anson;
"Robinhurst Farm" Peru R21 PeruSec18 O40a (1892) Bell Tel. LaSalle
BATES, Stella (Stella CRAIG) Ch - Glenn, Gladys; RutlandR10 Groveland Sec9
T160a Mrs. F. T. ANTHONY (1901)Independent Tel. Rutland
BATTERHAM, Oris (Amanda STEINKE) Earlville R4? Earl Sec17 O240a WILEY Bros.
(1911) Northern Illinois Tel.Earlville
BATTLES, C. F. (Mary RAWLING) Ch - Harold, Walter,Bessie; Earlville R45
Freedom Sec15 O52a (1885) TelHarding
BATTLES, Harold (Hazel FOGG) Ch - Harlan; Earlville R43Freedom Sec21 T224a L.
W. FOGG (1897) Tel. Harding
BATTLES, Walter S. Earlville R43 Freedon Sec15 T112a C. F. BATTLES and Mrs.
C. RAWLING (1896) Tel. Harding
BAUER, Egidie (Justine WASSLER) Ch - Lucile; EarlvilleR42 Meriden Sec27 T200a
Alvin KAMINKY and RobertSTRONG (1916)
BAUMAN, Gus (Mary STEPFERT) Ch - Arthur, Edna,Henry, Louella, Lucile; Mendota
R36 Mendota Sec1 (1900)
BAUMETZ, Christina Ch - Emma, Feieda, Katherine, Walter; Tonica R14 Eden
Sec14 T120a H. SALISBURY (1890) Tel.Farmers' Line Tonica
BAUMGARTNER, S. H. (Louisa BARTH) Ch - Everett,Velma; Mendota R36 Mendota
Sec24 O186a (1908)
BEACH, Frank L. (Nellie JACOBS) Ch - Julia, Gertrude; "Coverfield Farm"
Ottawa R29 Dayton Sec2 O221a (1864)Bell Tel. Ottawa
BEAGLE, Mrs. W. (Georgianna KIMBALL) Ch - Etta, Eva,May; Earlville R43 Earl
Sec20 O68a (1860) Northern IllinoisTel. Earlville
BEARD, John A. (Lalla SISTER) Tonica R14 Eden Sec36 T120a Elisa BULLOCK
BEARD, W. A. (Marie HILTABRAND) Ch - Margaret,William; Tonica R16 Eden Sec25
O80a (1899) Tel. Farmers'Line Tonica
BEATTY, Thomas (Alice WILSON) Ch - Thelma, Gladys,Guy; "Epla Wood Farm"
Earlville R41 Meriden Sec1 T148a Mrs. E. J. EPLA (1917) Northern Illinois Tel
BECHERER, Louis (Anna GUNTHER) Ch - Grace; LelandR47 Adams Sec5 T180a Gus
HAZEMAN (1907) NorthernIllinois Tel. Leland
BECK, Charles (Hattie LOSEE) Ch - Irene; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec3 O200a
(1877) Tel. Farmers' Line Sandwich
BECK, Edward L. (Mary M. CLASSEN) Ch - Frank, Mary,George; "Fair View Farm"
Marseilles R56 Rutland Sec11 O146a MASON & SHAVER (1863)
BECK, Fred (Rosie MARCO) Ch - Florence; Sandwich R2 Northville Sec23 O80a
(1868) Tel.Farmers' Line Sandwich
BECKER, Robert Earlville R42 Meriden Sec23 T136a GustEHRLER (1887) Northern
Illinois Tel. Earlville
BECKER, Theodore (Elizabeth KRATZ) Ch - Peter, Edward,Theodore, John, Helena;
Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec32 O120a (1868)
BECKERT, Henry Ch - Arthur, Oscar, Mabel, Pearl, Harry,Lester, Walter, Elmer;
Mendota R39 Troy Grove Sec7 T161a N. BECKET (1870)
BECKMAN, Henry (Sandre ROAD) Ch - Frank, Helen,Lloyd; Earlville R41 Earl Sec5
T771/2a Bert PHILLIPS(1915) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
BECKMAN, Herman (Elsie BOSTON) Dana R9 GrovelandSec30 T170a John HODGE (1892)
Independent Tel. Minouk
BEDECKER, Frank Ch - Frank, Lizzie, Martha, Lillie,Daisy; Streator R6 Otter
Creek Sec 11 O80a (1887) Tel.Streator
BEDECKER, Gust (Lydia WALLING) Ch - Lester, Lila,Ervin, Raymond, Mildred,
Gustave, Merle; Ranson R64 AllenSec27 T162a J. C. HELD (1891) Tel. Ransom
BEDECKER, Otto (Fredericke GEBHARDT) Ch - Freida,Carl, George, Edwin, Marie;
Ranson R63 Grand RapidsSec35 T320a (1879)
BEDEI, William (Julia HORN) Ch - Mildred, Raymond,Herbert; Grand Ridge R18
Grand Rapids Sec27 O79a (1872)Tel. Grand Ridge
BEDEKER, Henry (Elsie REDMAN) Ch - Vera, Leona; Ranson R64 Allen Sec26 T160a
John THOMPSON (1891)Tel. Ransom
BEDEKER, Herman (Lizzie NAGLE) Ch - Lloyd, Luella,Donald; Ransom R63
Brookfield Sec 32 T40a NAGLE Est.(1892) Tel. Ransom
BEETZ, Daniel G. (Edna BECKET) Mendota R35 MendotaSec18 T278a George BEETZ
(1887) Tel. Mendota
BEETZ, Ezra P. (Louella RAPP) Ch - Howard; MendotaR35 Mendota Sec20 O72a
T200a George BEETZ (1882)
BEETZ, Samuel F. (Hattie M. CLAUS) Ch - Ruth, Esther,Samuel Jr.; "Brook Hill
Farm" Mendota R35 Mendota Sec30 O160a Sec29 T80a George BEETZ (1878)
BEGLEY, Robert (Mary WALSH) Ch - Catherine, Robert,Mary; Ottawa R29 Wallace
Sec10 O200a (1867) Bell Tel.Ottawa
BELCHER, R. E. (Myrtle MCCLUGHEN) Ch - Ralph,Josephine, Winifred, Harold,
Mildred; Peru R21 Peru Sec19 T200a MCCORMICK Est. (1907) Bell Tel. LaSalle
BELKNAP, Oliver (Margaret FORD) Ch - Bruce, Frank,Helen; Ottawa R32 South
Ottawa Sec13 O40a (1867) UnitedTel. Ottawa
BELL, Charles (Maude SMITH) Ch - Lawrence, Ada, Inez,Donald, Charles;
Marseilles R56 Rutland -Farm Hand- F.FUVELL (1905)
BELLANY, W. A. (Martha HAZEMANN) Ch - Jean; Leland Adams Sec9 T160a Gust
HAZEMANN (1913)Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
BELROSE, Mrs. Mary (Mary MOORE) Ch - Thomas, Frank,Harry, Percy, Henrietta,
Mary; Wedron Dayton Sec3 O16a (1856) Bell Tel. Ottawa
BELROSE, TA. A. Ch - Fannie; Serena R1 Dayton Sec3 O20a (1860) Bell Tel.
BENCKENDORF, Alvin (Bessie MASON) Ch - Lloyd,Zelma, Louis; Streator R6 Otter
Creek Sec8 T400a JimSAXTON and Henry SEIDENTOP (1882) Tel. Streator
BENCKENDORF, Fred (Bertha NEWMANN) Ch - Nettie,Gertie, Florence, Dorothy,
Vernon, Sylvester, Floyd, Arthur; Streator R7 Otter Creek Sec13 O320a (1887)
Tel. Streator
BENCKENDORF, Henry (Wilhelmina FROSS) Ch - Lena,Emma, Ilda, Henry; Streator
R6 Otter Creek Sec17 O160a Tel. Streator
BENCKENDORF, Herman A. Ch - Troy; Streator R7 AllenSec18 T410a A. BENCKENDORF
and F. W. CORNWALL(1892) Tel. Streator
BENCKENDORF, Ora S. (Bertha RISS) Streator R7 AllenSec7 O240a (1886) Tel.
BENCKENDORF, Walter (Anna KAUT) Streator R7 OtterCreek Sec15 T240a August
BENEDICT, Mrs. Mary Ch - Edward; LaSalle R22 Dimmick Sec22 T220a Tom VOON
(1887) Bell Tel. LaSalle
BENNETT, D. A. (Nancy AIKEN) Ch -George, Margaret,Isabel, Dee, Agnes; Utica
R25 Utica Sec9 T200a G. A.BENNETT (1867) Bell Tel. Utica
BENNETT, Earl (Ethel LYONS) Ch - Woodrow Wilson,John, Clay; "Maple Grove
Farm" Grand Ridge R17 Deer ParkSec11 O120a (1880) Bell Tel. Ottawa
BENNINGTON, J. P. (Vina TUNNING) Ch - Arnett,Raymond, Mary; "Cloverfield
Farm" Ottawa R29 DaytonSec1 -Farm Hand- F. L. BEACH (1916)
BENSON, Andrew Ch - Anton, Elmer, Herman, Philip,Clifton; Peru R20 Eden Sec17
O160a (1884) Tel. Farmers'Line Cedar Point
BENSON, Antone (Lena SCHAFER) Ch - Elizabeth,Florence; Peru R20 Eden Sec18
T180a L. SCHAFER(1898) Tel. Farmers' Line Cedar Point
BENSON, H. C. (Emily DORSETT) Ch - Willis, Mabel,Carl; Leland R48 Earl Sec36
O120a (1907) Northern IllinoisTel. Earlville
BENSON, John M. (Ellen FOGDAHL) Ch - Alva, Arthur,Lily, Roy, Isabelle,
Stella, John, Russell, Arnold; Serena R1 Serena Sec26 T290a George HUPP (1891)
BENSON, Lewis (Martha THOMPSON) Ch - Burton; LelandR48 Adams Sec22 O1171/2a
BENSON, Nels (Bertha LARSON) Ch - William, Ester, Roy; Marseilles R59 Fall
River Sec35 T160a Nelson KINNER(1887) United Tel. Marseilles
BENSON, Stanley C. (Mabel KIRKLUS) Ch - Leo; LelandR46 Earl Sec2 T240a
Michael and Ben BENSON (1915)Northern Illinois Tel. Leland
BENT, E. T. H. A. J. R. "Bailey Falls Farm" Oglesby EdenSec1 O576a Vermillion
Sec6 Central Union Tel. Oglesby
BENTLEY, A. M. (Alta MORGAN) Ch - Harold, Willard; Rutland R10 Osage Sec25
T347a William BENTLEY (1886)Ames Tel. Long Point
BENTLEY, William (L. C. CLAY) Ch - Ola, Minnie, Arlie; Rutland R10 Osage
Sec36 O347a (1872) Ames Tel. LongPoint
BERG, Axel (Ella ESTERDAHL) Ch - Iva, Robert, Leonore,Maurice; Wenona R2
Osage Sec27 -Farm Hand- JamesMCGRATH (1917) Ames Tel. Wenona
BERG, W. F. (Mary L. RAMME) Ch - George, Mildred,Meta, Orrie; Ransom R64
Allen Sec27 O280a (1873) Tel.Ransom
BERGESON, Ernest D. (Ruby MCGOWAN) Earlville R41 Earl Sec8 T283a E. O.
BERGESON and W. H. FOSTEREst. (1889)
BERGESON, E. O. (Dorthy KNUTSON) Ch - Otis, Ruby,Melvin, Ernest, Myrtle,
Marion; Earlville R41 Earl Sec8 O160a (1856) Northern Illinois Tel. Earlville
BERGESON, Peter (Carrie EVANS) Ch - Mettie, Benjamin,Alby, Oscar, Albert;
Leland R49 Adams Sec8 O6a (1873)
BERGHOFER, C. A. (Mary TOBLER) Ch - Helen; "CedarPoint Stock Farm" LaSalle
R24 Eden Sec3 O320a (1902)Bell Tel. LaSalle
BERKENES, John (Julia LEE) Ransom R64 BrookfieldSec36 T160a William BAKER
(1915) Tel Ransom
BERNARD, Arneal (Harriet HOBBS) Ch - Lena, Jessie,George, Elsie, Lottie,
Darwin; Serena R? Serena Sec13 O200a (1877) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
BERNARD, Daniel (Julia BOCKSALTER) Ch - Henry, Fred,Ben, Belle, Nellie,
William, Lillian; Sheridan R3 Serena Sec7 O300a (1857) Northern Illinois Tel.
BERNARD, David (Betsy STAFFORD) Ch - Adeline,Josephine, Lester, Johanna,
Edward, Emma, Pearl; SheridanR1 Northville Sec35 O483a Tels. Farmers' Line and
NorthernIllinois Sheridan
BERNARD, Ernest E. (Jessie M. MONTGOMERY) Ch -Francis, Allen, Stanley, Mary;
Serena R1 Serena Sec13 O200a (1864) Northern Illinois Tel. Sheridan
BERNARD, E. L. (Cecil L. HESS) Ch - Beatrice, Lucille,David; "Oak Meadow
Farm" Sandwich R2 Northville Sec3 O226a (1878) Tel. Farmers Line Sandwich
BERNARD, Frank (Mabel GALE) Ch - Bernice; SheridanR3 Serena Sec7 O97a (1878)
BERNARD, George H. (Kathlyn GRANDGEORGE) SerenaR1 Serena Sec13 T160a A.
BERNARD (1881) NorthernIllinois Tel. Sheridan
BERNARD, Rev. J. (Grace DILLEY) Ch - Archie, Jesse,Dillie, Buckwalter, Alice,
Lottie, Rev. Bernard; Mendota R38 Troy Grove Sec23 T1a Church of God (1914)
BERNINGER, Clara (Clara MEYERS) Ch - Malenna,Leonard, Cornelius; Streator R4
Richland Sec22 T80a (1882)
BERNINGER, William C. (Susie BROST) Streator R3 Richland Sec13 T160a Alex
BERNINGER (1890) Tel.Farmers' Line Lostant
BEROSEK, John (Ernestina BRINKMAN) Ch - Mabel, Roy; Garfield Osage Sec13
O120a (1886)
BERRY, Albert J. (Minnie WILSON) Ch - Edmond, Dorthy,Francis, John; "Silver
Tips Stock Farm" Streator R3 EagleSec15 O80a (1881) Independent Tel. Streator
BERRY, A. C. (Anna PRENDERGAST) Ch - Charles,Richard, John, Frank, Mamie,
Tom, Joseph; Streator R4 EagleSec26 O320a (1852) Independent Tel. Streator
BERRY, George Mendota R36 Mendota Sec27 O46a (1883)
BERRY, G. H. (Katie DAVEY) Ch - Anna, Alberta; LostantR12 Hope Sec17 T187a
James DAVEY (1901) Tel. Farmers'Line Lostant
BERRY, Joseph M. (Mabel KENNEDY) Ch - Vincent, Mary,Agnes, Irene F.; Streator
R4 Eagle Sec26 T200a A. C.BERRY (1885) Independent Tel. Streator
BERRY, Raymond Streator R3 Richland Sec27 O160a(1894) Independent Tel.
BERRY, T. H. (Gertrude PRENDERGAST) Streator R4 Eagle Sec23 T200a A. C. BERRY
(1880) Independent Tel.Streator
BESCHORNER, William (Mary LOSHER) Ch - Helen,Anna, Freda, Franklin, Theodore,
Lucille; Earlville R43 Freedom Sec4 -Farm Hand- E. KLATT (1903) NorthernIllinois
Tel. Earlville
BESENHARD, Francis (Emma SCHOMAS) Utica R26 Waltham Sec25 -Farm Hand- (1894)
BETZ, Ezra (Lottie POHL) Ch - Karl, Gabriel, Katherine; Mendota R36 Mendota
Sec24 O921/2a (1877)
BEVINGTON, C. R. (Sophia WALLOM) Senica R62 Brookfield Sec17 T140a J. M.
GATCHOLL (1882) Bell Tel.Marseilles
BEVINGTON, H. A. (Alvina NOACK) Ch - George, Ella,Howard, Mabel, Ethel,
Lloyd; Seneca R62 Brookfield Sec17 O80a (1874) Bell Tel. Marseilles
Contributed by Carol Ryan-Spenader, Eileen Charles-Bower, and Sandi Ryan-Kuda.
Lee | DeKalb | Kane |
Bureau | Kendall | |
Putnam | Grundy | |
Marshall | Woodford | Livingston |